
Terms containing cutting down | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
dentist.Brushing the teeth properly, cutting down the sweet food, receiving regular dental check-ups and application of fluoride and fissure sealing are all important to the prevention of tooth decay正确的刷牙,减少甜食的摄入,规律的口腔检査和窝沟封闭对预防龋病都是非常重要的
tech.crime of illegally cutting down and denuding forest or other woodlands盗伐、滥伐林木罪
tech.cutting down磨光
tech.cutting down减少
tech.cutting down扩大井筒
tech.cutting down打光
tech.cutting down弱切削加工
tech.cutting down表面平整加工
tech.cutting down缩短
agric.cutting down采伐
plast.cutting down割料
agric.cutting down伐倒
tech.cutting down磨掉
tech.cutting down缩分
busin.cutting down business expense减少业务费用
tech.cutting down capital construction scale压缩基建规模
busin.cutting down cost降低成本
textilecutting down costs降低成本
busin.cutting down expenditure and increasing income节支增收
tech.cutting down expenditures and increasing income节支增收
textilecutting down expenses压缩费用
textilecutting down expenses减少费用
busin.cutting down management expense压缩管理费用
busin.cutting down marketing cost降低行销成本
tech.cutting down of tunnel bed隧道落底
textilecutting down operating expenses压缩经营费用
busin.cutting down operating scale压缩经营规模
busin.cutting down production scale压缩生产规模
busin.cutting down the number employed精简雇员
tech.cutting-down of bed落底
dril.cuttings hold-down effect钻屑压持效应
dril.cuttings hold-down phenomenon钻【岩】屑压持现象
tech.cuttings sliding down speed岩屑下滑速度
desert.down cutting垂直侵蚀
desert.down cutting向下侵蚀
desert.down cutting下切
auto.down cutting milling向下同向铣切
auto.down cutting milling顺铣
el.mach.down cutting tool铡刀
earth.sc.down-cutting erosion下切侵蚀
eng.geol.down-cutting stream下切河流
el.mach.down-cutting tool插刀
econ.We tried to talk them into cutting down the price but they did not budge a step我们设法劝说他们减价,但他们一点儿也不让步