
Terms for subject Rail transport containing cutting | all forms | exact matches only
automatic cutting自动切割
backfilling for open-cutting明挖回填
berm in cutting路堑平台
brush cutting machine灌木切割机
carbon arc cutting碳弧气刨
combined blowpipe for cutting and welding焊割两用炬
cutting caisson foundation挖井基础
cutting counter切菜桌
cutting edge of shaft井筒刃脚
deep cutting深路堑
laser-cutting machine激光切割机
mechanical pre-cutting method机械预切槽法
metal powder cutting氧熔剂切割
NC cutting数控切割
oxy-fuel gas cutting torch割炬
partial cutting machine单臂掘进机
platform of cutting路堑平台
rock cutting blasting路堑石方爆破
screw cutting die板牙
slope cutting刷坡
sound barrier of cutting路堑声屏障
steel cutting edge钢刃角
top of cutting堑顶
under cutting of track落道
weed cutting machine除草机