
Terms for subject Space containing curves | all forms
abrupt curve陡曲线
amplitude-frequency curve振幅一频率特性曲线
amplitude-versus-frequency curve幅-频特性曲线
amplitude-versus-frequency curve振幅一频率特性曲线
arrangement of curve曲线配赋
astroid-shaped curve星形曲线
attack curve攻击曲线
attenuation curve衰减曲线
automatic curve follower自动曲线复制装置
ballistic curve弹道曲线
ballistic limit curve弹道极限曲线
bathtub curve浴盆曲线 (元器件失效率与时间的典型关系曲线)
best performance curve最佳性能曲线
calibrated curve定标曲线
calibrated curve校准曲线
chamber pressure versus duration curve燃烧室压力时间曲线
circular curve location圆曲线测设
combustion curve燃烧曲线
computer-aided curve-fit and analysis计算机辅助曲线拟合与分析
correction curve校正[修正]曲线
curing curve固化曲线
current curve电流曲线
curve approximation曲线拟合
curve factor曲线因子
curve family曲线族
curve fit曲线拟合
curve follower曲线复制器
curve gain regulation曲调
curve milling machine弧铣床
curve of accidental errors偶然误差曲线
curve of constant bearing等方位曲线
curve of deflection挠度曲线
curve of deviation偏差[偏移]曲线
curve of distortion畸变曲线
curve of dynamical stability动稳性曲线
curve of equal bearing等方位曲线
curve of equal bearings等方位曲线
curve of growth生长曲线
curve of kill probability毁伤概率曲线
curve of regression回归线
curve of regression回归曲线
curve of static stability静稳性曲线
curve of trajectory弹道曲线
curve-of-pursuit guidance沿追击曲线制导
curve-of-pursuit homing沿追击曲线自导引
curve-of-pursuit interception沿追击曲线截击
curve-of-pursuit tactics沿追击曲线截击战术
curve scan曲线扫描
cycloidal curve旋轮类曲线
dark characteristic curve暗特性曲线 (太阳电池在无光照条件下的伏-安特性曲线)
decay curve衰变曲线
depletion curves损耗曲线
derating curve降额曲线
deviation curve偏差曲线
discharge characteristic curve放电特性曲线
down curve下降曲线
dynamic modulus-strain curve动态模量-应变曲线
elliptic curve椭圆曲线
envelope curve包迹
envelope curve包络线
enveloping curve包络曲线
equiprobability curve等概率曲线
evolve-hydrogen polarization curve析氢极化曲线
failure rate characteristics curve故障特性曲线
fairing of curves曲线光顺
fairness of curves曲线的流线性
fairness of curves曲线光顺性
fatigue curve疲劳曲线
flux curve通量曲线
frequency domain curve fitting频域曲线拟合
Gauss bell-shaped curve高斯钟形曲线
Gaussian-error curve高斯误差曲线
gust curve阵风曲线
heating-rate curve加热速率曲线
height/velocity curve高度/速度曲线
helical curve螺旋曲线
how goes it curve航程控制图表
howgozit curve航程控制图表
inertial curve惯性曲线
inverse curve反 〔逆〕曲线
inverse curve反曲线
inverse feedback curve倒反馈曲线
involute curve渐开线曲线
isopreference curves等优曲线
isothermal curve等温线
learning curve学习曲线 (随着人员熟练程度提高使产品生产费用下降或工作时间减少的曲线)
least squares curve fit最小二乘曲线拟合
life characteristic curve寿命特性曲线
lift curve slope升力线斜率
load-deflection curve载荷偏转曲线
load-deformation curve载荷形变曲线
load-strain curve载荷-应变曲线
log curve对数曲线
loxodrome curve斜驶曲线
loxodrome curve斜航曲线
master curve主曲线
matching curve guidance配合曲线制导 (三点法制导)
multi-curve fits多曲线拟合
neutral performance curve中性性能曲线 (固体火箭发动机推力不变时的)
normal magnetization curve基本磁化曲线
numeric calibration curve file数值校准曲线文件
operating characteristic curve运算特征曲线
orbital curve轨道曲线
overhead pursuit curve上方攻击跟踪曲线
oxygen dissociation curve氧离解曲线 (血液中的氧张力与饱和度之间的关系曲线)
Paschen curves帕邢曲线
performance technical curves技术性能曲线
photopic response curve可见光感应曲线
pitch curve齿轮节线
pitch curve啮合曲线
pitch curve节锥曲线 (伞形齿轮接触面上的交点线)
pitch curves节锥曲线 (伞形齿轮接触面上的交点线)
pitch curves齿轮节线
pitch curves啮合曲线
pitch curves分度曲线
pitot curve皮托曲线
pitot curve总压曲线
plane curve location平面曲线定位
polar-wander curve极移曲线
polynomial curve-fit多项式曲线拟合
precomputed curve预计曲线
pressure-time curve压力-时间曲线
pressure-time curve压强-时间曲线
progressive performance curve累进特性曲线 (固体火箭发动机推力增加时的)
pursuit curve attack跟[追]踪曲线攻击
pursuit-curve interception跟[追]踪曲线截击
reflectance curve反射曲线
reflectance-turbidity curve反射比-混浊度曲线
regressive performance curve累退性能曲线 (固体火箭发动机推力下降时的)
reliability-cost curve可靠性与费用关系曲线
resistance-speed curve阻力速度关系曲线
resonance curve谐振曲线
response curve响应曲线
rotation curve自转曲线
roughness-removal rate curve粗糙度-加工速度曲线
sensitometric characteristic curve感光特性曲线
sigmoid curve"S"形曲线
slope of lift curve升力线斜率
space curve空间曲线
spectral curve频谱[光谱]曲线
spectral response curve频谱[光谱]响应曲线
spectral sensitivity curve光谱感光度曲线
spectrum response curve频谱响应曲线
standardized curve校准曲线
standardized curve标准曲线
static characteristic curve静态特性曲线
stress-deformation curve应力形变曲线
stress-elongation curve应力伸长曲线
stress-strain curve应力应变曲线
thermolysis curve热解曲线
thermomagnetic curve热磁曲线
thermo-mechanical curve热力学曲线
thrust time curve推力时间曲线
time-distance curve时距曲线
torque-torsional angle curve扭矩扭角曲线
transient process characteristic curve暂态特性曲线
tuning characteristic curve调谐特性曲线
V-I characteristic curve of cell电池伏安特性曲线
V-I characteristic curve of solar cell太阳能电池伏安特性曲线
V-I characteristic curve of solar cell太阳电池伏安特性曲线
weighted curve加权曲线