
Terms for subject Nautical containing curve | all forms | exact matches only
avoidance curve回避曲线
Bonjean's curves邦戎曲线
camber curve梁拱线
capacity curve容积曲线
catch curve捕捞曲线
characteristic curves of screw propeller螺旋桨特曲线
condenser characteristic curve冷凝器特性曲线
cross curves of stability稳性十字曲线
cross curves of stability形状稳性臂曲线
curve of areas of water-planes水线面面积曲线
curve of block coefficients方形系数曲线
curve of declining angles减摇曲线
curve of extinction阻尼〔衰减,消摆〕曲线
curve of extinction衰减曲线
curve of floatation浮心曲线
curve of limiting positions of center of gravity极限重心垂向坐标曲线
curve of loads负载特性曲线
curve of longitudinal centers of buoyancy浮心纵向坐标曲线
curve of longitudinal centers of floatation漂心纵向坐标曲线
curve of mid-ship section coefficients中剖面系数曲线
curve of molded volumes型排水体积曲线
curve of moment to change trim one centimeter每厘米纵倾力矩曲线
curve of prismatic coefficients棱形系数曲线
curve of sectional areas横剖面面积曲线
curve of tons per centimeter of immersion每厘米吃水吨数曲线
curve of vertical centers of buoyancy浮心垂向坐标曲线
curve of vertical positions of transverse metacenter横稳心垂向坐标曲线
curve of volumes of total displacements总排水体积曲线
curve of water-plane coefficients水线面系数曲线
curves of hopper capacity泥舱容量曲线
curves of sectional area and their static moment横剖面面积及其净矩曲线
displacement and other curves静水力曲线
down-flooding angle curves进水角曲线
dynamical stability curves动稳性曲线
equal loudness curve等噪度曲线
equal loudness curve等响曲线
escapement curve逃逸曲线
exhaust curve排气线示功图
expansion curve示功图膨胀曲线
floodable length curve可浸长度曲线
F-N curveF-N 曲线
form stability level cross-curves形状稳性力臂曲线
friction correction curves for screw dynamometer测力仪摩擦修正曲线
hollow of wave making resistance curve波阻谷点
hump of wave making resistance curve波阻峰值
hydrostatic curves静水力曲线
launching curves下水曲线
light distribution curve配光曲线
load curve载荷曲线
magnetic curve磁化〔磁测,磁异常〕曲线
preferred noise criteria curves较佳噪声标准曲线
propeller performance curve螺旋桨性能曲线
resonance curve共振曲线谐振曲线
sectional area curve横剖面面积曲线
shearing force curve剪力曲线
stability curves稳性曲线
standard time-temperature curve标准时间-温度曲线
statical stability curve静稳性曲线
Vlasov's curves符拉索夫曲线