
Terms for subject Economy containing curve | all forms | exact matches only
a bell-shaped curve钟形曲线
a bell-shaped symmetrical curve钟形对称曲线
a bimodal curve两称曲线
a bimodal curve两种曲线
a bimodal curve双峰曲线
a binominal curve二项式曲线
a frequency curve chart次数分配曲线图
a frequency curve chart频率曲线图
a guide curve导向曲线
a normal curve正常曲线
a normal curve标准曲线
a normal curve常态曲线
a null curve零曲线
a percentile curve百分曲线
a percentile curve百分分布曲线
a reaction curve反作用曲线
a smooth curve平滑曲线
a stub-survivor curve残段生存曲线
a U-shaped curveU形曲线
a zone curve区域曲线
a zone curve距银曲线
an ascending curve上升曲线
an endowed supply curve赋有供给曲线
an L-shaped curveL形曲线
average cost curve平均成本曲线
average sample-number curve平均样本数曲线
backward bending supply curve向后弯曲的供给曲线
backward bending supply curve向后弯曲供应曲线
band curve chart带形曲线图
branch curve支线
broken curve未修匀的曲线
close curve闭曲线
community indifference curve社会无异曲线
compensated demand curve具补偿需要的曲线
compensated demand curve受补偿需要曲线
compensation curve补偿曲线
complex curve复合曲线
composite curve chart复合曲线图
consumption indifference curve消费无异曲线
continuous distribution curve连续分配曲线
contract curve合约线
convexity of indifference curves凸性
convexity of indifference curves无差别曲线的
cumulative curve chart累积曲线图
curve graph曲线图
curve in space空间曲线
demand and supply curve framework供需求曲线结构
diagram of curve曲线图
diameter curve径曲线
discount .curve贴现曲线
effects of a specific commodity tax with backward bending supply curve后弯供给曲线之从量税效果
effects of a specific commodity tax with vertical supply curve垂直的供给曲线之从量税效果
endowed-supply curve供给曲线
Engel curve恩格尔曲线
envelope cost curve包迹成本曲线
envelope curves包迹曲线
equal cost contour curve等成本曲线
equal product curve等产量曲线
equation of normal curve of error误差常态曲线方程式
equidistant curve等距曲线
equitability gain curve相等效用利得曲线
fitting of curve曲线配合
forward falling long run supply curve逐渐下降的长期供货曲线
frequency curve次数频数曲线
graduation of curve曲线修匀
growth curve成长曲线型
growth-curve approach成长曲线法
horizontal long-run supply curve水平的长期供给曲线
income consumption curve所得消费曲线
indifference curve approach无差别曲线着手法
indifference curve approach to explanation of consumer demand消费者需求的无差别曲线解释法
indifference curve approach to explanation of consumers demand消费者需求的无差别曲线解释法
individual demand curve个别的需求曲线
individual demand curve个人需求曲线
isocost curve等成本线
isocost curve等值曲线
isofrequency curve相等频率曲线
isoprofit curves同等利润曲线
iso-quanta curve等量曲线
J-shaped curve丁形曲线
kinked demand curve突点需求曲线
"kinked" demand curve"曲折"需求曲线
kinked demand curve屈折需求曲线
"kinked" demand curve"突点"需求曲线
"kinked" demand curve solution"曲折"需要曲线解
kinky demand curve曲折需求曲线
kinky demand curve突点需求曲线
kurtosis of frequency curve频率曲线的峰态
Laffer Curve拉弗曲线 (美国供应学派经济学家拉弗所假设的一条曲线, 说明税收随着税率的提高而增加;但税率的提高超过某一点,人们的工作热忱就会减低,投资和储蓄随之放缓,因而税收反而会减少)
Laffer Curve拉弗曲线美供应学派经济学家拉弗所假设的曲线,税收随税率提高而增加;当税率提高至某一点,人们的工作热忱就会降低,投资和储蓄随之放慢,税收反而减少。
lagging curve拖后曲线
lagging curve落后曲线
learning curve"学习曲线",渐近曲线
learning curve改进曲线
learning curve达产曲线
life characteristic curve寿命性曲线
line curve曲线
long period productive curve长期生产曲线
long-run cost curve长期成本曲线
long-run supply curves of the industry产业的长期供给曲线
Lorenz Curve劳伦兹曲线 (用于表明收入分配情况)
L-shaped curveL 形曲线
management development curve企业管理人员培养过程
marginal cost curve边际成本曲线
marginal net revenue curve边际纯收入曲线
marginal revenue curve边际收入曲线
marginal-efficiency-of-capital curve资本边际效率曲线
market supply curve市场供给曲线
Marshallian curve马歇尔曲线
minus skewed histogram curve负偏态直方曲线
mortality curve寿命曲线
net benefit curve净收益曲线
normal cost curve正常费用曲线
normal demand curve正常需求曲线
normal distribution curve正常分配率
normal probability curve常态机率曲线
offer curve提洪曲线
operating characteristic curve检査特征曲线
operating characteristic curve营运特征曲线
operating characteristic curveOC 曲线
optimum portfolio curve最佳财产分派曲线
outlay curve支出曲线
overlapping of frequency curve频数曲线之重叠
Pareto curve巴列图曲线
percentile curve分布曲线
percentile curve百分曲线
period and short run cost curves时间与短期成本曲线
philips curve菲利普斯曲线
Phillip's curve菲利浦曲线
Phillip's curve菲利普斯曲线
price consumption curve价格消费曲线
price curve价格曲线
production indifference curve生产无异曲线
production transformation curves生产转变曲线
purchase curve购买曲线
rate-of-change curve chart变率曲线图
relation of schedule of consumer demands to indifference curves消费者需求表列与无差别曲线的关系
relative worth curve相对值曲线
retirement curve报废退休曲线
sales curve销售曲线
sales curve销货曲线
saving curve储蓄曲线
shift in demand curve需求曲线的移动
short period supply curve短期供给曲线
short run cost curves短期成本曲线
short-run cost curve短期成本曲线
short-run cost curve短期费用曲线
simple curve chart单式曲线图
smoothed curve chart修匀曲线图
speed-distance curve速度-距离曲线
staircase curve阶形曲线
supply curve供给曲线
survivor-life curve寿命曲线
sustainable revenue curve均衡收入曲线
tangency of average revenue average cost curves平均收入与平均成本的相切
technical transformation curve技术改造曲线
technical transformation curve技术转移曲线
term to maturity curve期限曲线
the acceleration in curves曲线的加速率
the best fitting curve最佳配合曲线
the characteristics of indifference curves无异曲线的特性
the fitting of curves曲线装配
the fitting of curves曲线拟合
the graduation of curve曲线修匀
The graph shows a downward curve这张图表显示出下行曲线
the kinked demand curve折找性需求曲线
the production possibility curve生产可能往曲线
the total regression curve总回归线
total demand curve总需求曲线
total revenue curve总收人曲线
total supply curve总供给曲线
transformation curve economics变换曲线经济学
transformed curve变换曲线
uprising long run supply curve逐渐上升的长期供给曲线
utility curve利用价值曲线
want curve欲望曲线