
Terms for subject Oil / petroleum containing cumulative | all forms | exact matches only
co-cumulative spectra共积谱
cumulative balances累计余额
cumulative chart累计图表
cumulative credit累加信用证
cumulative credit累计信贷
cumulative curve累计曲线
cumulative departure累计偏差
cumulative difference statistics累积差额统计
cumulative distribution curve累计分布曲线
cumulative dose总剂量
cumulative dose累计剂量
cumulative double bond累计双键
cumulative effect累计效应
cumulative error总误差
cumulative fatigue累计疲劳
cumulative fatigue damage积累疲劳损伤
cumulative fatigue damage ratio累计疲劳损伤比
cumulative frequency累计频率
cumulative-frequency curve累计频率曲线
cumulative gas evolved累计脱出气量
cumulative gas influx累计气体流入量
cumulative gas injection volume累计注气量
cumulative gas-oil ratio累计气油比
cumulative GOR累计气油比
cumulative grainsize curve粒度累计曲线
cumulative grain-size distribution curve累计粒度分布曲线
cumulative gravity effect累计重力效应
cumulative hydrocarbon production累计油气产量
cumulative injection累计注入量
cumulative liquid production累计产液量
cumulative log diagram累计对数曲线图
cumulative percent by weight累计重量百分比
cumulative percentage累计百分数
cumulative plot总体曲线图
cumulative porosity percentage累计孔隙度百分数
cumulative potential累计电位
cumulative probability累计概率
cumulative probability distribution累计概率分布
cumulative probability of detection累计检测概率
cumulative production-time relationship累计产量一时间关系
cumulative profile累计剖面
cumulative property curve累计特性曲线
cumulative pump stroke渐增泵冲程
cumulative sand production累计出砂量
cumulative screen analysis累计筛分分析
cumulative sieve analysis累计筛分分析
cumulative stock tank oil recovery累计存罐釆油量
cumulative throughflow累计流过量
cumulative time shift累计时间漂移
cumulative voidage累计亏空
cumulative voidage replacement ratio累计注釆比
cumulative volume总体积
cumulative water encroachment累计水侵
cumulative withdrawal累计产量
gross cumulative production总累计产量
observed cumulative production实测累计产量
pressure-cumulative production curve压力-累计产量曲线
probability cumulative curve概率累计曲线
rate-cumulative curve产量一累计产量关系曲线
ratio of cumulative air to water injected累计空气一水比