
Terms containing crude steel | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
met.annual crude steel capacity原钢年生产能力
met.annual crude steel capacity粗钢年生产能力
met.annual crude steel output原钢年产量
met.annual crude steel output粗钢年产量
met.annual crude steel production原钢年产量
met.annual crude steel production粗钢年产量
met.anticipated annual crude steel production预计粗钢年产量
met.crude steel粗钢
steel.crude steel粗钢指统计产量的钢
met.crude steel原钢
tech.crude steel未清理钢
met.crude steel output粗钢产量 (In 1992, crude steel output at the steelworks was 8.7 million tonnes, of which 34.5 percent was from the basic oxygen converter, 15.4 percent from the electric-arc furnace, and 50.1 percent from the open hearth. 1992 年该钢厂粗钢产量为 870万 t, 其中的34.5%由碱性氧气转炉冶炼,15.4%由电弧炉冶炼,50.1%由平炉冶炼。)
met.crude steel production粗钢生产 (March 1998 crude steel production of 1. 45 Mt was 7. 8% higher than last year's third-month output. 1998 年 3 月的粗钢产量为 145 万 t, 比上一年3月的粗钢产量提高 7. 8%。)
met.crude steel production粗钢产量
met.crude steel production by world countries and regions世界各国或地区粗钢产量。
met.crude steel production in China中国粗钢产量
met.crude steel production in Europe欧洲粗钢产量
met.crude steel production of minimill小钢厂粗钢产量
met.daily crude steel output粗钢日产量
met.estimated crude steel production估计钢产量
met.European crude steel production欧洲粗钢产量
met.finished steels to crude steel ratio材钢比 (【技】 通常指一个年度内钢材产量与钢产量的比值。它反映了一个国家钢铁工业生产技术水平、金属有效利用程度和经济效果。)
met.foreign and domestic crude steel production statistics国内外粗钢产量统计
met.global crude steel production全球粗钢产量 (Global crude steel production totaled 116.6 million tonnes in February 2011, up 8. 8% from 107 million tonnes in February 2010. 2011年2月全球粗钢产量为1. 166亿 t, 比 2010 年 2 月 1.07 亿 t 提高 8. 8%。)
met.monthly crude steel output粗钢月产量
met.per capita crude steel consumption粗钢人均消费量
met.per capita crude steel production粗钢人均产量
met.percentage of crude steel continuously cast连铸比 (【技】连铸坯产量在粗钢总产量中所占的比例。它反映了一个国家或钢铁企业连铸工艺的推广状况,同时也在一定程度上反映了该国或该企业连铸技术发展的水平。连铸比用百分数表示,当连铸比达到了百分之百,即实现了全连铸。)
met.producer of crude steel粗钢生产厂
met.producer of crude steel粗钢生产国
met.production of crude steel粗钢产量 (This region has about 376 million inhabitants; in 2009 the production of crude steel amounted to 155 million tonnes. 该地区人口约为 3.76 亿,1999 年粗钢产量为 1.55 亿 t。)
met.production of crude steel in Western Europe西欧粗钢产量
tech.ratio of refractory to crude steel耐钢比
met.total crude steel production粗钢总产量 (Total crude steel production reported by 67 steel producing nations to the International Iron and Steel Institute (IISI) through Nov. 1996 was 61.3 million tones, 2. 1% higher than 1995's November output level. 67 个产钢国向国际钢铁协会报告的1996年11月的粗钢总产量为6130万 t, 比1995年11月的粗钢总产量提高 2.1%。)