
Terms for subject Technology containing crop | all forms | exact matches only
acreage under crop播种面积 (英亩)
agricultural crop农作物
alimentary crop粮食作物
alimentary crop食用作物
all crop drill通用条播机
alternate crop填闲作物
alternation of agricultural and forest crops农林间作
alternation of agricultural and forest crops林粮间作
American Institute of Crop Ecology美国农作物生态学研究所
amount of secondary crop of gas二次生气量
annual crop年收获量
aquatic crops水生作物
area under crops种植面积
autumn crops秋季作物
autumn crops秋庄稼
barely enough moisture to produce crops水分不足以生长作物
bed crop-rotation温床轮作
bloom crop end方坯切头
catch crop农闲作用
cereal crops粮食作物
cereal crops禾谷类作物
change the order of crops变化轮作次序
chief crop主要作物
commodity crop商品作物
common equipment of crop drying设备
compact crop密植
companion crop混作作物
companion crop伴生作物
companion crop间作作物
conditioning of hay crop干草预压
consumptive use of crop田间耗水量
consumptive use of crop作物耗水量
cool season crops冷季作物
coppice with field crops system矮林混林作物
cover crop遮盖作物
crop and cobble flying shears端头废料飞剪
crop and cobble shears端头废料剪切机
crop basal area林作底面积
crop coal露头煤
crop cut突然发生
crop cutter铡草机
crop damage作物伤害
crop density林作密度
crop disposal bin废料收集坑
crop dusting农药喷射器
crop elevator谷物升运器
crop end去尾
crop end pusher切料头推出机
crop failure作物损坏
crop fair and refit部分取下修复后再装上
crop growing period作物生长期
crop growth rate作物生长率单位面积上物质增长率
crop handling清理切边
crop height林作高
crop insurance收成保险
crop insurance scheme收成保险计划
crop loss农作物损失
crop loss compensation青苗补偿
crop loss compensation农田青苗补偿
crop map农作物图
crop micrometeorology作物微气象学
crop out出现
crop out出露地表
crop out露出
crop ped location耕作区
crop plant作物
crop planting machine农作物种植机
crop-processing equipment谷物加工设备
crop prospect收成估计
crop protection植物保护
crop protection庄稼保护
crop rate出栏率
crop residue作物残体
crop residue收获残余物
crop residue残茬
crop residue management残茬处理
crop rotation轮作制
crop rotation轮种
crop rotation轮作作物
crop share rent收成比例地租
crop shears切料头机
crop shears切线剪
crop shears剪料头机
crop shears剪床
crop smothering草害
crop tree主伐木
crop tree主林木
crop-tree thinning主林木疏伐
crop up突然发生
crop yield农作物产量
crops for rotation茬口
crude-fibre crop麻类作物
damage crops损害庄稼
damage to crops危害作物
damage to crops by drought旱情
decomposed out crop风化分解露头
deep-rooted crop深根作物
dense crop密林
destroy the crop毁掉作物
diverse crops多茬庄稼
double crop rice双季稻
drought-enduring crops耐旱作物
drought-resistant crop抗旱植物
dry-land crop旱地作物
dust crops with an insecticide撒农药
dye crop染料作物
ecologic crop geography生态作物地理学
economic crop经济作物
emergency crop短生长期植物
ensilage crop青储[贮]作物
ensilage crop青饲料作物
fallow crop休闲地作物
fiber crop纤维作物
filter crop过滤作物
forest crop森林作物
garden crop园艺作物
green crop青饲料作物
hay crop牧草
hazard of crops农作物受害
hazard to crops农作物受害
horticultural crop园艺作物
industrial crop工业原料作物
ingot crop end锭截头
interception by crops作物截留 (量)
interplanting of another crop套种
jet crop drier热风喷射式农产品干燥
leaf crop产叶作物
legume crop豆类作物
long day crop长日照作物
long season crop长期作物
low-yielding crop低产作物
main crop林木
main crop主要作物
make inroads on crop侵害农作物
manufacturing crop工业作物
manufacturing crop经济作物
marginal crop rows边行作物
marketable industrial crop有销路的经济作物
melon crop瓜类作物
money crop商品作物
money crop经济作物
multirow-crop rotary cultivator多行作物旋转中耕机
multistrand crop and cobble flying shears多线式端头废料飞剪
non-crop area非耕作区
non-crop land非产粮地
non-crop land非耕地
non-shattering crop不落粒作物
one crop economy单一作物经济
orchard crop果园作物
perennial crop irrigation多年生作物灌溉
poor crop收成不佳
principal crop主林木
proceding crop轮作中的前作物
propane crop drier丙烷加热农产品干燥机
rain-fed crop旱作物
raise crops栽培作物
rotary crop shears滚筒式切头剪
rotary flying crop shears滚筒式切头飞剪
rotation crop轮作作物
rotation of crops轮作
rotation of fodder crops and agricultural crops草田轮作
rotation system of grass and crop草田轮作制
row crop条播作物
row-crop equipment中间作物机具
safe crop period安全施药间隔期
safe crop period安全收割期
second crop第二茬作物
seeding crop实生林
seedlings of cereal crops禾苗
share crop交给地主的租谷
short crop低产量
short-day crop短日照作物
side delivering crop loader侧送式作物装载机
silage crop青饲作物
single crop farming单一经营
single-strand crop and cobble shears单线式端头废料剪切机
small crop drying equipments小件作物干燥设备
sod crop草地作物
special crop特用作物
spice crop香料作物
spray application techniques for crop protection植物保护的喷射技术
standard crop标准作物
stubble crop茬地作物
subordinate crop补播作物
subsidiary crop次要林作
subtropic crop亚热带植物
subtropical crop亚热带植物
succession of crop复种制
temperature range for crop plants对作物的
terrain with high stem crops高苗地
test in getting bumper crops丰产试验
tree-crop cycle三种作物的轮作周期
tropic crop热带作物
truck crop蔬菜
uniform crop同龄林
vegetable crop蔬菜 (作物)
vine crop蔓生植物
warm-season crop暖季作物
wet crop水田作物
winter cover crops冬季覆盖作物
without harming crop seeds不影响作物种子
xerophilous crop喜旱植物
young crops compensating fee青苗补偿费
Young Crops Law青苗法