
Terms for subject Business containing credit | all forms | exact matches only
acceptance letter of credit承兑信用证
accepting house credit承兑行信用证
accrued service charge on development credit开发信贷应计手续费
acquisition of all circulating funds through credits流动资金全额信贷
adjustment credit调节性信贷
advice of total transfer of credit金额转让通知书
advice of transfer of letter of credit信用证转让通知
advised line of credit信用额度已通知
agricultural cooperative credit society农业信用合作社
agricultural credit act农业信贷法
agricultural credit bank农业信贷银行
agricultural credit banks农业信贷银行
agricultural credit project农业信贷项目
agricultural marketing credit农产品营销信贷
agricultural production credit农业生产信贷
allow credit给予信贷
allow credit银行准予贷款
allow temporary credit通融
allow temporary credit融资
amount of the letter of credit信用证金额
anticipatory credit预支信用证
anticipatory letter of credit预兑信用状
application for amendment of credit信用证修改申请书
application for amendment of letter of credit申请修改信用证书
application for credit贷款请求
application for letter of credit申请信用证开证
application for negotiation of draft under letter of credit出口押汇信用证申请书
application for opening letter of credit信用证开发申请书
arrange a credit to开给透支户
automatically renewable credit自动展期贷款
auxiliary credit附属信用证
available credit可利用信贷
average terms of Eurocurrency credit欧洲货币贷款的平均偿还条件
balance between credit receipts and payments信贷收支平衡
balance between income and payment in credit信贷收支平衡
balance between income and payment in credit operation信贷收支平衡
balance of finance, credits and materials财政、信贷、物资三大平衡
balance of letter of credit opened and received信用证开立与收讫的差额
balance of payments credits and debits借贷收付平衡表
balance sheet for credit purpose信用资产负债表
balance to your credit你方受益金额
balance to your credit你方收益金额
balancing total supply and demand of credit funds平衡信贷资金供求总量
banker's irrevocable letter of credit银行不可撤销信用证
banker's reimbursement credit银行偿付信用证
basic credit line基本信贷限额
behavior of credit信用行为
bilateral agreement on tax credit税收抵免互惠协定
bill credit票据信用
bill of credit付款通知单
bill of exchange drawn under a documentary credit跟单信用证汇票
bill with credit附信用证汇票
bill without credit无信用证汇票
blank credit空白信用证即未填金额的信用证
blank letter of credit空额信用证
book credit账面债权
borrow money on credit信用借款
buy M on credit赊购 M
checking credit资信调查
clean credit光票信用证即不附单据,凭票付款
clean payment letter of credit光票付款信用证
compliance credit偿付信用证
corporation tax credit公司税抵免
correspondent credit通汇银行信用证
counter credit对开信用证 (L/C)
counter-purchase credit exchange互购信用交易所
covering credit综合信贷
covering letter of credit信用证
create the credit创立信用
creation of credit信用创造
credit a sum to someone贷记某人账
credit account记账
credit account赊账
credit account赊欠账
credit account card记账卡
credit advice贷记报单
credit against corporation tax公司税抵免
credit against pledge of chattel动产抵押信用
credit against the estate and gift tax遗产与赠与税抵免
credit agency征信所商业信用调查机构
credit agent信贷代理人
credit agent信贷代理商
credit amount贷方金额
credit amount信用证金额
credit amount赊欠金额
credit amount column贷方金额栏
credit analysis信用分折
credit and collection expense信用证及收款费用
credit and fiscal measures信用财政措施
credit and money crisis货币信用危机
credit-and-debit economy借贷经济
credit application信用证申请书
credit-application form信用贷款申请单
credit association信贷协会
credit association信用联合
credit association信用合作社
credit authorization审证
credit availability信贷有效利用率
credit availability theory of inflation信用引起通货膨胀的理论
credit available by negotiation of draft以议付汇票方式使用的信用证
credit balance结欠金额
credit balance贷方结余
credit balance in customers' account应收账款明细账户贷方余额
credit balance in customers' account应收客户账款明细账户贷方余额
credit balance on clients' account客户存款
credit balance on clients' account客户帐户贷方余额
credit based on personal property动产信用
credit based on real property不动产信用
credit business信用交易
credit business赊销
credit call信用卡记账电话
credit card转账卡
credit-card call信用卡电话
credit card purchase销卡购买制
credit card sales信用卡销售
credit card sales draft信用卡销货提款证
credit centre信贷中心
credit certificate信用证书
credit checking信用调查
credit clearing欠账清算
credit clearing信贷交换
credit collection收取信用证款
credit collection收取信贷款
credit contract赊购契约
credit contract信贷合同
credit control instrument信贷调节手段
credit crisis信用危机信用恐慌
credit currency信用通货货币
credit customers赊户
credit-debit voucher收支凭证
credit-debtor organization借贷组织
credit department信贷部
credit department信贷部门
credit document信用单证
credit due for repayment到期应偿付的信贷
credit ease头寸松
credit ease信用松缓
credit entry贷方分录:贷方账户
credit entry in balance of payments国际收支贷方记录
credit expansion信用证展期
credit export出口信贷公司
credit extension信用证展期
credit extension信用证期限延展
credit facility融通便利
credit facility信贷筹码指国际货币基金组织的特别提款权。在国际贸易中,贸易逆差国可通过特别提款权账户,向别国取得贷款抵补,它是能换得信贷的筹码
credit file信用调查档案
credit file信用调查资料档案
credit file信用证档案
credit files division信用调查档案部
credit first信誉第一
credit flow信贷流量
credit foncier〈法〉建筑贷款者
credit for dividend贷记股息
credit for dividend股息的税收抵免
credit for dividend股息信贷
credit for dividends股息税收抵免
credit for export出口贷款
credit for export出口融资
credit for foreign death taxes外国遗产税税收抵免
credit for fractional share贷记零星股
credit for fractional share零散股记入贷方
credit for fractional share零星股信贷
credit for gift taxes赠与税抵免
credit for returned goods退货冲减账款
credit for returned goods退货退款
credit for tax on prior transfer早期资产转移税税收抵免
credit gap信用差距指交易中,买方希望延迟付款,而卖方则盼尽早收取货款,两者间产生的利益差距即信用差距
credit gap信用缺口
credit given贷出率
credit given赊销率
credit granted by supplier供应人信贷
credit granted by supplier供货人信贷
credit granting贷出
credit grantor授信者
credit guarantee system信贷担保制度
credit in business信用往来
credit in kinds实物信贷
credit inflation信角膨胀银行放款大大超过存款
credit information service-征信服务所
credit information service-征信所
credit inquiry征信
credit inquiry商行信用咨询
credit inquiry division征信组
credit instrument信用票据
credit insurance债权保险
credit interchange信贷信息交换
credit interchange network信用数据交换网络
credit interchange system信用数据交换系统
credit interest存款利息
credit items贷方账项
credit limit信用期限
credit line透支额度
credit line信贷限额银行给予工商业者贷款限额及向国外同业行取得的授信限额
credit loan信用放款
credit loan cooperative信用放款合作社
credit losses赊账损失
credit man赊欠经办人
credit management信用部主管
credit manager信贷部主任
credit memo付款通知
credit memo贷记凭单
credit memo for purchase return购货退货通知单
credit memo for sales return销货退回通知单
credit memorandum贷项通知单通知欠款已贷记入账
credit memorandum for sale return销货退回通知单
credit money不兑金银的钞票
credit... months sight见票后…月付款的汇票
credit of favourable condition优惠条件信贷
credit of security of personal property以个人财产作抵押的贷款
credit on an unsecured basis无担保贷款
credit on current account从活期账户贷付
credit on security证券担保贷款
credit on security of personal property以个人财产作抵押的贷款
credit period赊欠期间
credit period信贷期限
credit picture sign贷方图像符号
credit price赊账加格
credit purchase赊购
credit qualifying for bad debts reserve应提存坏账准备的贷款
credit rating信用评价
credit rating贷款分类
credit rating客户信用评估
credit rating客户信用等级分类
credit rating agency征信机构
credit receiver信贷接受人受信人
credit record贷方记录
credit relaxation头寸松
credit relaxation信用松缓
credit report征信报告
credit risk信贷风险贷款不能收回的风险
credit risk management信贷风险管理
credit risk relief信贷风险解除
credit risk status信贷风险评价
credit-sale account赊销账户
credit-sale invoice赊售发票
credit-sale transaction赊销交易
credit sale transaction赊销交易
credit scale信贷规模
credit screening信用调查
credit side付方
credit society信用合作社
credit someone with a sum贷记某人账户一笔金额
credit squeeze信用银根紧缩
credit squeeze measure银根紧缩措施
credit standing商誉
credit standing资信
credit standing信贷信用
credit standing and respectability资信
credit standing and respectability商业信誉和声誉
credit status信用估价
credit status客户信用状况
credit strength信贷能力
credit supervision信用监督
credit support信用保证
credit swap互惠信贷
credit system信用制度赊购,赊销制度
credit system for protecting public hazard预防公共危险的信贷制
credit system service赊账制业务
credit tax抵免税
credit term赊账条件
credit term信用证条件
credit term信贷条件
credit theory信用理论
credit-ticket system赊单制
credit token信物
credit token信用标记
credit tranche信用贷款
credit tranche国际货币基金组织信用贷款亠 (IMF)
credit transfer信用证转让
credit union信贷联盟
credit union存款互济协会
credit user信用证受益人
credit verification信用证核对
credit voucher银行客户取款凭单
credit with T/T reimbursement clause附有电报索汇条件的信用证
credit with T/T reimbursement clause附有电报索汇条款的信用证
credit worthiness and solvency analysis信用可靠性及偿债能力分析
current account credit往来账信贷
customers' credit顾客信贷
customers' credit顾客信用
deal on credit赊账买卖
debit and credit英贷
debit and credit advice收支账目通知单
debit and credit advice借贷方账目通知单
debit and credit convention借贷常规惯例
debit and credit conventions贷借常规
debit and credit rules借贷记账规则
debit-credit double entry借贷复式记账法
debit-credit double entry method借贷复式记账法
debit-credit relationship借贷关系
deferred interest on trade credit同行业放款递延利息
deferred investment tax credit递延投资减税额
deferred payment letter of credit延期付款信用证
deferred sight credit延付即期信用证
deferred sight letter of credit迟付即期信用证
deferred tax credit or debit递延税金贷项或借项
delayed income credit过期收入
direct letter of credit托转信用证指开证行寄给某特定分行,再由该分行转告受证人
direct letter of credit直接信用证
direct tax credit直接税抵免
earmarked credit专用贷款
ease credit放宽信贷
ease credit restrictions放宽信贷限制
ease of credit信贷放宽
ease of credit放宽信贷
easing of credit信贷松动
easing of credit信贷放宽
employer's credit associations雇主举办的职工信用合作社
encashment credit兑现信用证
excess profit credit超额利润点
expand concessionary credit增加优惠信贷
expiration date of letter of credit信用证有效期
expiration date of letter of credit信用证截止日期有效期
export credit a/c出口收入账户
export credit a/c出口信贷账户
export credit guarantee facility出口信贷保证措施
export credit guarantee insurance出口信用担保保险
export credit insurer出口信贷保险人
export credit on deferred payment延期付款出口信用证
export credit system出口信贷计划制度
extend credit balance结出贷方余额
extend the credit balance结算出贷方余额
extend the letter of credit信用证展期
falling credit下降的信用
falling credit信用低落
forward credit远期信用证
forward letter of credit远期信用证
free credit无条件信用即无抵押品的信贷
general credit总信贷
general credit自由信用证出口商可自由选择银行押汇
general credit一般信甩证
general credit control一般信用管制
get credit for goods赊购货物
government credit政府信贷
government guarantee of export credit政府出口信贷保证
grantor of credit授予信贷者
grantor of credit提供信贷者
green clause letter of credit绿色款信用证
high credit高档信贷
high credit trance高档信贷部分贷款
housing credit住宅信用贷款
IMF credit国际货币基金组织信贷
immediate and deferred credit即时与递延贷款
immediate credit即期信贷
indicator for total credit总贷款额指标
indus trial import programmes credit工业进口规划信贷
instant revolving credit自动循环信用证
instant revolving letter of credit自动循环信用证
institutional credit金融等机构贷款
instrument of credit control信用调节手段
insurance credit保险信用
insurance of credit guarantee信用保证保险
intercompany credit公司间信贷
intercorporate dividend credit联营公司内部红利收入抵免
interdealer's credit商人间的信用
intermediate credit bank中间信贷银行
international negotiation credit国际议付信用证
inventory adjustment credit存货调整盈余
inventory credit库存贷款
inventory credit存货信贷
investment tax credit rules投资税抵免规定
inward documentary credit进口押汇
issue of letter of credit开立信用证
laborer's credit corporation劳动金库
land mortgage credit地产抵押信贷
limit of credit贷款限额
limit of credit信贷信用限额
loan credit信用贷款
loan on real credit实物信用放款
loan secured by credit信用担保贷款
local currency credit本国货币信用证
local letter of credit当地本埠信用证
lose credit失去信用
make credit inquiry资信调查
management of credit plans信贷计划管理
manufacture of credit信用制造
manufacturer's credit厂商信用
manufacturing credit生产信贷
manufacturing credit制造信贷指制造业的短期借款
master letter of credit主信用证
matching credit税收抵免
merchandise credit slip商品退货凭单
monetary and credit control货币信用管理
mortgage of credit贷款抵押
multiple credit expansion多重信用膨胀
multiple expansion of credit银行信用多倍扩张
national export credit system国家出口信用制度
negotiable credit可转让信用证
negotiable credit可流通信用证
negotiable credit instrument流通证券
negotiable credit instrument可转让的信用票据证券
negotiation credit议付信用证即凭以向当地银行收货款的信用证
negotiation under letter of credit信用证议付
negotiation under letter of credit信用证的议付
New York acceptance credit纽约承兑信用证
no credit概不赊账
no credit不赊欠现款交易
nominal forward letter of credit假远期信用证
nonproject credit非项目贷款
nontransferable credit不可转让信用证
normal credit普通贷款
official short-term credit公认短期信用
on credit赊账买卖
open a credit开出信用证
open a credit account开预存账户
open a letter of credit开信用证
open book account credit往来赊欠账户
open credit无担保信贷
open credit开放信用证
open letter of credit无特殊条件信用证
open market credit公开市场信用即公开市场的短期融资
original credit原有信贷
original letter of credit信用证正本原本
other long-term credit其他长期信贷
outstanding balance of consumer credit消费者信贷未结清余额
outstanding guarantee credit未偿担保贷款
outward documentary credit出口跟单信用证
packing credit打包信用证指出口商接到信用证后,凭此向银行预借一定额现金用于货物打包装运,借款本息在押汇时扣还
paid credit已付贷款
paid credit已付清贷款
payroll credit工资转账
payroll credit代发工资
period of credit信用证有效期
period of the credit信贷期限
period of the credit支付期限
periodic credit L/C周期信用证一般以一月为一周期
personal credit私人信用
personal loan credit个人贷款信用
petitionary credit出具请求书的债权人
plastic credit卡片赊账法
prime credit主信用证作为开背对背信用证的依据
prime letter of credit主信用证
private credit私人信贷
productive credit生产信贷
public credit国家信贷
public investment credit公共投资信贷
publicized Eurocurrency credit已公布的欧洲货币市场贷款
pursuit of tight private sector credit policy推行紧缩私营部门信贷政策
qualitative credit restriction贷款质量限制
quantitative credit control贷款数量控制
quantitative credit restriction贷款数额限制
ready money business, no credit given现金交易、概不赊欠
refinancing of export credit papers把出口信贷票据贴现
refinancing of export credit papers用出口信贷票据贴现筹资
residential energy credits住宅能源税收抵免
restricted credit限制信用证指开证银行指定在出口地的总分支银行为押汇银行, 或指定认为可靠的银行为押汇银行的信用证
restricted credit限制议付银行信用证
revocability of credit信用证的撤销
revolving credit循环信用证即信用证金额支取后,可恢复原额反复使用
revolving credit agreement周转信贷合同
revolving credit loans周转信用贷款
revolving line of credit周转信贷限额
revolving line of credits周转信贷额度
secured credit抵押信用
selling on credit赊售
social credit movement社会信贷运动即提高群众购买力运动
standing credit长期信贷
standing credit远期信用证
standing credit长期定额信用证
supplemental credit补充贷款
supplemental financing to previous credit以前信贷补充资金
supplier's credit供应商信贷
supplier's credit供方信贷
supplier's credit debt供应方信贷债务
supplier's credit debt供方信贷债务
swing credit互许贸易差额指预先规定两国支付差额限度
swing credit悬欠信贷
syndicate credit银行团信贷
syndication of export credit出口信贷银团
tax credit从股东股利中扣除税款
tax credit税款抵免
tax credit税收减免
tax credit scheme税收抵免方案
technical cooperation credit技术合作信贷
temporary credit临时贷款
term letter of credit远期信用证
term of credit信用证有效期
tightening of credit信用紧缩
trade credit商业信贷信用指赊购商品
traders' credit贸易商贷项
transfer and assignment of credit信用证过户与转让
transferable and divisible credit可转让可分割信用证
transferable and divisible letter of credit可转让可分割信用证指信用证受益人可把根据信用证开出汇票收款权利全部或部分转让给一个或几个第三者的信用证
traveller's circular credit旅行信用证
traveller's letter of credit旅行信用证
tying credit连锁基金信用证
tying fund letter of credit连锁基金信用证
unassignable letter of credit不可过户转让的信用证
unclaused credit不附条款的信用证
unconfirmed credit非保兑信用证指无银行保证付款
unconfirmed irrevocable letter of credit非保兑不可撤销信用证
unconfirmed letter of credit未确认信用证
universal credit card contract form—式多份信用卡合同格式
universal credit company通用信用公司
unrestricted credit不限让购银行信用证指受益人可选择自己的往来银行押汇,不受指定让购银行限制的信用证
upper credit tranche standby arrangement高档信贷备用安排
urban credit cooperations城市信用社
urban credit corporative城市信用合作社
usance payment letter of credit限期支付的信用证
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