
Terms for subject Business containing covered | all forms | exact matches only
absolute cover绝对保证金
absolute cover绝对保值
absolute cover纯保险额
additional cover追加担保额
additional cover追加保险金
appropriation from treasury to cover planned deficit由国库预算弥补亏损
asset cover资产保证
asset cover资产担保
automatic termination of cover自动销保
automatic termination of cover自动终止保险如发生战争等情况
automatic termination of cover clause自动销保条款
back cover后盖板
back cover后盖
bag cover dirty袋皮有脏渍
bag cover dirty袋装有污损
bag cover wet袋皮有水渍
bale cover dirty包装外皮脏污
be covered by us由我方承担
be covered by us由我方负担
broad grant of cover广泛的承保范围
broad grant of cover minus exception列明除外责任的广泛承保范围
broker's cover note保险经纪人暂报单
broker's cover note保险经纪人开具的暂保单
catastrophe cover巨灾保险
class cover第一类保险
class 1 cover一类保险
commencement and termination of cover保险责任起讫
comprehensive cover综合险
convex cover凸覆盖
cost escalation cover物价暴涨负担支付
cover charge服务费或娱乐费
cover crop农作物间作
cover deficit by state subsidies补贴
cover depreciation包括折旧
cover dividend储备股息
cover for line of credit承保信贷限额
cover for re-export and external transaction再出口与对外交易保险
cover in order, contents melted包皮完好,内货溶化
cover insurance保险
cover into the treasury解交国库
cover liability claim against the assured承保对被保险人提出的责任索赔
cover note保险证明书保险人临时签发的保险凭证,具有保单同样效力
cover note issued by broker保险经纪人签发的暂保单
cover note issued by company公司签发的暂保单
cover notes issued by insurance brokers保险经纪人签发的暂保单
cover notes issued by insurance companies保险公司签发的暂保单
cover of a set of dependency相关集覆盖
cover one's own expense补偿消费支岀
cover operation投机抢购活动
cover short补进空头股数
cover short补进卖空的股数
cover short sales补进卖空的股数
cover subject to a franchise规定免赔率的承保
cover the deficit弥补赤字
cover the difference by补贴
cover the position轧平头寸
cover torn包装外皮裂开
cover torn包皮破损
cover with gold leaf包金
covered arbitrage已补进的套汇
covered bear补进的空头
covered dollars已抵补美元
covered interest已抵补利息
covered interest已抵补的利息
covered interest arbitrage轧平套利交易
covered interest differential轧平利率差异
covered margin抵补差价
covered money国库存款
covered option有证券担保的优先购买权
covered reserve提存基金准备
covered shed有盖货棚
covered warrants bond双重担保债券
damage covered by insurance由保险负责的损失
distance covered全程距离
dividend cover股息比率
double cotton covered双纱包线
double silk covered双丝包线
enamel double silk covered双丝漆包
enough money to cover cost够本
excess of loss cover超额损失再保险分保
exchange cover外汇弥补指外汇银行为避免汇率变动风险,便与其它外汇银行进行同业间外汇头寸的抛出或补进,以保持每日外汇买卖平衡,简称外汇弥补
exhaustive list of the goods covered by a heading of group of headings以列举详尽清单说明
export-import cover ratio进出口比率又称出口抵偿率
extended cover扩大责任指保险责任
extended cover clause延长责任条款
fund to cover future claim赔偿基金
gold cover黄金淮备金
held cover另议
held covered仍予负责
held covered保险暂保无保单的投保
I'd like to have the insurance of the goods covered at 110% of the invoice amount我希望以发票金额的110%为商品投保
insurance cover给货物等承保
insurance cover note承保通知单
insurance covered by seller卖方保险
interest cover利息偿付比率
interest cover承付利息
interest cover偿付利息
job cover plan人为安排计划
open cover开展保险
open cover预约保险单指以预约的方式由保险人承保投保人在未来一定时期内所装运的一切货物而签订的总括性保险单
P and I cover保赔保险
partly cover torn包皮部分破损
positive grant of cover列明的责任范围
positive grant of cover保险规定的承保险别范围
provide cover提供保险保障
provide cover提供保证
Reinsurance cover for common account为共同利益分保
requirement covered已满足要求
requirement covered需求已满足
self-covered fixed amount of planned deficit自行弥补包干亏损
send remittance to cover汇款清账
serve as cover作为担保
serve as cover用作担保
single cotton double silk covered单纱双丝包线
single cotton, single silk covered单纱单丝包线
spread loss covers延期弥补损失
stock cover库存保险期
stop loss cover损失限额止付分保合同 (treaty)
stop loss cover treaty超额赔款分保合同即将分保接受人的赔偿责任限定于一定限度内
turbine cover gasket涡轮盖密封垫
under separate cover零寄
valve cover gasket阀盖垫片
valve spring cover gasket阀簧盖衬垫
warehouse-to-warehouse cover仓至仓保险货运保险,指货物从启运地仓库至目的地仓库收货为止的运输保险
What do your insurance clauses cover?你方投保的保险涵盖哪些方面?
without cover开诚布公