
Terms containing country of origin | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
China, lawcertificate of country of origin原产地证明
tech.country of origin来源国
tech.country of origin起运国
tech.country of origin生产国标志
busin.country of origin原产国,出产国
busin.country of origin发货国
busin.country of origin货物原产国
econ.country of origin原产国
stat.country of origin原产地
auto.country of origin原产国
interntl.trade.country of origin货物原产国
interntl.trade.country of origin出产地
textilecountry of origin原产地国家标志
proj.manag.country of origin原产地
pest.contr.country of origin of a consignment of plant products原产国植物产品货物的
tech.country of origin启运国
gen.country of origin原产地〔国〕
busin.country of origin identification regulation原产国证明条例
interntl.trade.country of origin identification regulations原产国家证明条例
food.ind., sec.sys.country of origin information原产国信息
textilecountry of origin label产地暖
food.ind., sec.sys.country of origin labelling原产国标签
textile, jap.Country of Origin Labelling Requirements of the Act Against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representation原产国标签要求预防无理涨价及误导说明方案
econ.country of origin mark货物原产国标志
busin.country of origin mark原产国标志
genet.country of origin of genetic resources遗传资源起源国家
busin.language of country of origin发报国文字
cust.marking: country of origin原产地标志
tech.origin of country产地国
econ.shipment from country of origin由原产国运出
fin.surplus countries of origin顺差来源国
interntl.trade.value of imports by country of origin进口货物国别价值