
Terms for subject International trade containing country | all forms | exact matches only
agreement country协定缔约国
annual country target年度国别指标
assisted country受援国
associated country联系国
association of national rubber producing countries天然橡胶生产国协会
balance of payments financing of low income oil-importing developing countries进口石油的低收入发展中国家的国际收支资金融通
beneficiary country受惠国
benefit country受援国
benefit country受惠国
bilateral developing countries双边发展国
by country and type of creditor按国别和贷款人类别划分
capital export country资本输出国
capital exporting and recipient countries资本输出国和资本接受国
capital-importing country资本输入国家
capital-surplus oil-exporting countries资金结余的石油输出国
cash held in foreign countries存国外现金
civil law country大陆法国家
Commission for Economic Relations with Foreign Countries对外经济联络委员会
commodity by country system按国别列商品制度
commodity-by-country system按国别分列商品制度
common law countries英美法国家
common organization of consuming countries消费国联合组织
consumer developing country消费的发展中国家
consuming countries消费国
convertible-currency country自由兑换货币的国家
countries quotas国家配额
country assessments按国别摊款
country clearing乡村交换
country clearing票据的地方交换
country damage产地损害
country damage内陆损失
country having deficit in capital transaction资本项目逆差国
country income group国家收入组别
country of emigration移出国
country of immigration移入国
country of origin出产地
country of origin货物原产国
country of origin identification regulations原产国家证明条例
country of payment付款国
country of registration船籍国
country of registration船舶注册国
country of shipment启运国
country paper国别报吿
country quotas国家配额 (allocated quota)
creditor countries债权国
cross-country analysis多用抽样分析
cross-country analysis多国抽样分析
customs bills of country海关册
deficit country逆差国家
delivered... named place of destination in the country of importation, duty paid进口国内指定地点交货,关税已付
developed country发达国家
developed market economic country发达的市场经济国家
developing countries发展中国家
developing exporting country发展中的出口国家
developing importing country发展中的进口国家
donor countries捐助国
donor country捐赠国
donor country content捐赠国成分
donor country content给惠国成分
eight principles in providing aid to other countries对外援助八项原则
external trade of selected countries各国对外贸易
floor country最低限额国家
F.O.R. border of the seller's country卖方国边境指定地交货价
foreign exchange rates in selected countries各国货币对美元换算率
forwarding country发送国
gold using country金币国
goods in foreign countries存放国外商品
growth and inflation in the industrial countries工业国家的发展及通货膨胀
hard-core countries最困难的国家
hard-core least developed countries最困难的最不发达的国家
importing industrial country工业化的进口国
index number of consumer prices in selected countries各国消费者物价指数
index numbers of consumer prices in selected countries各国消费者物价指数
industrial country工业国
industrialized country工业化国家
informal joint committee on host country relations东道国关系非正式混合委员会
inland country内陆国家
investment in foreign countries国外投资
issuing country信用证开证国
labor-importing countries劳力进口国
labor-importing countries劳工输入国
land-locked country内陆国
least advantaged country处境最困难的国家
least developed developing country最不发达的发展中国家
least favored of developing countries发展中国家中情况最差的国家
least-developed countries最低度开发国家
less developed countries不发达国家
less developed country欠发达国家
Less Developed Country不发达国家
low-income countries and territories低收入国家和地区
low-income country低收入国家
"M" countries受影响最重的国家
maritime countries海国
market economy country市场经济国家
maximum country amount limitation国家最高额限制
maximum country amounts limitation国家最高额限制
most disadvantaged country条件最差的国家
non-dollar countries非美元国
non-member countries非成员国
oil-exporting countries石油输出国
open registry countries公开注册国家
Organization for Petroleum Producing Countries产油国家联盟组织
Organization of Arabian Petroleum Exporting Countries阿拉伯石油输出国组织
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries石油输出国家组织
Organization of the Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries阿拉伯石油输出国组织
outside the country of borrower借款者的国家以外的地方
Overseas Sterling Area Countries海外英镑区国家
participating country参加国
partner country协作国家
partner country合作国家
petroleum exporting countries石油输出国
petroleum production country产品国家
preference receiving country受惠国
preference-giving country优惠给予国
preference-giving country给惠国
primary exporting countries初级产品出口国
receiving country接收务
receiving country接待国
receiving country受援国
receiving country接受国
reciprocity in trade between two countries两国间贸易互惠
requirements set by host country东道国规定
resources providing country提供资源国家
restriction on export of products to third countries向第三国出口产品的限制
restrictions on export of products to third countries向第三国出口产品的限制
sea-locked countries海锁国
sea-locked countries环海国家
sectoral center for co-operation among developing countries促进发展中国家间合作的部门中心
share of the industrial countries各工业国的份额
ship-owning country船主国
shipping country海运国
ship-using country使用船舶国家
signatory country签约国
"snake" country参加蛇形浮动体系的国家
snake country"蛇"体系国家指比、卢、丹、法、德、荷
"snake" country蛇形浮动国家
soft currency countries软币国家
source country来源国
state-trading country贸易国营的国家
sterling country英镑区国家
support of inter-country programmes对跨国计划的支援
technical cooperation among developing countries发展中国家间的技术合作
technical cooperation among developing countries发展中国家的技术合作
technology acquiring country引进技术的国家
technology receiving country接受技术国家
third country第三国
threshold country起点国家
threshold country临界国家
total country IPF resources国家指规数总资源
total tranche position of a country in the Fund一国在国际货币基金中的总份额
trade among countries having different economic and social system不同经济和社会制度国家间的贸易
transit country过境国
underdeveloped countries不发达国家
under-developed countries不发达国家
underequipped country装备不足国家
under-privileged country贫困国家
value exports by country of destination出口货物国别价值
value of imports by country of origin进口货物国别价值
world trade by region, country or area按地区、国家或区域划分的世界贸易