
Terms for subject Finances containing country | all forms | exact matches only
American account countries美洲账户国家
Asia-Pacific countries亚太国家
assist developing countries援助发展中国家
at-risk countries危机国家
be on par with the mid-ranking developed countries达到中等发达国家水平
beleaguered countries of the eurozone陷人困境的欧元区国家
big emerging countries大型新兴国家
capital exporting country资本输岀国
capital importing country资本输人国
capital surplus country资本盈余国
Contingent Reserve Arrangement amongst BRICS countries金砖国家应急储备安排
contribute to the well being of people in all countries有利于增进世界各国人民福祉
countries at the centre of the sovereign debt crisis深陷主权债务危机的国家
countries in strong financial positions财政实力强大的国家
countries in the periphery外围国家
countries manipulate the rate of exchange汇率操纵国
countries outside the eurozone欧元区以外的国家
countries seriously affected by the crisis遭受危机严重影响国家
countries with trade deficits贸易逆差国
country ownership国家所有权
country's heavyweight state-controlled financial institutions国有控股的中国各重量级金融机构
country-to-country transfers跨境转移
crisis countries受危机困扰的国家
debt laden peripheral eurozone countries债台高筑的欧元区外围国家
debt-burdened countries债台高筑的国家
debt-laden countries负债沉重的国家
deficit country赤字国
developed countries with flagging economic recoveries经济复苏乏力的发达国家
direct investment by other countries or regions in China外国来华直接投资
dynamic emerging countries充满活力的新兴国家
emerging market and developing countries新兴国家和发展中国家
emerging market countries新兴市场国家
enhance self-development capacity in recipient countries增强受援国自主发展能力
enhance the resilience of developing countries against financial risks增强发展中国家应对金融风险能力
enhance the resilience of emerging market economies and developing countries against financial risks增强新兴市场国家和发展中国家应对金融风险能力
European Union countries欧盟国家
eurozone countries欧元区 (1999 年 1 月 1日,欧盟国家开始实行单一货币欧元,并在实行欧元的国家实施统一货币政策。2002年7月,欧元成为欧元区唯一的合法货币。欧元区共有17个成员国,包括奥地利、比利时、芬兰、法国、德国、爱尔兰、意大利、卢森堡、荷兰、葡萄牙、西班牙、希腊、斯洛文尼亚、塞浦路斯、马耳他、斯洛伐克、爱沙尼亚,人口超过 3.3 亿)
Eurozone countries with high debt levels高负债水平的欧元区国家
fiscally prudent countries奉行审慎财政的国家
follow a strategy of mutual benefit with other countries实施互利共赢的开放战略
fully fledged middle-income country成熟的中等收人国家
fully reflect the changing status of developing countries充分反映发展中国家的地位
heavily indebted poor countries债台高筑的贫穷国家
high-income countries高收人国家
high-spending high-income countries高收人高消费国家
host country tax reimbursement东道国税务补偿
increase assistance to developing countries增加对发展中国家的援助
issuing country货币发行国
large, systemically important countries具有系统重要性的大国
loan to overseas countries向海外国家提供的贷款
low and middle-income developing countries中低收人发展中国家
low income countries低收人国家
low-growth countries低增长国家
low-income countries低收人国家
major developing countries发展中大国
major overseas investor country对外投资大国
meet the energy and food needs of developing countries满足发展中国家能源和粮食消费需求
middle-income countries中等收人国家
non-cooperative countries and territories不合作国家及地区
non-eurozone countries非欧元区国家
non-trust countries无信托制度的国家
open up the country's capital account放开本国资本账户
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries石油输出国组织 (简称"欧佩克")
pledge to work together with other countries承诺与其他国家共同努力
prescribed country订明国家
profligate countries财政不节俭的国家
protectionist-inclined creditor country有贸易保护主义倾向的债权国
recession-hit countries受到危机影响的国家
re-indebted poor countries重债穷国
relatively poor countries相对贫穷的国家
remaining euro area countries继续留在欧元区的国家
reserve currency country储备货币国家
ship renminbi out of the country使人民币流向海外
single-country fund单一国家基金
single-country mutual fund单一国家互惠基金
special measure fund for the least developed countries最不发达国家特别措施基金
state-controlled-economy country计划经济国家
stick to the country-led principle坚持主导原则
stressed eurozone countries欧元区困境国家
surplus countries顺差国家
surplus countries of origin顺差来源国
sustain assistance to developing countries保持对发展中国家的援助
trade deficit countries贸易逆差国
troubled eurozone countries陷人困境的欧元区国家
trust countries有信托制度的国家
voting right of the poorest countries最贫穷国家的投票权
world's creditor countries世界债权国
world's most competitive countries世界上最具竞争力的国家
world's most competitive countries世界最具竞争力的国家
world's relatively sluggish rich countries世界上相对低迷的富国
world's richest countries世界上最富裕国家
world's richest countries世界最富裕国家