
Terms for subject Economy containing country | all forms | exact matches only
a beneficiary country受惠国
a borrower country资金借入国
a country elevator乡间谷库
A country receiving dividends or interest on loans from abroad is said to have earned foreign exchange一个从国外收到股利或贷款利息的国家可说是赚到外汇
A country's infrastructure includes traffic, education, communication, and legal systems, etc国家基础设施包括交通、教育、通讯和法律系统等等
A debtor nation is a country whose foreign debts are larger than money owed to it by other countries债务国就是欠他国的债多于其他国家欠它的债的国家
a flag country船籍国
a flag country船旗国
a host country主办国
a host country东道国
A lot of countries have floated the exchange rate of their currencies许多国家已对他们的货币实行浮动汇率
A lot of unemployed workers in that country go on relief那个国家的大量失业工人靠救济金生活
a manpower losing country人力流失的国家
a non-member country非成员国
a non-oil exporting developing country非石油输出的发展中国家
a non-oil producing country非产油国家
a preference receiving country受惠国
a preference-giving country给惠国
a preference-giving country优惠给予国
a semi-developed country半发达国家
a signatory country签约国
a snake country蛇形浮动体系国家
a surplus country贸易顺差国家
a threshold country临界国家
According to the agreement, should any employee violate the laws of our country, he will be dismissed immediately根据该协议,任何职员违反我国法律,立即被解雇
affected country受灾国
affected country受影响国
agricultural country农业区
aid to foreign countries对外援助 (支出)
aid to foreign countries对外援助支出
All officers should be recruited locally in host country全部职员应在东道国当地招聘
an agrarian country农业国
an assisted country受援国
Antimony abounds in our country我国盛产锑
Arab Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries阿拉伯石油输出国组织
As a result of large-scale unemployment, there was an over-flow of cheap labour force on the market in some African countries某些非洲国家的大规模失业现象造成市场上廉价劳动力泛滥
Asian countries亚洲国家
assimilate good things from foreign countries学习外国的好东西
associated country受援国
Association of Iron-Ore Exporting Countries铁矿砂出口国联盟
backward countries经济落后的国家
backward country经济落后的国家
backward country落后国家
Before liberation the economic recession in the country forced an influx of cheap labour into cities解放前农村的经济衰退迫使大量廉价劳动力涌入城市
beneficiary developing countries受惠的发展中国家
boost the interflow of goods between town and country活跃城乡交流
borrowing country借款国
butter-producing country黄油生产国
capital recipient countries资本接受国
cash held in foreign countries存国外的现金
cash held in foreign countries国外存储的现金
centrally planned economy countries中央计划经济国家简写为CPE国家
centrally planned economy countries中央计划经济国家
centrally planned economy country中央计划经济国家简写为CPE国家
commodity dependent country依赖商品的发展中国家
commodity dependent country商品依赖发展中国家
commodity dependent country商品依赖国家
commodity dependent country依赖商品的国家
commodity dependent developing country依赖商品的发展中国家
commodity dependent developing country商品依赖发展中国家
commodity dependent developing country商品依赖国家
commodity dependent developing country依赖商品的国家
commodity-dependent country商品依赖国
common country assessment通用国家评价简写为CCA
common law countries英美法适用国家
common market countries共同市场各国
comprehensive country program综合性国别方案
contributing country捐助国
convertible currency country自由兑换货币的国家
countries' absorptive capacity国家的吸收能力
countries and regions国家和地区
country action plan国家行动计划
country approach着眼于国家的方法
country assessments按国别评估
country bank省银行
country bank市区以外的银行
country-by-~ monitoring process逐国监督过程
country capacity project国家能力提升项目
country-centered approach以国家为中心的方法
country cheque英国地方银行支票
country clearing票据的 地方交换
country consultation国家协商
country coverage按国家划分的管辖范围
country desk officers美国政府中研究国家特征的专家
country elevator乡间谷仓
country eligibility criteria国家资格标准
country fact sheet WFP国家情况说明书世界粮食计划署
country fair集市
country group project国家组别项目
country groups美国出口控制用语国家集团
country-led process国家为主导的过程
country manager驻某国业务经理
country marketing plan美国的国家市场分析报告
country marketing plan国家市场销售计划
country markets农村市场
country of delivery发货地 (国家)
country of delivery发货地国家
country of destination投资对象国
country of destination目标国
country of destination寄达国
country of destination收货地国家
country of export destination为发货人所知的出口目标国
country of origin原产国
country of origin mark货物原产国标志
country of refuge避难国
Country Office Work Plan国家办事处工作计划
country paper国别报告
country pattern of contribution按国家捐赠的方法
country perspective study国家远景研究
country perspective study国家角度研究
Country Perspective Study WFP国家远景研究世界粮食计划署
country policy国别政策
country profile国家概况
country program国别计划
country programme国家计划
country programming国家规划
country programming国家计划制定
country programming国家计划
country project国家项目`
country related variables与国家有关的变数
country report国家报告
country review国别评议
country review meeting国家审查会议
country's absorptive capacity国家的吸收能力
country's balance of trade国家贸易差额
country shipping point乡镇运输站
country shipping point乡镇运输点
country-specific activity国家活动
country statement国家综述
country status report国家状况报告
country strategy note UNDP国家战略文件简写为CSN, 联合国开发计划署
country study国家研究
country survey国别调査
country visit实地参观
country whence consigned货物输出国
country whence consigned货物启运地【国】
Country Work Plan国别工作计划
CPE countries中央计划经济国家简写为CPE国家
CPE country中央计划经济国家简写为CPE国家
criteria for country eligibility国家资格标准
deficit country逆差国
deficit country入超国
dependent country附属国
developed countries发达国家
developed countries已开发国家
developed country先进国家
developed country content发达国家含量
developed creditor country发达的债权国
developed market-economy countries发达的市场经济国家
developing member countries发展中国家成员
different proportional rates in different parts of the country分地区比例税制
dollar countries美元国家
double standard country复本位国
dump goods into a certain country向某国倾销商品
Economic Community of Great Lakes Countries大湖国家经济共同体
economic cooperation among developing countries发展中国家之间的经济合作
economically advanced country经济先进国家
economically developed country经济发达国家
EFTA countries欧洲自由贸易区国家
enter a country人境
enter the country入境
ethnocentric or home-country oriented种族或本国导向
European Free Trade Association countries欧洲自由贸易区国家
Every foreign investor should respect the sovereignty of the host country每个外国投资者均应尊重东道国主权
exclusive jurisdiction in the residence country居住国独占税收管辖权
Experts invited by our country will form an advisory board as a consultative body for our special zone我国聘请的专家将组成顾问委员会,作为我们特区的咨询机构
fat/oil producing country非主要油脂类生产国
fats/oils producing countries非主要油脂类生产国
fats/oils producing country非主要油脂类生产国
First, we need to secure the right of way for shipping from that country首先我们需取得该国的船运过境权
fishery country profiles渔业国家概况
flag of convenience country方便旗国
food deficit country食物缺乏国家
food priority countries粮食优先国家
food priority country粮食优先国家
food-exporting countries食品出口国
food-exporting country食品出口国
food-importing countries食物进口国
food-importing country食物进口国
food-importing developing country粮食进口发展中国家
food-producing countries食物生产国
food-producing country食物生产国
geographically disadvantaged country地理上不利的国家
global system of trade preference among developing countries发展中国家间全球贸易优惠制
gold standard country金货币本位国
gold standard country金本位国
gold-using country金币国
govern a country管理国家
grab the resources of other country攫取别国资源
Group of African, Caribbean and Pacific Region Countries非洲、加勒比和太平洋地区国家集团
Group of Latin American and Caribbean Sugar Exporting Countries拉丁美洲和加勒比食糖出口国集团
hard core country最困难的国家
hard core least developed countries最困难最不发达的国家
hard-core country最困难的国家
hard-core least developed countries最困难最不发达的国家
heavily-indebted poor countries重债穷国
heavily-indebted poor country重债穷国
high-income countries高收入国家
high-income country高收入国家
high-income oil exporting countries高收入的石油出口国
high-income oil exporting country高收入的石油出口国
highly-indebted poor country重债穷国
home country船籍国
home country原居住国
home country祖国
host country资源国
If any of its provisions contravenes the laws of our country, such provisions should by all means removed or revised如果有任何条款触犯我国的法律,这些条款务必除去或加以修订
If you refuse to make payment, the court shall enforce your payment according to the laws of the country如你方拒绝付款,法庭将按照我国法律强制你方付款
ill-developing countries欠发达国家
importing country进口国
in-country appraisal项目实地评估
In foreign countries, the union is the collective bargaining agency for the workers in the factory在外国,工会是工厂工人的劳资谈判代理机构
Independent Petroleum Exporting Countries独立石油输出国
indicative country allocation示意性国别分配
indicative country allocation指示性国别拨款
industrialization country工业化国家
Industry in this country is very advanced and diversified该国的工业非常先进并且多样化
integrated country approach统一的着眼于国家的方法
inter-country balance-payments adjustments国际收支的调整
Inter-Governmental Council of Copper Exporting Countries铜出口国政府联合委员会
intermediate country中度开发国家
internal tariff division of the country国内关税区
International Development Association blend countries国际开发协会混合信贷国家
island-developing country发展中岛屿国家
labour-exporting country劳工输出国
labour-importing country劳工输入国
land lock country内陆国
land-locked developing countries内陆发展中国家
land-locked developing country内陆发展中国家
least developed among the developing countries发展中国家中最不发达国家
least developed among the developing countries发展中国家中最不发达的国家
least developed country最不发达国家
least favoured of developing countries发展中国家中情况最差的国家
least less developed country最不发达国家
leave the country出境
lending country贷款国
lending country债权国
less developed countries发展中国家
less industrialized country欠工业化国家
less privileged country条件差的国家
lesser developed countries中度欠发达国家
low forest cover countries低森林覆盖率国家
low forest cover country低森林覆盖率国家
low-calorie countries低热量国家
low-calorie country低热量国家
low-income and food-deficit countries低收入缺粮国
low-income countries低收入国家简写为LIC
low-income, food-deficit country低收入缺粮国
low-income food-deficit country低收入缺粮国
major countries of consumption主要消费国
major countries of export主要出口国
major countries of import主要进口国
major countries of production主要生产国
maritime countries沿海国家
maritime countries海图
maximum country amount limitation国家最高限额
medium-income country中等收入经济体
medium-income country中等收入国家
Middle East and Near East Countries中近东国家
middle-income countries中等收入经济体
middle-income country中等收入经济体
middle-income country中等收入国家
middle-income developing countries中等收入发展中经济体
middle-income developing country中等收入发展中经济体
middle-to-high-income country中等偏上收入国家
Ministry of Town and Country Planning英国城乡规划部
most many, much 的最高级 disadvantaged country条件最差的国家
most seriously affected countries石油危机影响最大的国家
most seriously affected country受影响最严重的国家缩写为MSA国家
MSA countries受影响最严重的国家缩写为MSA国家
MSA country受影响最严重的国家缩写为MSA国家
multi-country system多国体系
NAEX countries农业净出口国简写为NAEX国家
NAEX country农业净出口国简写为NAEX国家
NAIM countries农业净进口国简写为NAIM国家
NAIM country农业净进口国简写为NAIM国家
national and per capita income in selected countries若干国家国民收入及人均收入
national and per capita income in selected countries各国国民所得及每人所得
ncn-oil exporting developing countries非石油输出发展中国家
net agricultural exporting countries农业净出口国简写为NAEX国家
net agricultural exporting country农业净出口国简写为NAEX国家
net agricultural importing countries农业净进口国简写为NAIM国家
net agricultural importing country农业净进口国简写为NAIM国家
net exporting country纯输出国
net food exporting countries粮食净出口国家简写为NFEX国家
net food exporting country粮食净出口国家简写为NFEX国家
net food importing countries粮食净进口国家简写为NFIM国家
net food importing country粮食净进口国家简写为NFIM国家
net food-importing developing countries粮食净进口发展中国家
net food-importing developing country粮食净进口发展中国家
net recipient country净受援国
net recipient country纯粹受援国
newly industrialized countries新兴工业国 (NICs)
newly industrializing countries新兴工业化国家和地区包括亚洲“ 四小龙”或“四小虎”以及拉丁美洲的巴西、智利和危内瑞拉
newly industrializing country新兴工业化国家
NFEX countries粮食净出口国家简写为NFEX国家
NFEX country粮食净出口国家简写为NFEX国家
NFIM countries粮食净进口国家简写为NFIM国家
NFIM country粮食净进口国家简写为NFIM国家
nonmember countries非成员国
non-oil country非石油国家
oil and gas payments to foreign countries对外国的油气付款
oil consuming countries石油消费国
oil exporting countries石油输出国
Oil Importing and Developing Countries石油进口和发展中国家
Oil Importing Countries Combine石油进口国联合体
oil producing countries产油国
oil-exporting developing countries输出石油的发展中国家
one-crop country生产单一作物的国家
original inhabitants of a country国家最早的居民
Our latest products are being marketed in all Asian countries我方最新产品投放于亚洲各国市场
output of principal products in selected countries选定各国主要产品产量
output of principal products in selected countries各国主要产品产量
overstocked country森林蓄积量大的国家
Pacific Ltd. owns a few of the largest department stores in that country太平洋有限公司在该国拥有几家最大的百货公司
Pacific Rim countries环太平洋国家
participating country会员国
participating country与会国
passage in transit through another country经过第三国过境
People in this country are not licensed to sell spirits这个国家禁止出售烈性酒
per country limitation外国税收抵免的分国限额
populated country居民地区
primary producing country原料生产国
producer developing country发展中的生产国
public body in the borrowing country借债国的政府机构
requesting countries申请国
requesting country申请国
reserve treatment for developing countries对发展中国家的特殊待遇
resource providing country提供资源国家
resource-poor/skill-rich country资源贫乏而技术人力丰富的国家
rest days provided by our country我国规定的休息日
rice-producing countries大米生产国
rice-producing country大米生产国
Rich Countries Club富国俱乐部
scarcely populated country人口稀少国家
sea-locked country海锁国
sea-locked country环海国
semi-industrial countries准工业国家
semi-industrial country准工业国家
service attributable to the source country应归属收入来源国的劳务
sever trade relation with a country断绝与一个国家的贸易关系
shipment from country of origin由原产国运出
significant fat/oil producing countries主要油脂类生产国
Since there are other countries after the goods, we can not prolong the offer还有别的国家要买此货,我们不能将报盘延期
smuggle color TV into a country向某国走私彩电
snake country蛇体系国家
soft currency countries软币回家
special hardship country特别贫困的国家
standardized country profiles标准化的国家概况表
supervision and control over personal luggage of passengers arriving and leaving the country进出国境旅客行李物品的监管
technical cooperation among developing countries发展中国家技术合作
That country's gold and dollar reserves increased by 300 million during the first qua ter第一季度,那个国家的黄金和美元储备增长了 3亿美元
The alleged source of supply is not your country, they refuse to take delivery所说的供货来源并非贵国,他们拒绝提货
The authorities of our country have placed restriction on the export of that special kind of commodity我国有关部门对出口该特殊商品已加限制
The boss was out of the country老板到国外去了
The chain store has branches in most towns in the south of the country该连锁商店在该国南部地区大多数城镇都设有分店
The chief exports of that country to Africa have increased by 30%该国出口到非洲的主要货品增加了 30%
The company's properties have to be revalued since the currency of that country has been devalued因该国的货币贬值,公司的财产得重新估价
The contract expressly forbids sales to that country本合同明文规定禁止向该国销售
The contractor agrees to abide by all laws, rules and codes of ethics in that country承包商同意遵守该国的法律、规则以及道德准则
The country enjoyed a period of economic growth in the 1980s这个国家在20世纪80年代有过一段经济增长时期
The decrease of petrol price has a marked influence on the economy of OPEC countries石油价格的下降对石油组织国家的经济造成了显著的影响
The economy declined during the last government in that country在该国上届政府期内,经济出现衰退
the expulsion from the country驱逐出境
The government has lifted the ban on imports from that country政府已解除不许从该国进口的禁令
The government of the abovementioned country was forced to devalue its currency上述该国政策被迫将它的货币贬值
The importers in one African country protest-ed against the ban on imports of luxury goods一个非洲国家的进口商们抗议进口奢侈品的禁令
The insufficient paper production in the country gave the market a boost该国纸张产量不足使其价格上涨
The intercourse between countries should abide by the international law国家之间的交往应遵守国际法
The interpretation of the provisions of the contract shall not be inconsistent with the laws of the country对本合同各项条款的解释不得与国家的法律相矛盾
The interpretation of this agreement shall conform with the domestic laws of the country对本协议的解释应符合本国各项国内法律
The loan is very dear money in this country在这个国彖贷款的利率非常高
The manager abandoned the proposal on setting up another car company in that country经理已放弃在那个国家再建一个汽车公司的提议
the member countries of the EEC欧洲经济共同体会员国
The open policy attracts inflows of foreign capital into the country开放政策吸引一笔笔外资流入这个国家
The opportunity is not mature for us to trade extensively with that country与该国大规模做交易的时机尚未成熟
The output of coal has been on the decline in the country这个国家的煤产量在下降
The removal of the ban on import from China greatly encouraged the trade between two countries解除从中国进口商品的禁令极大地促进两国间的贸易
The Representative has to compete with cheap imports from Southeast Asian countries代理人不得不与从东南亚国家进口的便宜商品竞争
The rise in the price of raw materials caused a recession in trade in that country原料价格上涨使该国贸易衰退
The seller is a duly organized company validly existing under the laws of this country卖方是按照这个国家的法律正式组成而合法存在的一家公司
the separation between town and country城乡分离
The shipment should be subject to verification by the customs before it is allowed into our country这批货经过海关检査后方可进入我国
The shipment was delayed by the general strike in that country由于该国总罢工而延迟装运
the surrounding country近郊
The taxes and duties which may be levied in the country are not included in the price quoted above该国所征收的各种税款和关税不包括在上面所报的价格内
The three foreign companies intend to share the car market in that country此三家外国公司企图瓜分该国小汽车市场
the total tranche position of a country in the Fund一国在国际货币基金中的总份额
the trade among countries having different economic and social systems不同经济和社会制度国家间的贸易
The two agreements shall take effect as deeds made in our country这两项协议将作为在我国订的契据而生效
These investments can be made without leaving the home country through an international investment broker or a banking institution从事这类投资,投资者可以不离开本国,通过国际经纪商或金融机构就可以办到
They have appointed several agents in different areas throughout that country他们在那个国家全境内的不同地区委任了专有代理人
third country bills第三国汇票
third country import第三国进口
third country market第三国市场
Third Country Meat Directive第三国肉类检疫指令欧共体基于卫生要求考虑, 控制肉类进口的一种规定
third country national第三国员工
third country shipping line第三国航业公司
third country trade第三国贸易
third world countries第三世界国家
This contract shall be enforceable according to the laws of the country根据该国法律,该合同将可实施
This country gains invisible imports mostly by tourism该国主要通过旅游业获得无形输入
This credit expires on July 30, 2000 in the country of the beneficiary for negotiation本信用证将于2000年7月30日在受益人所在国期满押汇
This document shall be issued by the consul of your country本文件应由贵国领事签发
timber producing country木材生产国
town and country planning association城乡发展规划协会
travel through the country周游全国
Two countries entered into a reciprocal trade agreement after long negotiation通过长期谈判,两国订立一项互惠贸易协议
undeveloped countries不发达国家
undeveloped country不发达国家
valuable assets of the country国家的宝贵财富
value of export by country of destination出口货物国别价值
We are dealing with one of the leading firms in this country dealing in this line我们正在同该国经营这一行业的主要商号之一打交道
We are earnestly looking for an agent to handle our export trade with your country我们渴望寻求一位代理商来处理我们对贵国的出口贸易事宜
We are importing photographic equipment, particularly a great variety of cameras for distribution throughout this country我们进口照相器材,尤其是相机品种极多,行销全国
We are willing to consider exclusive sales agency for your country at present目前我方愿意考虑在你国独家销售代理的问题
We have a wide and varied experience in the trade so we can do a lot of trade with your country我们具有广泛、多方面的行业经验,所以能够与你国进行大量贸易
You should be granted a residence permit first for at least one year in that country and begin your business首先你应获准在该国居住至少一年,然后才能开业
Your action of taking that computer out of the country is not lawful你把那台计算机运出境外是不合法的