
Terms for subject Agriculture containing country | all forms | exact matches only
back country未垦地
cattle-breeding country牧业国
cereals exporting country粮食出口国
cereals exporting country谷物出口国
cereals importing country粮食进口国
cereals importing country谷物进口国
corn-growing country谷物生产国
country elevator农村扬谷机
country elevator农村仓库
country estate田舍
country estate乡村
country food security programme国家粮食安全计划
country of departure海运国
country of shipment海运国
country park国家公园
country road国道
country school system农村学制
country town乡镇
crop native country作物原产地
cross-country ability越野性
cross-country vehicle越野车
earthquake country[地]震[地]区
exposed country裸露地
Flour Milling Associations Group of the EEC Countries欧洲经济共同体面粉企业总会
food producing country粮食生产国
grain exporting country谷物出口国
grain exporting country谷物输出国
grain growing country谷物生产国
grain-importing country谷物进口国
grain-importing country谷物输人国
"granary" of the country盛产粮食的地区
"granary" of the country"粮仓"
hill country丘陵地
hilly country山地
importing country输人国
leeward country背风地
level of medium developed country中等发达水平国家
low country低地
mother country发祥地
mountainous country山区
open country平原
open country storage平原贮藏
open country storage野外贮藏
poor developing country不发达国家
purchasing country采购国
ragged country山岳地带
recipient country受惠国
rice-growing countries产稻国家
rolling country起伏地
temperate countries温带国家
town and country planning拟定城乡规划
undulating country波形地
vegetables native to western countries外国传人的蔬菜作物