
Terms for subject Oil / petroleum containing country | all forms | exact matches only
adjacent country邻接区
Committee on Science and Technology in Developing Countries发展中国家科学技术委员会
country rock主岩
cross country越野式的
cross-country pipeline越野管道
cross-country pipeline跨国管道
cross-country truck越野载重车
earthquake country震区
host country of the resources资源国
independent petroleum exporting country非欧佩克石油输岀国
non-OPEC petroleum exporting country非欧佩克石油输岀国
oil exporting countries石油出口国
oil producing and exporting countries石油生产和输出国
oil producing country产油国
Organization of Latin American Petroleum Exporting Countries拉丁美洲石油输出国组织
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries欧佩克
peneseismic country亚震区
rugged country起伏地区