
Terms containing country | all forms | exact matches only
gen.across the country穿过田野
gen.across country越过田野
gen.across country径直前往
gen.across the country一直
gen.across the country越野
consult.Ad Hoc Group of Experts on Tax Treaties Between Developed and Developing Countries发达国家与发展中国家税务条约特设专家小组
consult.Ad Hoc Group of Governmental Experts on the Debt problems of Developing Countries发展中国家债务问题特设政府专家组
tech.administering country管辖区 (域)
gen.administrative region of a country
tech.advanced country先进国家
desert.affected country受影响国家 (指其全部土地或部分土地为受影响区域的国家)
desert.affected country in Central Asia and Transcaucasus中央亚细亚和外高加索受影响国家
desert.affected developing country受影响发展中国家
gen.metaphor all corners of the country江湖
gen.all over the country全国各地
brit., busin.American Account Countries美洲账户国家指在英国银行立有可自由兑换美元存款账户的美洲国家
tech.applicant country for exploitation申请开采的国家
desert.Arabian countries阿拉伯国家
gen.Are there any regulations and rules for foreigners to obey if they obtain residency in another country?当夕卜国人在所在国取得居留权后,有什么要遵守的规章制度吗?
refrig.Article 5 country第五条款国家
shipb.As we know, some countries are selling those goods at low prices in big quantities.据我方所知,有的国家对这种商品正在削价大量抛售
tech.Association of Iron-Ore Export Countries铁砂出口国联盟
tech.Association of Iron-Ore Export Countries铁矿砂出口国协会
tech.Association of Iron-Ore Exporting Countries铁砂出口国联盟
tech.Association of Iron-Ore Exporting Countries铁矿砂出口国协会
avia.average cross-country speed平均中间着陆的航线飞行速度
adv.B country美国B类县人口 15万以上
agric.back country未垦地
tech.backward country不发达国家
tech.backward country经济落后国家
desert.basin-range country盆-山地区
desert.better-off country富裕国家
tech.bidders home country投标厂商国籍
tech.bidders home country投标商国籍
tech.bidders home country投标人国籍
tech.bidders home country投标者国籍
desert.Big Country大农村 (指美国大平原 (Great Plains) 东南部和美国西南部,包括亚利桑那州年降雨量 250mm 以下的地区、新墨西哥州、得克萨斯州西南部,为半荒漠地区,是美国草原畜牧业基地)
tech.boggy country泥泞地区
gen.Borobudur was built by the Sailendra kings of Java who, like the Khmer kings of Cambodia, covered their country with temples and shrines containing miles of stone carvings婆罗浮屠为爪哇夏莲特王朝的国王们所建,他们像柬埔寨高棉国王一样,在国内到处建造寺院和神殿,所刻石雕长达数英里
tech.broken country崎岖不平地区
tech.broken country沟谷交错地带
tech.brush country丛林地区
gen.build up our country through diligence and frugality勤俭建国
adv.C country美国C类县3. 5万以上人口
tech.capital recipient country资本接受国
desert.cattle country养牛区 (美国西部以放牧养牛为主的平原或山区)
agric.cattle-breeding country牧业国
gen.countries centrally planned economics countries实行统一计划经济的国家
agric.cereals exporting country粮食出口国
agric.cereals exporting country谷物出口国
agric.cereals importing country粮食进口国
agric.cereals importing country谷物进口国
gen.city and country城乡
tech.close the country to international intercourse闭关自守
tech.closed country断绝地
tech.closed country荫蔽地区
tech.Committee of Communication Member Countries通信成员国委员会
tech.contact relation between intrusive body and country rocks侵入体与围岩接触关系
tech.cooperation with foreign countries in offshore oil海洋石油对外合作
agric.corn-growing country谷物生产国
tech.countries having centrally planned economics中央计划经济国家
tech.Countries under the Agreement协定国家
securit.country allocation国家配置
adv.country and western乡村音乐风格的
adv.country and western乡村音乐的
tech.country bank乡村银行
securit.country basket国家篮子以特定国家股票市场为对象的单一国家指数投资组合
securit.country beta国家贝塔级别
tech.country builder乡村建设者
tech.country check乡村支票
tech.country church乡村教堂
securit.country clearing地方票据交换
securit.country clearing地方结算
golf.country club高尔夫球俱乐部
sport.country club乡村俱乐部
tech.country club郊区俱乐部位干风景区,设有高尔夫球、网球、游泳池等设施
tech.country club郊区俱乐部
sport.country club城郊俱乐部
multimed.country code国家和地区代码
tech.country code国名代码
tech.country code国家代号
tech.country code国名代号
gen.country code国家区号代码
tech.country code indicator国家代码标志码
tech.country damage乡间损失
tech.country damage装船前货损
tech.country damage内陆损害 (海上货物保险附加险)
securit.country diversification地方多样化
securit.country economic risk国家经济风险
securit.country economic risk地方经济风险
adv.country edition全国发行的报纸
securit.country efficiency国家效率
agric.country elevator农村扬谷机
agric.country elevator农村仓库
agric.country estate田舍
agric.country estate乡村
securit.country financial risk国家财政风险
securit.country financial risk地方财政风险
agric.country food security programme国家粮食安全计划
tech.country foot path乡村步行小道
securit.country fund国家基金
securit.country fund地方基金
tech.country house乡间别墅
tech.country house农村住宅
tech.country house 'castle'乡村城堡住宅
securit.country item异地托收的项目
tech.country kiln山区窑
tech.country level乡村水平
securit.country limit国家限制
securit.country limit国家限额
bot.country mallow磨盘草 Abutilon indicum
tech.country mansion乡村大夏
tech.country mansion宅邸
gen.country of citizenship国籍
tech.country of consignment交付国
tech.country of consumption消费国
agric.country of departure海运国
tech.country of departure起运国
tech.country of destination目的国
tech.country of emigration迁出国
tech.country of immigration迁入国
tech.country of origin生产国标志
tech.country of origin来源国
tech.country of origin起运国
tech.country of origin启运国
gen.country of origin原产地〔国〕
tech.country of purchase收购国
nautic., transp.country of registration of a ship船舶登记注册国
tech.country of registration船舶登记国
nautic., transp.country of registration of a ship船籍国
tech.country of residence侨居国
gen.country of residence居住国
tech.country of sale销售国
shipb.country of ship registration船舶注册国
agric.country of shipment海运国
horticult.country of transit国境国
tech.country-of-birth basis出生国
tech.country park乡村公园
agric.country park国家公园
tech.country park郊野公园
tech.country planning农村规划
tech.country regional planning县城规划
securit.country risk地方风险
securit.country risk analysis国家风险分析
securit.country risk exposure国家风险影响银行对于目前或潜在的风险资产按国别计算而得的各国总债权
tech.country road乡间土路
tech.country road乡村路
tech.country road乡村道路
agric.country road国道
tech.country road乡间道路
tech.country road乡间小路
tech.country rock岩帮
tech.country rock原岩
tech.country rock废石
tech.country rock基岩
tech.country rock alteration围岩蚀变
tech.country rock of orebody矿体围岩
agric.country school system农村学制
tech.country seat乡间住宅
tech.country seat别墅
securit.country selection国家选择对不同国家资本市场进行选择,以确定投资方向
tech.country side乡村
tech.country side农村
tech.country side郊区
tech.country tar松焦油
agric.country town乡镇
tech.country villa乡间别墅
biol.country walnut石栗 (Aleurites moluccana (L.) Willd.,大戟科)
tech.country-wide survey全国范围的调查
sport.country with an ancient civilization文明古国
tech.credit country债权国
tech.crooked hole country斜孔弯斜地区
agric.crop native country作物原产地
agric.cross-country ability越野性
sport.Cross Country and Road Running Committee越野和公路赛跑委员会
tech.cross-country cargo carrier越野载重
tech.cross-country chassis越野车底盘
tech.cross-country crane越野吊车
avia.cross-country flying中途着陆的长途飞行
avia.cross-country flying越野飞行
securit.cross-country M&A跨国并购
tech.cross-country mill穿梭式轧机
tech.cross-country minibus越野面包车
tech.cross-country minibus越野小型汽车
racingcross-country motorcycle越野摩托车
racingcross-country motorcycle越野摩托
avia.cross-country navigation越野航行
tech.cross-country operation越野行动
sport.cross-country orienteering越野式定向赛 (orienting)
tech.cross-country performance越野行动
tech.cross-country performance越野性能
tech.cross-country power长程行车能力
tech.cross-country power越野能力
sport., folk.cross-country race贵赤
tech.cross-country route横贯河谷线路
tech.cross-country run越野行驶
sport.cross-country running越野跑
tech.cross-country running越野行驶
sport.cross-country running越野行驶〔赛跑〕
sport.cross-country running贵赤
tech.cross-country sample全国性样本
tech.cross-country service越野运行
outd.cross-country skateboarding越野滑板项目
skateboard.cross-country skateboarding越野滑板项目
avia.cross-country speed越野速度
tech.cross-country track越野路线
securit.cross-country trading跨国交易
tech.cross-country truck越野载重
tech.cross-country tyre越野轮胎
agric.cross-country vehicle越野车
tech.cross-country vehicle越野汽车
multimed.data country code数据国家代码
tech.dependent country附庸国
securit.developed country market发达国家市场
desert.developed country parties发达国家缔约方 (指发达国家缔约方和由发达国家组成的地区经济一体化组织(《联合国防治荒漠化公约》))
tech.developing countries' rate发展中国家优惠关税税率
shipb.developing import country发展中的进口国家
tech.difference between town and country城乡差别
tech.difficult country难通行地区
tech.difficult country ground丘陵地区
gen.Do you mean we can go to your country at any time without any formalities?你的意思是说我们可以随时进入贵国而不需要办理任何手续吗?
tech.donor country援助国
tech.donor country资助国
tech.donor country捐款国
desert.down country低地草地
tech.down the country向海边
tech.dyke country堤内泽地
agric.earthquake country[地]震[地]区
mil.easier country条件较好的地区
consult.economic & technical cooperation with foreign countries对外经济技术合作
tech.economically advanced country经济发达国家
tech.eligible country合格国家
tech.eligible source countries合格货源国
tech.emergent country发展中国家
tech.emerging countries新兴国家
tech.energy-hungry advanced country缺能源的工业先进国
tech.experimental mining country试采国
agric.exposed country裸露地
horticult.final destination country目的国
fisheryfishing country捕鱼国
nautic., lawflag country船旗国
tech.flat country平地
tech.flat country平原 (地区)
tech.flat-country test平原地带试验
agric.Flour Milling Associations Group of the EEC Countries欧洲经济共同体面粉企业总会
agric.food producing country粮食生产国
gen.foreign country外国
tech.formation of country区域构造
tech.gap between town and country城乡差别
tech.generalized country risk一般化国别风险
gen.Generally speaking, such kind of people are not allowed entry into my country as psychopaths, infectious people, criminals and people who are in illegitimate occupation通常来说我国一般不允许以下人员入境:精神病患者、传染病患者、刑事罪犯、从事不正当职业者
tech.gently rolling country平缓丘陵地
tech.gently rolling country缓坡地
gen.go into the country下乡
agric.grain exporting country谷物出口国
agric.grain exporting country谷物输出国
agric.grain growing country谷物生产国
tech.grain of the country地势走向
tech.grain of the country地质结构
agric.grain-importing country谷物进口国
agric.grain-importing country谷物输人国
agric."granary" of the country盛产粮食的地区
agric."granary" of the country"粮仓"
tech.Green Country sandstone格林镇砂岩 (.一种产于美国宾州的浅灰色砂岩)
tech.heat stored in the country rocks围岩储[贮]存的热量
gen.Hello, have you ever been to this country before?你好!请问你以前来过这个国家吗?
desert.high country山地草地
desert.high country高地区域
agric.hill country丘陵地
desert.hill country penstemon三花钓钟柳
desert.hill country rainlily风雨兰
tech.hilly country丘陵地区
tech.hilly country丘陵地 (带)
desert.hilly country丘陵地
agric.hilly country山地
ecol.hilly country丘陵区
nautic., transp.home country of a ship船籍国
sport.host country组织国
sport.host country主办国
tech.host country所有国
gen.host country居住国
gen.I am very glad to tell you that you do not need a visa, since we have an agreement with your country, and in accordance with the treaty, people from both your and my countries are allowed to enter the other country without visas我很高兴地告诉您,入境不需要签证,因为贵国和我国签订了一项协议,协议中规定贵国和我国公民进入对方国家无须签证
gen.I want to ask about the right of residency a foreigner has in another country. Could you give me some information about it?我想咨询关于外国入境者的居留权问题,您能给我讲讲这方面的知识吗?
gen.I want to ask that if a third-country national can apply in China? Can I apply for a nonimmigrant visa here in China instead of returning to my home country?请问,第三国公民可以在中国申请签证吗?在中国申请非移民签证,而不是回到我的祖国申请?
sport.IAAF World Cross Country Championships国际田联世界越野锦标赛
gen.If a foreigner wants to obtain long-term residency in another country, he or she has to apply for it first and then wait for permission假如外国公民想获得长期居留权,就必须先申请,然后再等候批准
gen.If I buy the gold necklace in your shop, could I have it cleaned or repaired in my country?如果我在你们店买了黄金项链,回国后能清洗或修理吗?
agric.importing country输人国
gen.In accordance with the laws in the host country and relational international treaties or agreements, foreigners can obtain long-term, short-term or permanent residency根据所在国的法律和有关的国际条约或协定,外国人可以在该国短期、长期或永久居留
gen.In Mediterranean countries, if you refrain from touching someone's arm when talking to them or if you don't greet them with kisses or a warm embrace, you'll be considered cold在地中海国家,如果你和别人交谈,不愿碰触他们的手臂,或者打招呼时,不亲吻他人,不拥抱他人,那么别人会觉得你冷漠
gen.in the depth of the country在内地
gen.in the depth of the country在穷乡僻壤
gen.in this country指该文章作者所在的国家
gen.in this country本国
gen.In western countries, few people address others as comrade在西方,少有人叫别人同志
tech.industrialization of the country国家工业化
tech.inland country内陆地区
tech.inland native country内地
tech.intermediate developed country中度开发国家
sport.International Association of Athletics Federations World Cross Country Championships国际田联世界越野锦标赛
tech.intersectional country切割地区
tech.island country岛国
tech.island developing country发展中岛国
shipb.issuing country of the L/C信用证开出国
gen.It is common in China for an applicant to have relatives in other countries or a petition to immigrate on file. These factors by themselves will not necessarily prevent approval of your application中国申请人有亲戚在国外或者正申请移民是很常见的。这类情况不会妨碍你获得批准
gen.It's probably similar to folk dancing in your country也许它同你们国家的民族舞相似
shipb.labor force exporting countries劳动力输出国家
shipb.labor force importing countries劳动力输人国家
nautic., tech.labour supplying country劳工提供国
tech.landlocked country内陆地区
tech.landlocked country内地国家
tech.landlocked country内陆国 (家)
desert.least advantaged country条件最不利的国家
agric.leeward country背风地
ecol.less industrialized countries工业不发达国家
tech.level country平坦地区
tech.level cross country平原不平地区
agric.level of medium developed country中等发达水平国家
tech.limited cross-country mobility有限的越野机动性
tech.littoral country沿海国 (家)
gen.Low Countries低地国家荷兰、比利时、卢森堡的总称
tech.low country低洼地
agric.low country低地
desert.low country低地草地
tech.low-lying country低地国
securit.macro country risk国家宏观风险
tech.major country主要国家
desert.mallee country萌生桉树灌丛地区
tech.maritime country沿海国 (家)
tech.maritime country code洋区码
racingMaster Cross-Country Rally乡村越野大师赛
tech.maximum speed on cross-country最大越野行驶速度
sport.4000-metre cross-country run现代五项 4000米越野赛跑
securit.micro country risk微观国家风险
tech.Microbiologic Resources Centre for Developing Countries发展中国家微生物资源中心
tech.Microbiological Resources Centre for Developing Countries发展中国家微生物资源中心
avia.Midland Countries Aviation Society内陆国家航空学会
tech.monsoon affected country受到季风影响的国家
tech.more developed country较发达国家
desert.most serously affected country受影响最严重国家
gen.mother country故国
agric.mother country发祥地
gen.mother country祖国
tech.mountainous country多山国家
agric.mountainous country山区
tech.mountainous country多山地区
tech.mountainous country山岭
tech.mountainous country山地
tech.mountainous country山岳地带
securit.multi-systems and cross-country trading多系统跨国交易
gen.National Day or Independence Day of some countries in the world世界部分国家国庆日或独立日
tech.native country国内
tech.neighbouring country邻国
tech.neutral country中立国
tech.newly industrialization country and region新兴工业化国家和地区
tech.newly industrialized country新兴工业国家
securit.newly industrialized country新工业化国家
desert.nonaligned country不结盟国家
tech.non-market-economy country非市场经济国家
tech.non-oil-exporting developing country非石油输出的发展中国家
gen.of a foreign country
tech.oil consumption country石油消费国
tech.oil country tubular goods石油工业用管材
tech.oil country tubular goods油田用管材设备
tech.oil-producing country产油国
gen.On New Year's Day, people in certain countries gather on beaches and run into the water, which is known as polar bear plunges新年当天,人们有习俗聚集到海边,跳入水中集体冬泳。他们管这叫“北极熊跳”
gen.one's mother country祖国
tech.open country空旷地区
agric.open country平原
tech.open country旷野
agric.open country storage平原贮藏
agric.open country storage野外贮藏
fisheryopen registry country公开注册的挂旗
fisheryopen registry country自由注册国家
fisheryopen registry country公开注册国家
sport.organizing country组织国
sport.organizing country主办国
sport.organizing country东道国
tech.origin of country产地国
gen.Our roadsters are selling well in China and in some European countries. I’m sure you'll have a ready market at your end我们的敞篷车在中国和一些欧洲国家销路很好,我保证在贵方市场上也会畅销
tech.out of keeping with a country's tradition不合国情的
tech.out-of-the country job国外职业活动
tech.out-of-the country job国外职业工作
desert.Papago Country帕帕戈 (美国亚利桑那州)
tech.peneseismic country准震区
tech.petroleum production country石油生产国
tech.plain country平原地区
gen.Please dial 9 before the country code and then dial the area code and the number请先拨9,再拨国家区号代码、区域号码和电话号码
tech.poor country穷国
agric.poor developing country不发达国家
fisheryport country港口国
tech.preindustrial country发展中国家
tech.price involving foreign countries涉外价格
tech.primary producer country初级生产国
tech.protocol of frontier railways between two neighboring countries国境铁路协定
tech.protocol of frontier railways between two neighbouring countries国境铁路协定
desert.pumice country浮石区
agric.purchasing country采购国
agric.ragged country山岳地带
tech.ratio of reed divided by supply in country矿产自给率
tech.rational transport flow diagram for major prod ucts in the country全国主要物资合理运输
agric.recipient country受惠国
tech.reservoir country rock热储围岩
tech.resources-providing country提供资源的国家
securit.restriction by acquirer's home country收购者国家的限制
gen.return to one's country回国
gen.Rice doesn't seem to be popular here like in my country这儿和我们国家一样,一般人好像不爱吃米饭
agric.rice-growing countries产稻国家
tech.riparian country滨河国家
tech.riparian country沿岸国家
agric.rolling country起伏地
tech.rolling country丘陵地 (区)
tech.rolling country波形地
geol.rolling country丘陵区 (地)
tech.rough country崎岖地带
tech.rough cross-country track不平整的越野道路
tech.rough wooded country丘陵森林地带
sport.route of cross-country越野跑路线
tech.rugged country崎岖地带
tech.rural country乡村国家
tech.same sea and country同一海域和地区
geol.same sea and country同一海域和国家
consult.scientific and technological information system of major countries主要国家科技情报系统
tech.seclude the country from the outside world闭关锁国
tech.seismic country地震区
tech.sheep country养羊地区
desert.short grass country低草区 (雨量较少,以矮禾本科草为主的地区)
desert.short grass country短草区
gen.Since China joined the WTO, both chances and challenges have been brought about to our country's plastic and rubber industries我国加入世贸组织为塑料、橡胶行业的发展带来了机遇和挑战
securit.single country equity fund单一国家股票基金
securit.single country fund单一国家基金
securit.small country market index小国市场指数
sport.sponsor country主办国
sport.sponsor country组织国
sport.sponsor country东道国
sport.sponsor country发起国
sport.sponsoring country主办国
sport.sponsoring country组织国
tech.surveying country调查国家
agric.temperate countries温带国家
tech.terminal country终端国
gen.the coastal waters of a country一个国家的近海水域
consult.the eligible source countries合格货源国
gen.The host country is responsible for protecting the lawful rights and interests of the foreigners居住国对夕卜国人的合法权益应予以保护
gen.the Pacific countries太平洋沿岸各国
gen.the railway traverses the country这条佚路横贯全国
tech.the strategy of developing the country by relying on science and education科教兴国战略
gen.There is no doubt that near-sightedness is a serious problem among the youth of our country毫无疑问,近视在我国的年轻人中是一个严重的问题
tech.thinly populated country居民稀少地区
securit.third country bill第三国汇票
tech.third-country currency第三国货币
gen.third-country national第三国公民
gen.throughout the country全国
gen.Today, Chow Tai Seng has grown to a company with 35 branches and over 600 jewelry chain stores in more than 200 cities in the country如今,周大生公司拥有三十五个分公司,600多家珠宝连锁店遍布在全国200多个城市
tech.town and country construction城乡建设
tech.town and country maintaining and construction taxes城乡维护建设税
tech.town and country planning城市及郊区规划
agric.town and country planning拟定城乡规划
ecol.town and country planning城郊规划
gen.Town and Country Planning Association市镇与乡村建设规划协会
gen.Town and Country Planning Association城乡规划协会英国
tech.transfer of wagon directly from one country railway to another原车过轨
tech.turn the country green绿化祖国
tech.tyre chain for cross-country operation野外用轮胎防滑链
desert.underdeveloped country不发达国家
tech.underlying country rock下覆围岩
desert.underprivileged country贫困国家
tech.undeveloped country未开发国家
agric.undulating country波形地
desert.United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa《联合国关于在发生严重干旱和/或荒漠化的国家特别是在非洲防治荒漠化的公约》 (简称《联合国防治荒漠化公约》)
tech.unworked country未采区
shipb.value of imports by country of production按国别的进口货价值
agric.vegetables native to western countries外国传人的蔬菜作物
gen.We'll check it into the bonded storage room, and give you a receipt. When you leave the country, you can claim it there我们将物品登记后放到关栈保管室,并给你一个收条。你离境时,可以来领取
tech.west country whipping反手结编扎法
gen.What is the climate like in your country?你们国家的气候如何?
tech.wheat producing countries产麦国
sport.win honour for one's country为国争光
consult.Working Group on Technical Cooperation Among Developing Countries发展中国家间技术合作工作组
gen.workingmen of all countries, unite全世界无产者,联合起来
tech.young industrial country发展中国家
tech.young industrial country新兴工业国家
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