
Terms containing cost-to-cost | all forms | in specified order only
econ.a market-to-cost method市价成本法
tech.additional cost assigned to by-product副产品再加工费用
busin.adjustability of cost in response to change in output产量变化引起成本的可调整性
econ.adjustability of cost in response to changes in output产量变动所引起的成本可调整性
econ.adjustability of cost, in response to changes in output对应产量变动所引起的成本可调證性
fin.allocation of cost to revenue成本按收益分配
tech.allocation of cost to revenue成本对收益的分配
proj.manag.And for me, as a service provider, I would never be able to provide you a car for an hour if the transaction cost was anything对于我、作为一个服务提供商、如果交易成本很高、我就不能在一个小时内给客户提供一辆汽车
busin.apply cost ratio to ending inventory应用成本比率计算期末存货
econ.apply factory overhead cost to products制造费用摊入产品
fin.applying cost ratio to ending inventory应用成本比例计算期末存货
busin.applying cost ratio to ending inventory运用成本比率计算期末存货
fin.applying factory overhead cost to products工厂间接费用按预计数摊入产品
busin.applying factory overhead cost to products制造费用摊入产品
busin.apporting to cost canter分配到成本中心
fin.apportioned to cost centres分摊给各成本项目
fin.base of relationship to the cost of unit以成本与产品间的关系为基础
econ.base of relationship to the cost of unit以成本与产品之间的关系为基础
busin.base of relationship to the cost of unit成本与产品关系基础
earth.sc.benefit to cost受益成本
econ.benefit-to cost ratio效益对成本之比
econ.benefit-to-cost利润投资比 (ratio)
busin.benefit-to-cost relationship效益—费用关系
econ.benefit-to-cost relationship受益和成本之间的关系
tech.benefit-to-cost relationship效益成本关系
archit.benefit-to-cost relationship效益-成本关系
tech.benefit-to-cost relationship效益费用关系
proj.manag.Clear this check box to accrue the actual cost edits to the end of the actual duration of the task若要累算到任务实际工期结束为止的实际成本编辑结果、 请清除该复选框
tech.compensation according to cost照价赔偿
tech.computation system of point-to-point cost点到点成本计算法
busin.conversion of cost of sales to cash disbursement销货成本换算为现金支出额
fin.conversion of cost of sales to cash disbursements销货成本换算为现金支出额
tech.cost applicable to construction revenue建筑竣工造价
tech.cost applicable to construction revenue已完成工程成本
tech.cost applicable to construction revenue已完工程成本
tech.cost approach to value房地产成本估价法
securit.cost approach to value成本计价法
tech.cost calculation for point to point of railway transport enterprise铁路运输企业点到点成本核算
tech.cost incidental to wages工资费用
econ.cost inherent to the asset资产使用成本
busin.cost inherent to the asset资金使用成本
commer.cost item to be financed from working capital从流动资金开支的各项费用
tech.cost of port development planned to take place规划所要进行港口发展的费用
spacecost optimizing system to evaluate reliability评价可靠性的成本优化系统
avia.cost optimizing system to evaluation reliability评定可靠性的成本最佳系统
econ.cost relative to improved models相对于更新方案之成本
busin.cost relevant to alternative choices与决策方案有关的成本
busin.cost relevant to alternatives与备选方案有关的成本
fin.cost to close平仓成本
busin.cost to date现值
fin.cost to lease租赁成本
busin.cost to make and sale制销成本
fin.cost to make and sell制造与销售总成本
interntl.trade.cost to make and sell销售成本
busin.cost to make and sell制造与销售成本
fin.cost to manufacture制造成本
busin.cost to price ratio成本价格比率
tech.cost to replace remedial measure更换矫正措施的成本
fin.cost to sell出售成本
proj.manag.cost to the revenue政府减少的收人
proj.manag.cost to the revenue政府收人的损失
busin.cost to the user用户承担的费用
avia.cost-to-go function值函数
busin.cut the cost according to the cloth量入为出
econ.decision theory approach to cost control成本控制的决策理论研究
busin.decision-theory approach to cost control成本控制的决策理论研究
spacedesign to cost按成本设计
spacedesign to cost成本设计
manag.design to cost设计成本
avia.design to cost定成本设计
busin.design to cost goal成本目标设计
tech.design to cost goal目标成本设计
spacedesign to cost/life cycle cost按成本和全寿命费用设计
avia.design to cost/life cycle cost设计成本/寿命周期成本
avia.design to life cycle cost全寿命寿命周期费用设计
spacedesign to life-cycle cost按全寿命费用设计
avia.design to lift cycle cost设计寿命周期成本
avia.design to unit cost单位成本设计
avia.design to unit production cost单位生产费用设计
avia.design to unit production cost单位生产费用设计
proj.manag.Detailed and accurate sales data can help to reduce stock level and thus the operating cost详尽与准确的销售资料将有助于减少存货、 以降低营运成本
busin.determining ratio cost to selling price计算成本对售价的比率
tech.determining ratio cost to selling price确定成本对售价的比率
fin.determining ratio of cost to selling price计算成本对售价的比例
busin.determining ratio of cost to selling price确定成本对销售价的比率
busin.enough money to cover cost够本
econ.fixed cost to variable cost rate固定成本与变动成本的比率
econ.fixed cost to variable cost ratio固定成本与变动成本的比率
tech.fixed-variable approach to know cost behavior了解成本动态固定变异法
tech.freight point to point cost货运点到点成本
proj.manag.Greater weight has to be assigned to the gas price increase than to the cost of cars increase必须给汽油价格增长分配以比汽车价格增长较大的权数
gen.How much will it cost to tow away?把它拖走要多少钱?
econ.If the goods are proved to be defective, you should replace or repair them immediately at your cost如这些货物经证实确有缺陷,你方应立即更换或修理,费用由你方负担
econ.In the event the contract price is not subject to escalation, the contractor will take the risk of the ever-increasing cost如合同价格不逐步上升,承包商必须承担成本不断上涨的风险
busin.index number of cost of living to staff and workers职工生活费指数
interntl.trade.interest charged to cost计入成本利息
fin.interest charged to cost计人成本利息
busin.interest charged to cost计入成本的利息
securit.interest charged to cost计人成本的利息
gen.know to one's cost由于付了代价才…
gen.know to one's cost付出过代价而从经验中深知
spaceL/M ratio of direct labour to material cost直接劳务费与材料费之比
busin.market -to-cost method市价成本法
oilmarket-to-cost method市价-成本法
fin.market-to-cost method市价成本法
econ.monopolistic competition failure to attain lowest average cost独占性竞争未能做到最低平均成本
hydroel.st.original cost to date现值
econ.Our financial resources are strong enough to support the cost of the new project我方的财力足可以支持此新项目的开支
tech.price making according to average cost平均成本定价
tech.price making according to marginal cost边际成本定价
avia.product to unit product cost产品到组件产品成本
securit.profit-to-cost ratio成本利润率
tech.rate of cost reduction to total assets固定资产总折价率
econ.ratio of charge to cost费用与成本之比
interntl.trade.ratio of cost of capital borrowed to borrowed capital借入资本成本与借入资本比率
econ.ratio of cost of capital borrowed to borrowed capital借入资本成本对借入资本的比率
busin.ratio of cost of export goods to revenue state in foreign exchange出口商品成本与外汇收入比率
econ.ratio of cost of export goods to revenue stated in foreign exchange出口商品换汇比与成本比率
interntl.trade.ratio of cost of goods manufactured and sold to net sales制造成本与销货净额比率
interntl.trade.ratio of cost of goods manufactured and sold to net sales制销成本与销货净额比率
econ.ratio of cost of goods manufactured and sold to net sales商品产销成本对销售净额的比率
busin.ratio of cost of goods manufactured and sold to net sales产销成本与销货净额比率
fin.ratio of cost of goods manufactured to fixed assets制造成本与固定资产之比
econ.ratio of cost of goods manufactured to fixed assets制成品成本对固定资产的比率
fin.ratio of cost of sale and operating expenses to net sales销货成本及营业费用对销货净额比率
interntl.trade.ratio of cost of sales and operating expenses to net sales销货成本及营业费用对销货净额比率
busin.ratio of cost of sales and operating expenses to net sales销售成本与营业费用对销售净额的比率
busin.ratio of cost of the goods sold to net sales销货成本与销货净值比率
busin.ratio of cost to sales成本与销售比率
busin.ratio of cost to selling price成本与销售价格之比
busin.ratio of cost to selling price成本与销售价的比率
tech.ratio of discounted net benefit to cost净收益贴现值对成本比率
busin.ratio of financial cost to net sales财务费用与净销售比率
busin.ratio of labor cost to net sales劳务费与净销售比率
tech.ratio of labor to cost劳动成本比率
tech.ratio of labour to cost劳动成本比率
fin.ratio of profit to cost成本利润率
busin.ratio of profit to cost成本利润比率
busin.ratio of raw material inventory to cost of manufacture原料库存与制造成本比率
busin.ratio of traffic profit to transportation cost运输成本利润率
gen.reduce the cost of M to the public把M的价格降低到民用的价格
busin.reduction of inventory to lower of cost or market存货按成本或市价孰低计价
econ.relation of cost to price成本对价格的关系
commer.relation of cost to price成本对价格关系
econ.relation of price to average cost价格对平均成本的关系
econ.relation of price to cost价格对成本的关系
econ.Sales cost just includes the day-to-day expenses销售费用只包括日常开支
tech.selling and administrative expense charged to cost计入成本的销售及管理费用
busin.selling and administrative expense charged to cost计入成本的销售管理费用
securit.selling and administrative expense charged to cost计人成本的销售及管理费用
interntl.trade.selling and administrative expenses charged to cost计入成本的销售及管理费用
busin.selling and administrative expenses charged to cost销货及管理费计入成本
fin.service department cost distributions to producing and service departments on reciprocal basis服务部门与生产部门成本的交互分配法
busin.service department cost distributions to producing and service departments on reciprocal basis服务部门与生产部门成本交互分配法
fin.statement of cost to manufacture and cost of goods sold制造及销售成本表
busin.statement of cost to manufacture and cost sold产销成本计算表
econ.statement of cost to manufacture and sell产品制造及销售成本表
econ.the benefit to cost relationship受益和成本之间的关系
econ.The contract provides that we shall undertake to replace and repair the damaged goods at our cost合同规定我方应承担更换或修理毁损货物,费用由我方负担
econ.The cost of beer bottles has been included in the sale price and such bottles are not to be returnable啤酒瓶的价格包括在销售价之中,这种瓶子是不需退回的
econ.The cost of preparation of the exhibition is to be at our expense准备展览会的费用由我方承担
econ.The cost of the shipping totals up to RMB ¥15.000装运费总计达人民币 15.000 元
econ.the cost relevant to alternative choice与决策方案有关的成本
econ.The fixed prices shall be changed appropriately to compensate the supplier for any increased cost对规定价格须作些适当改变以补偿供应商由于成本增加而造成的损失
econ.the original cost to date现值
busin.The price of the commodity has recently been adjusted due to advance in cost由于生产成本上升,该产品的价格也有些调整
proj.manag.The remaining materials can be recycled during the finishing process to reduce the production cost for the sake of environmental protection加工过程中制品的废料、溢料可回收使用、以降低生产成本、更合乎环保原则
econ.the rework cost charged to job记入批次产品的返工成本
econ.The tenant shall bear the cost of repairs to the building pursuant to the provisions of this agreement按照本协议的条款,租赁者应承担大楼的修缮费
econ.They will provide the goods to the store at cost without any charge他们将按成本不另收费用给商店供应货物
gen.to one's cost吃亏后才…
gen.to one's cost付出了代价才…
market.to economize on cost, effort and time节省费用、精力和时间
fin.to meet out-of-pocket cost供应现金支付成本
busin.total cost approach to distribution销售总成本法
busin.total cost approach to distribution分配总成本法
econ.value is the relation of production cost to effectiveness价值是生产费用对效用的关系
tech.worksheet to prorate service department cost服务部门成本分配计算表