
Terms for subject Economy containing cost-benefit | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
benefit-cost analysis收入-成本分析
benefit-cost analysis效益-成本分析
benefit/cost method收益/成本法
benefit/cost method效益/费用法
benefit-cost ratio收支比率
benefit-cost ratio利润率
benefit-cost ratio利益与投资之比
benefit-cost ratio益本比 (profitability index)
benefit-cost ratio收入-代价比 (profitability index)
benefit-cost ratio效益-成本比率 (profitability index)
benefit-cost ratio效益成本比
benefit-cost ratio method效益-成本比法
benefit-to cost ratio效益对成本之比
benefit-to-cost利润投资比 (ratio)
benefit-to-cost relationship受益和成本之间的关系
cost and benefit成本与收益
cost and benefit analysis成本效益分析
cost and benefit appraisal成本效益评估
cost and benefit sharing成本与收益分摊
cost benefit成本效益
cost benefit analysis成本效益分析
cost benefit assessment成本一收益评估
cost-benefit analysis成本一利得分析
cost-benefit analysis成本-利润分析
cost-benefit calculation成本效益计算
cost-benefit comparisons成本收益比较
cost-benefit estimation成本收益估计
cost-benefit evaluation成本效益估价
cost-benefit philosophy成本效益哲学
cost-benefit study成本-效益研究
cost-benefit worksheet费用一效益计算书
fringe benefit cost附加福利费用
general cost-benefit models一般成本一效益模式
intangible cost-benefit无形成本效益
internal cost-benefit内部成本/效益
macroeconomic cost-benefit analysis大量费用与利润的经济分析
macroeconomic cost-benefit analysis成本一效益宏观经济分析
social benefit/cost analysis社会效益成本分析
social benefit/cost analysis社会效益费用分析
social benefit/cost analysis社会利得成本分析
stream of cost and benefit成本和收益流量
the benefit to cost relationship受益和成本之间的关系
The company's annual report said it had benefit from its cost saving measures公司年度报告指出,该公司已从节约开支措施中获益