
Terms for subject Business containing cost unit | all forms
analysis of increasing and decreasing unit cost of product产品单位成本升降分析
average total cost per unit单位产品平均总成本
base of relationship to the cost of unit成本与产品关系基础
comparative statement of monthly cost per unit工作单位每月成本比较表
comparative statement of monthly operation cost per unit单位产品每月营运成本比较表
comparative statement of monthly operative cost per unit每月单位经营成本比较表
cost center unit成本中心单位
cost per unit of quantity of investment单位投资量费用
cost per unit productive capacity单位生产能力成本
department unit cost部门单位成本
depreciation unit cost method单位成本折旧法
depreciation-unit cost单位成本折一旧
fixed unit cost不变单位成本
index of labour cost per unit of product单位产品劳动成本指数
labor cost per unit of output单位产量人工成本
labor cost per unit of product单位产品人工成本
per unit cost of manufacture单位制造成本
per unit cost of processing单位加工成本
per unit cost of production单位生产成本
standard unit transport cost标准单位运费
statement of unit cost of major products主要产品单位成本表
total cost per planned unit cost按计划单位成本计算的总成本
total cost per prior year's unit cost按上年单位成本计算的总成本
unit cost statement单位生产报表
variable cost per unit单位变动成本