
Terms for subject Shipbuilding containing cost & freight | all forms
cost, insurance and freight到岸价格成本加保险费和运费价格
cost, insurance and freight到岸价格成本加保险和运费价格
cost, insurance, freight and commission到岸价格加佣金价
cost, insurance, freight and exchangeCIFE到岸价加汇费价
cost, insurance, freight and exchange到岸价格加汇费价
cost, insurance, freight and war risksCIFW到岸价加战争保险价
cost, insurance, freight and war risks到岸价格加战争险价
cost, insurance, freight cleared至岸价加结关费用价
cost, insurance, freight cleared到岸价格加结关费用价
cost, insurance, freight net到岸净价
cost, insurance, freight terms至岸价格条款
cost, insurance, freight terms到岸价条件