
Terms for subject Commerce containing cost & freight | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
cost and freight成本加运费价现用 CFR
cost and freight成本加运费亦缩为 CAF,现用 CFR
cost and freight成本加运费
cost, freight and commission成本加运费加佣金价格
cost, freight, insurance and exchange成本、运费、保险费加汇费价格
cost, insurance and freight成本,保险费加运费价
cost, insurance and freight成本加保险费加运费价,到岸价
cost, insurance and freight成本加保险费运费到岸价 (CIF)
cost, insurance and freight到岸价格[成本加保险费及运费后的价格]
cost, insurance and freight成本加保险费和运费
cost, insurance & freight到岸价格包括货价、保险费和运费
cost, insurance, freight and commission成本、保险费、运费及佣金在内价
freight cost货物运费