
Terms containing cost & freight | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
econ.a cost, insurance, and freight contract到岸价合同
tech.air freight cost空运成本
interntl.trade.C & F cost and freight货价加运费价格
interntl.trade.C.I. F and W cost, insurance, freight and war risks货价、保险费
interntl.trade.C.I. F and W cost, insurance, freight and war risks运费加战争险在内的价格
interntl.trade.C.I. F and W cost, insurance, freight and war risks到岸价加战争险价
interntl.trade.C.I.F. and C. cost, insurance, freight and commission货价、保险费、运费加佣金在内的价格
interntl.trade.C.I.F. and C. cost, insurance, freight and commission到岸价加佣全价
interntl.trade.C.I.F. value in foreign currency cost, insurance and freight value in foreign currency用外币计算的货价、保险费加运费价
interntl.trade.C.I.F. value in foreign currency cost, insurance and freight value in foreign currency外币起岸价格
econ.cleared cost, insurance, freight cleared到岸价格加结关费用价格 (货价、保险费、运费和结关费用价)
gen.cost and freight成本与运费
securit.cost and freight成本和运费
tech.cost and freight货价和运价
agric.cost and freight价格与运费
busin.cost and freight货价及运费发票
tech.cost and freight货价加运费
anim.husb.cost and freight离岸成本加运费价
commer.cost and freight成本加运费亦缩为 CAF,现用 CFR
interntl.trade.cost and freight离岸加运费价
interntl.trade.cost and freight货价加运费的价格
interntl.trade.cost and freight货价加运费价格
textilecost and freight离岸加运费价 (C&F)
proj.manag.cost and freight离岸成本加运费
interntl.trade.cost and freight成本加运费价格
el.cost and freight到岸价格
transp.cost and freight成本加运费缩写为C.&F.
exhib.cost and freight离岸加运费
interntl.trade.cost and freight运费在内条件价格
commer.cost and freight成本加运费价现用 CFR
commer.cost and freight成本加运费
tech.cost and freight货价加运价
stat.cost and freight成本加运费离岸加运费价 (C&F)
fin.cost and freight离岸加运费价格
econ.cost and freight运费在内价
econ.cost and freight named port of destination成本加运费价格目的港名称
econ.cost and freight运费在内
econ.cost and freight成本 【离岸】加运费价
econ.cost and freight成本加运费价
econ.cost and freight成本加运费 (价)
tech.cost and freight离岸价加运费
gen.cost and freight离岸加运费价格成本加运费后的价格
textilecost and freight berth term成本,运费泊位交货条件
busin.cost and freight berth term成本、运费泊位交货条件
textilecost and freight free out成本加运费船方不负担卸货费用价格
tech.cost and freight free out成本加运费除卸货费
construct.cost and freight free out成本加运费船方不负担卸货费用 (C&F FO)
chem.cost and freight free out成本加运费船方不负担卸货费用
tech.cost and freight free out船方不承担卸货费用
busin.cost and freight included成本与运费在内
interntl.trade.cost and freight included货价运价在内
interntl.trade.cost and freight included货价包括运费
interntl.trade.cost and freight included货价运费在内
busin.cost and freight included货价包括运费在内
busin.cost and freight invoice货价加运费发票
textilecost and freight invoice货价和运费发票
interntl.trade.cost and freight invoice货价及运费发票
busin.cost and freight invoice成本加运费发票
textilecost and freight, landed成本加运费、起岸费,运费、起岸费在内价
el.cost and freight price包括货价和运费的价格
interntl.trade.cost and freight price货价及运费价格
tech.cost and freight price成本加运费价格
nautic., tech.cost and freight-named port of destination成本加运费……指定目的港
textilecost, assurance and freight到岸价格,成本、保险费加运费价格
busin.cost, assurance and freight到岸价格
econ.cost assurance and freight到岸价格
gen.cost, assurance and freight到岸价格成本加保险费和运输费后的价格
earth.sc.cost, assurance, freight成本保险加运费价
logist.Cost Assurance Freight CIF价格术语的法语代号
econ.cost, assurance, freight included货价、保险、运费
IMF.cost & freight成本加运费价
busin.cost, freight成本加运费价格
interntl.trade.cost freight and commission运费与佣金
busin.cost, freight and commission成本运费加佣金价格
econ.cost, freight and commission成本、运费加佣金
textilecost, freight and commission成本运费加佣金价格,离岸价格加佣金价格
commer.cost, freight and commission成本加运费加佣金价格
earth.sc.cost, freight and commission货价、运费与佣金
fin.cost, freight and commission离岸价加佣金
busin.cost, freight and commission成本、运费加佣金价格
econ.cost, freight and commission货价、运费及佣金
interntl.trade.cost freight and commission货价
econ.cost, freight and commission成本、运费及佣金
gen.cost, freight and commission成本加运费及佣金〔后的〕价格
econ.cost freight and insurance到岸价格[成本加运费及保险费后的价格]
econ.cost, freight and insurance成本、运费和保险费价,到岸价格
earth.sc.cost, freight and insurance成本、运费和保险费
fin.cost, freight and insurance离岸价加保险费
busin.cost, freight and insurance到岸价格
interntl.trade.cost freight and insurance货价
interntl.trade.cost freight and insurance到岸价格
interntl.trade.cost freight and insurance运费及保险费在内价
econ.cost, freight and insurance货价、运费及保险
econ.cost, freight and insurance成本、运费加保险价
econ.cost, freight and insurance成本、运费及保险
textilecost, freight and insurance到岸价格,成本运费加保险费价格抵岸价格
gen.cost, freight and insurance到岸价格成本加运费及保险费后的价格
interntl.trade.cost, freight and interest货价,运费与利息
busin.cost, freight insurance and exchange到岸价格加汇票费价格
econ.cost, freight, insurance and exchange到岸成本、运费、保险加汇费价
commer.cost, freight, insurance and exchange成本、运费、保险费加汇费价格
gen.cost, freight, insurance and exchange到岸加汇水价格[成本加运费、保险费及外汇贴水 后的价格]
textilecost, freight insurance and exchange到岸价格加汇票费价格,汇票在内的到岸价格
avia.cost, freight, insurance and exchange到岸价格加汇费价格
gen.cost, freight, insurance and exchange到岸加汇水价格成本加运费、保险费及外汇贴水后的价格
textilecost freight price成本运费价
interntl.trade.cost freight price交货收款价
busin.cost, freight price成本运费价
avia.cost, insurance and freight成本保险费加运费价
shipb.cost, insurance and freight到岸价格成本加保险和运费价格
shipb.cost, insurance and freight到岸价格成本加保险费和运费价格
busin.cost, insurance and freight到岸价格成本、保险费加运费价
chem.cost, insurance and freight成本加保险和运费
earth.sc.cost, insurance and freight到岸价格保险费、运费在内的价格
anim.husb.cost, insurance and freight货物运到价格
econ.cost, insurance and freight成本、保险费加运费价,到岸价格
dril.cost, insurance and freight到岸价格包括货价、运输费和保险费
org.name.cost, insurance and freight成本、保险费加运费
econ.cost, insurance and freight含成本、保费和运费价到岸价
telecom.cost, insurance and freight到岸价成本,保险和运费
commer.cost, insurance and freight到岸价格[成本加保险费及运费后的价格]
econ.cost, insurance and freight保险费加运费价格
econ.cost, insurance and freight成本
textilecost, insurance and freight包括成本、保险费和运费的价格
IMF.cost, insurance and freight到岸价格
IMF.cost, insurance and freight成本加保险费和运费价格
textilecost, insurance and freight包括成本保险费及运费
proj.manag.cost, insurance and freight保险费加运费
proj.manag.cost, insurance and freight成本
textilecost, insurance and freight到岸价格,成本加保险费、运费价格
el.cost, insurance and freight货价、保险及运费[到岸价格]
el.cost, insurance and freight成本、保险费加运费价
spacecost, insurance and freight到岸价格
econ.cost, insurance and freight到岸价
interntl.trade.cost, insurance and freight成本、保险费加运费
interntl.trade.cost, insurance and freight货价、保险费加运费在内的价格
interntl.trade.cost, insurance and freight到岸价
interntl.trade.cost, insurance and freight保险费在内条件价格
interntl.trade.cost, insurance and freight运费
interntl.trade.cost, insurance and freight到岸价格成本、保险费加运费价
commer.cost, insurance and freight成本加保险费运费到岸价 (CIF)
commer.cost, insurance and freight成本加保险费加运费价,到岸价
commer.cost, insurance and freight成本,保险费加运费价
commer.cost, insurance and freight成本加保险费和运费
railw.cost, insurance and freight到岸价格
railw.cost, insurance and freight到岸价
chem.cost, insurance and freight到岸价格
gen.cost, insurance and freight到岸价格成本加保险费及运费后的价格
textilecost, insurance and freight airport机场交货价,目的地航空站交货价格
econ.cost, insurance, and freight airport机场交货价
econ.cost, insurance, and freight and commission到岸价格加佣金价
econ.cost, insurance, and freight and exchange到岸价格加汇费价
econ.cost, insurance, and freight and interest到岸价格加利息价
econ.cost, insurance, and freight and war risk到岸价格加战争险价
econ.cost, insurance, and freight by air空运到岸价格
earth.sc.cost, insurance and freight by plane空运费、保险费在内的机上交货价格
econ.cost, insurance, and freight cleared到岸价格加通关费
econ.cost, insurance, and freight duty paid到岸价格加关税
econ.cost, insurance, and freight exchange and port of destination目的港交货的到岸价格加汇费价
econ.cost, insurance, and freight ex-ship's hold到岸舱底交货
textilecost, insurance and freight including包括折扣的到岸价格,折扣在内的成本、保险费、运费价格
econ.cost, insurance, and freight inland waterway到岸价格加内河运费
econ.cost, insurance, and freight interest and port of destination目的港交货的到岸价格加利息价
econ.cost, insurance, and freight landed terms到岸价格加卸货条件
econ.cost, insurance, and freight liner terms到岸价格加班轮条件 (由卖方卸货)
textilecost, insurance and freight London terms伦敦条件到岸价格
tech.cost, insurance and freight London terms到岸价格伦敦条款
el.cost, insurance and freight net成本、保险费加运费净价 (C.I.F. net)
econ.cost, insurance, and freight net到岸净价
el.Cost, Insurance and Freight price到岸价格[货价、保险及运费]
textilecost, insurance and freight terms到岸价格条件,成本、保险费加运费价格条件
interntl.trade.cost, insurance and freight terms成本、保险费、运费条件 (C.I.F. terms)
econ.cost, insurance, and freight terms到岸条件
econ.cost, insurance and freight terms成本、保险加运费条件,到岸价格条件
earth.sc.cost, insurance and freight terms运费、保险费计入条件
econ.cost, insurance, and freight under ship's tackle到岸轮船吊钩下交货价
econ.cost, insurance, and freight value到岸价格 (price)
econ.cost, insurance, and freight value in foreign currency外币到岸价格
oilcost insurance and freight value in foreign currency外币到岸价
textilecost, insurance and freight value in foreign currency外币到岸价格,用外币计算的成本、保险费加运费价格
econ.cost, insurance and freight value in foreign currency外币到岸价格 (用外币计算的货价、保险费加运费价)
nautic., tech.cost insurance and freight-named port of destination保险加运费……指定目的港
econ.cost, insurance, freight named port of destination成本、保险、运费目的港名称
railw.Cost, Insurance, Freight到岸价 (成本、保险费、运费)
fin.cost insurance & freight到岸价格
exhib.cost, insurance, freight成本,保险加海运费
commer.cost, insurance & freight到岸价格包括货价、保险费和运费
IMF.cost, insurance, freight到岸价格
econ.cost, insurance & freight到岸价格、货价、保险加运费价格
fin.cost insurance & freight货价加保险费和运费的价格
stat.cost insurance freight成本、保险加运费
stat.cost insurance freight到岸价格
stat.cost, insurance, freight成本、保险加运费
IMF.cost, insurance, freight成本加保险费和运费价格
agric.cost, insurance, freight含保险、运费价格CIF
avia.cost, insurance, freight, and charges成本、保险费、运费和捐税
tech.cost, insurance, freight and cleared到岸价格加结关费用价
gen.cost, insurance, freight and commission到岸加佣金价格
commer.cost, insurance, freight and commission成本、保险费、运费及佣金在内价
ecol.cost, insurance, freight and commission到岸价格加佣金 (CIF&C)
shipb.cost, insurance, freight and commission到岸价格加佣金价
econ.cost, insurance, freight and 2% commission含2%佣金的到岸价
econ.cost, insurance, freight and 2% commission到岸价格加2%佣金
econ.cost, insurance, freight and 3% commission到岸价格加3%佣金 (货价、保险费、运费加结关费用价)
interntl.trade.cost, insurance, freight and commission到岸价格加佣金
interntl.trade.cost, insurance, freight and commissionC.I.F. and C成本、保险费、运费加佣金价到岸价格加佣金价
textilecost, insurance, freight and 3% commission到岸价格加3%佣金
textilecost, insurance, freight and commission到岸价格加佣金,成本保险费、运费加佣金价格
proj.manag.cost, insurance, freight and commission成本、保险费、运费加佣金
interntl.trade.cost, insurance, freight and commission到岸价格加佣金价成本、保险费、运费加佣金价
avia.cost, insurance, freight, and commission成本、保险费、运费和手续费
exhib.cost, insurance, freight and commission到岸价加佣金
logist.Cost, Insurance, Freight and Commission成本加运费、保险费及佣金
econ.cost, insurance, freight and commission含佣金的到岸价
econ.cost, insurance, freight and commission到岸加佣金价格[成本加保险费、运费及佣金后的 价格]
econ.cost, insurance, freight and commission成本、保险费、运费加佣金价,到岸价加佣金价
busin.cost, insurance, freight and commission到岸价加佣金价成本、保险费、运费加佣金价
gen.cost, insurance, freight and commission到岸加佣金价格成本加保险费、运费及佣金后的价格
gen.cost, insurance, freight and commission and interest到岸加佣金及利息价格
gen.cost, insurance, freight and commission and interest到岸加佣金及利息价格[:成本加保险费、运费、佣 金及利息后的价格]
gen.cost, insurance, freight and commission and interest到岸加佣金及利息价格成本加保险费、运费、佣金及利息后的价格
textilecost, insurance, freight and duty到岸价格加关税价,成本、保险费、运费加关税价格
econ.cost, insurance, freight and exchange汇费在内的到岸价格
econ.cost, insurance, freight and exchange成本、 保险费、运费加汇费价,到岸价加汇费
oilcost, insurance, freight and exchange到岸价加兑换费
econ.cost, insurance, freight and exchange汇总费在内的到岸价
fin.cost, insurance, freight and exchange到岸价格加兑换费
shipb.cost, insurance, freight and exchangeCIFE到岸价加汇费价
busin.cost, insurance, freight and exchange到岸价加汇费价成本、保险费、运费加汇费价
shipb.cost, insurance, freight and exchange到岸价格加汇费价
earth.sc.cost, insurance, freight and exchange成本、保险费、运费加汇费价
interntl.trade.cost, insurance freight and exchange到岸价格加汇费价成本、保险费、运费加汇费价
interntl.trade.cost, insurance, freight and exchangeC.I.F. and E成本、保险费、运费加汇费价到岸价格加汇费价
interntl.trade.cost, insurance, freight and exchange到岸价格加汇费成本、保险费、运费加汇费价
econ.cost, insurance, freight and exchange到岸加汇费价格
gen.cost, insurance, freight and exchange到岸加汇水价格成本加保险费、运费及外汇贴水后的价格
gen.cost, insurance, freight and interest到岸加利息价格
el.cost, insurance, freight and interest成本、保险费、运费加利息价 (C.I.F. & I)
logist.Cost, Insurance, Freight and Interest成本加运费、保险费及利息
econ.cost, insurance, freight and interest含利息的到岸价
econ.cost, insurance, freight and interest成本、保险费、运费加利息价,到岸价加利息
econ.cost, insurance, freight and interest到岸价格加利息
interntl.trade.cost, insurance, freight and interest到岸价格加利息价成本、保险费、运费加利息价
interntl.trade.cost, insurance, freight and exchange interest到岸价加汇费利息价
interntl.trade.cost, insurance, freight and interest到岸加利息价格[成本加保险费、运费及利息后的 价格]
interntl.trade.cost, insurance, freight and exchange interest货价,保险费、运费加汇费利息在内的价格
textilecost, insurance, freight and interest到岸价格加利息价,成本、保险费、运费加利息价
interntl.trade.cost, insurance, freight and interest C.I.F. and I成本、保险费、运费加利息价到岸价格加利息价
gen.cost, insurance, freight and interest到岸加利息价格成本加保险费、运费及利息后的价格
econ.cost, insurance, freight and port of destination成本、保险费、运费加利息及目的港费用
textilecost insurance freight and war risk战争险在内的到岸价格
econ.cost, insurance, freight and war risk战争险在内的到岸价格
oilcost, insurance, freight and war risk到岸价加战争保险金
interntl.trade.cost, insurance, freight and war risk战争险在内的到岸价
econ.cost, insurance, freight and war risk含战争保险的到岸价
shipb.cost, insurance, freight and war risksCIFW到岸价加战争保险价
interntl.trade.cost, insurance, freight and war risks到岸价格加战争险价成本、保险费、运费加战争险价
econ.cost, insurance, freight and war risks成本、 保险费,运费加战争险价,到岸价加兵险费
interntl.trade.cost, insurance, freight and war risks C.I.F. and W成本、保险费、运费加战争险价到岸价格加战争险价
el.cost, insurance, freight and war risks成本、保险费、运费加战争险价 (C.I.F. war risks)
interntl.trade.cost, insurance, freight and war risks到岸价加兵险战争险在内价
shipb.cost, insurance, freight and war risks到岸价格加战争险价
proj.manag.cost, insurance, freight and war-risks成本、保险费、运费加战争险价
el.cost, insurance, freight by plane成本、保险费加空运费价 (C.I.F. plane)
econ.cost, insurance freight by plane成本、保险加空运费价,空运到岸价
econ.cost, insurance, freight by plane货价、保险费加空运费价
busin.cost, insurance, freight by plane成本,保险费加航空运费价
econ.cost, insurance, freight by plane含空运的到岸价
interntl.trade.cost, insurance, freight by plane货价,保险加空运费在内价
textilecost, insurance, freight by plane成本、保险费加空运运费价格,空运费保险费在内的机上交货价格
textilecost, insurance, freight by plane成本、保险费加空运运费价格,空运费、保险费在内的机上交货价格
interntl.trade.cost, insurance, freight by plane成本、保险费加空运费价
gen.cost, insurance, freight by plane机上交货价格成本加保险费、空运费后的价格
interntl.trade.cost, insurance, freight cleared到岸价格加结关费用价成本、保险费、运费加结关费用价
el.cost, insurance, freight cleared成本、保险费、运费加结关费用价 (C.I.F. cleared)
interntl.trade.cost, insurance, freight cleared C.I.F. cleared成本、保险费、运费加结关费用价到岸价格加结关费用价
econ.cost, insurance, freight cleared成本、保险费、运费和一切进口费用价,到岸价加通关费
busin.cost, insurance, freight cleared到岸价加结关费价成本、保险费、运费加结关费价
shipb.cost, insurance, freight cleared至岸价加结关费用价
textilecost, insurance freight cleared到岸价格加通关费用价,成本、保险费、运费加通关费用价格
interntl.trade.cost, insurance, freight cleared到岸价加结关费用价
shipb.cost, insurance, freight cleared到岸价格加结关费用价
econ.cost, insurance, freight & commission到岸加佣金价格
earth.sc.cost, insurance, freight, commission成本、保险费加佣金价
tech.cost, insurance, freight, commission and exchange到岸价格加代理费和汇费
interntl.trade.cost, insurance, freight, commission and interest到岸价加佣金及利息价
earth.sc.cost, insurance, freight, commission and interest成本、保险、运费、佣金及利息的价格条件
econ.cost, insurance, freight commission and interest到岸价格加佣金及利息价 (货价、保险费、运费加佣金及利息)
econ.cost, insurance, freight, commission, and interest成本、保险、运费、手续费和利息、到岸价格加佣金及利息价
interntl.trade.cost, insurance, freight, commission and interest到岸价格加佣金及利息价成本、保险费、运费加佣金及利息价
logist.Cost, Insurance, Freight, Commission and Interest成本加运费、保险费、佣金及利息
logist.cost, insurance, freight, commission and interest国际铁路货运协定这是法语的缩写
oilcost, insurance, freight, commission and interest到岸价格加佣金和利息
oilcost, insurance, freight, commission and interestCIFCI到岸价加佣金和利息
el.cost, insurance, freight, commission and interest成本、保险费、运费加佣金及利息价 (C.I.F. C & I)
interntl.trade.cost, insurance, freight commission and interest C.I.F. and I成本、保险费、运费加佣金及利息价到岸价格加佣金及利息价
econ.cost, insurance, freight, commission and interest成本、保险费,运费加佣金及利息价,到岸价加佣金及利息
econ.cost, insurance, freight, commission and interest含佣金和利息的到岸价
busin.cost, insurance, freight, commission and interest到岸价加佣金和利息价成本、保险费、运费加佣金和利息价
fin.cost, insurance, freight, commission and interst到岸价格加佣金及利息
textilecost, insurance, freight, commission, exchange and interest到岸价格加佣金、汇费及利息,成本加保险费、运费、佣金、汇费及利息价格
tech.cost, insurance, freight, commission, exchange and interest到岸价格加佣金,汇费及利息
econ.cost, insurance, freight, commission & interest到岸价格加佣金及利息价
econ.cost, insurance, freight, duty paid成本、保险费、运费加关税价 (C. I. F. duty paid)
textilecost, insurance, freight duty paid到岸价格加关税价,成本、保险费、运费加关税价
interntl.trade.cost, insurance, freight duty paid到岸价加关税的价
interntl.trade.cost, insurance, freight duty paid成本、保险费、运费加关税价 (C.I.F. duty paid)
oilcost, insurance, freight, duty paid到岸价格加关税
el.cost, insurance freight duty paid成本、保险费、运费加关税价 (C.I.F. duty paid)
busin.cost, insurance, freight duty paid到岸价加关税价成本、保险费、运费加关税价
interntl.trade.cost, insurance, freight ex ship's hold到岸轮船仓底交货价成本、保险费、运费至轮船仓底交货价
econ.cost, insurance, freight ex ship's hold成本、保险费、运费至轮船舱底交货价 (C. I. F. ex ship's hold)
el.cost, insurance, freight ex ship's hold成本、保险费、运费至轮船舱底交货价 (C.I.F. ex ship's hold)
busin.cost, insurance, freight ex ship's hold到岸货船舱底交货价成本、 保险费加舱底交货运费价
interntl.trade.cost, insurance, freight, exchange and port of destination到岸价加汇费及到达目的港价
el.cost, insurance, freight, exchange and port of destination成本、保险费、运费、汇费及目的港价 (C.I.F. & E port of destination)
econ.cost, insurance, freight exchange and port of destination成本、保险费、运费、汇费及目的港价
textilecost, insurance, freight, exchange and port of destination到岸价格加汇费及到目的港价,成本、保险费、运费、汇费加到目的港价格
econ.cost, insurance, freight, exchange and port of destination到岸价格加汇费价格 (货价、保险费、运费及到目的港价)
interntl.trade.cost, insurance, freight ex-ship's hold到岸轮船仓底交货价
interntl.trade.cost, insurance, freight ex-ship's hold到岸轮船舱底交货价
textilecost, insurance, freight ex-ship's hold成本、保险费、运费至船舱底交货价格
proj.manag.cost, insurance, freight, ex-ship's hold成本、保险费、运费加船舱底交货
proj.manag.cost, insurance, freight, ex-ship's hold到岸轮船舱底交货
interntl.trade.cost, insurance, freight ex-ship's hold C.I.F. ex ship's hold成本、保险费、运费、至轮船舱底交货价到岸轮船舱底交货价
textilecost, insurance, freight, free in and out成本加保险费、运费不管装卸价格
econ.cost, insurance, freight inland成本、保险、到内河运费价
econ.cost, insurance, freight inland water way到岸价格加内河运费价 (货价、保险费、运费加内河运费价)
el.cost, insurance, freight inland waterway成本、保险费、运费加内河运费价 (C.I.F. inland waterway)
textilecost, insurance, freight inland waterway成本、保险费、运费加内河运费价格,到岸价格加内河运费价
interntl.trade.cost, insurance, freight inland waterway到岸价格加内河运费价成本、保险费、运费加内河运费价
interntl.trade.cost, insurance, freight inland waterway C.I.F. inland waterway成本、保险费、运费加内河运费价到岸价格加内河运费价
interntl.trade.cost, insurance, freight inland waterway到岸价加内河运费价
busin.cost, insurance, freight inland waterway到岸价加内河运费价成本、保险费、运费加内河运费价
tech.cost insurance freight inland waterway内河到岸价格
earth.sc.cost insurance freight interest包括延迟收到货款应计利息在内的到岸价格
textilecost, insurance, freight, interest and commission到岸价格加利息和佣金,成本、保险费、运费加利息和佣金价
econ.cost, insurance, freight, interest and commission含利息和佣金的到岸价
tech.cost, insurance, freight, interest and commission到岸价格加利息和佣金
textilecost, insurance, freight, interest and exchange到岸价格加利息及汇费,成本、保险费、运费加利息及汇费价
tech.cost, insurance, freight, interest and exchange到岸价格加利息和汇费
textilecost, insurance, freight interest and port of destination到岸价格加利息及到目的港价,成本、保险费、运费、利息加到目的港价格
busin.cost, insurance, freight, interest and port of destination到岸价加利息和目的港价成本、保险费、运费加利息和到目的港价
proj.manag.cost, insurance, freight, landed到岸价格加卸货费
proj.manag.cost, insurance, freight, landed成本、保险费、运费加卸货费
earth.sc.cost, insurance, freight landed terms到岸价格加卸货价
interntl.trade.cost, insurance, freight landed terms到岸价格加班轮条件成本、保险费、运费加班轮条件
interntl.trade.cost, insurance, freight landed terms C.I.F.landed terms成本、保险费、运费加卸货价到岸价格加卸货价
interntl.trade.cost, insurance, freight landed terms到岸价加卸货价
textilecost, insurance, freight landed terms成本加保险费、运费、卸货地费用价格条件,到岸价格加卸货价条件
econ.cost, insurance, freight landed terms到岸价格加卸货价 (货价、保险费、运费加卸货价)
econ.cost, insurance, freight landed terms成本、保险费,运费加到岸条件
busin.cost, insurance, freight landed terms到岸价加卸货价条件成本、 保险费、运费加卸货价条件
econ.cost, insurance, freight liner terms到岸价格加班轮费用 (货价、保险费、运费、加班费用价)
interntl.trade.cost, insurance, freight liner terms C.I.F. liner tenns成本、保险费、运费加班轮条件到岸价格加班轮条件
textilecost, insurance, freight liner terms到岸价格加班轮条件,按班轮条件的成本,保险费和运费价格,班轮条件到岸价格
proj.manag.cost, insurance, freight, liner terms成本、保险费、运费加班轮条件
proj.manag.cost, insurance, freight, liner terms到岸价格加班轮条件
el.cost, insurance, freight liner terms按班轮装卸条件的成本、保险费及运费价 (C.I.F. liner terms)
econ.cost, insurance, freight liner terms按班轮装卸条件的成本、保险费加运费价 (C. I. F. liner terms)
busin.cost, insurance, freight liner terms到岸价加班轮条件成本、保险费、运费加班轮条件
interntl.trade.cost, insurance, freight liner terms CIF liner terms到岸价加班轮费用价
econ.cost, insurance, freight net成本加保险费和运费的净价
econ.cost, insurance, freight net到岸价格净价 (货价、保险费、加运费净价)
econ.cost, insurance, freight net成本、保险费、加运费净价,到岸净价 (无佣金)
busin.cost, insurance, freight net到岸价格净价成本、保险费加运费净价
econ.cost, insurance, freight net到岸价格净价
interntl.trade.cost, insurance, freight net到岸价格净价成本、保险费、加运费净价
interntl.trade.cost, insurance, freight netC.I.F. net成本、保险费加运费净价到岸价格净价
textilecost, insurance, freight net净到岸价格,到岸净价,成本、保险费、运费净价
interntl.trade.cost, insurance, freight net到岸价净价
interntl.trade.cost, insurance, freight net货价、保险费加运费净价
shipb.cost, insurance, freight net到岸净价
el.cost insurance freight plane机上交货价格
busin.cost, insurance, freight terms成本,保险费加运费价格条件
shipb.cost, insurance, freight terms至岸价格条款
shipb.cost, insurance, freight terms到岸价条件
textilecost, insurance, freight transaction到岸价格交易,成本、保险费、运费价格条件交易
interntl.trade.cost, insurance, freight under ship's tackle到岸轮船吊钩下交货价成本、保险费、运费至轮船吊钩下交货价
interntl.trade.cost, insurance, freight under ship's tackle C.I.F. under ship's tackle成本、保险费、运费至轮船吊钩下交货价到岸轮船吊钩下交货价
interntl.trade.cost, insurance, freight under ship's tackle货价、保险费、运费至轮船吊钩下交货价
interntl.trade.cost, insurance, freight under ship's tackle到岸轮船吊钩下交货价
textilecost, insurance, freight under ship's tackle吊钩下交货的到岸价格,到岸价吊钩下交货
proj.manag.cost, insurance, freight under ship's tackle成本、保险费、运费加吊钩下交货价
el.cost, insurance, freight under ship's tackle成本、保险费、运费至轮船吊钩下交货价 (C.I.F. under ship's tackle)
econ.cost, insurance, freight under ship's tackle到岸轮船吊钩下交货 (货价、保险费、运费至轮船吊钩下交货价)
econ.cost, insurance, freight under ship's tackle成本、保险费、运费至轮船吊钩下交货价
tech.cost, insurance, freight under ship's tackle吊钩下交货的到岸价格
busin.cost, insurance, freight under ship's tacks轮船吊钩下交货的到岸价格成本、保险费、运费至轮船吊钩下交货价
busin.cost, insurance, freight value in foreign currency外币到岸价用外币计算成本、保险费加运费价
econ.cost, insurance, freight war risk战争险在内的到岸价 (货价、保险费、运费加战争险在内价)
earth.sc.cost insurance freight war risks包括战争保险费在内的到岸价格
exhib.cost of air freight空运费
auto.cost of freight运输成本费用
tech.cost of freight运费
tech.cost of freight service货运成本
tech.cost-insurance and freight by plane成本一保险加空运费价格
tech.cost-insurance and freight duty paid成本一保险费一运费加关税价
busin.cost,insurance, freight and war risk到岸价加战争保险价成本、 保险费、运费加战争保险价
el.cost,insurance freight landed terms成本、保险费、运费加卸货价 (C.I.F. landed terms)
textilecost,insurance,freight and exchange到岸价格加汇费价,成本、保险费、运费加汇费价
tech.cost-insurance-freight and landed terms成本加保险费一运费和卸货费价格条件
interntl.trade.cost,insurance,freight,interst and port of destination CIFI port of destination到岸价加利息及目的壻价
econ.ex ship's hold cost, insurance, freight ex ship's hold到岸轮船仓底交货价 (货价、保险费、运费至轮船仓底交货价)
met.freight cost运输费
fin.freight cost货运成本
met.freight cost运费
transp.freight cost货物运价率
hydroel.st.freight cost运输成本
el.freight cost运输费用
commer.freight cost货物运费
proj.manag.freight forward cost货物发运费用
tech.freight point to point cost货运点到点成本
tech.freight traffic unit cost货运单位成本
proj.manag.insurance and freight cost成本、保险费加运费
econ.invoice cost and freight invoice货价加运费发票
interntl.trade.offer cost, insurance and freight报到岸价
busin.offer cost, insurance and freight到岸价报盘
tech.payment upon arrival, cost, insurance, freight and war-risks-payment upon arrival到岸价格加兵险货到付款价
tech.payment upon arrival, cost, insurance, freight and war-risks-payment upon arrival到岸价格加战争险货到付款价
econ.price cost freight price交货收款价
tech.production cost and freight生产费用和总运输费