
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing cost | all forms | exact matches only
assembling cost最终成本
assembling cost总成本
blast furnace capital cost高炉投资费用
capital cost基建费
capitalized cost核定投资额
capitalized cost资本值
capitalized cost成本
capitalized total cost核定投资总额
causticization cost苛化费用
construction cost造价
construction cost基建费用
construction cost control工程成本控制
construction cost control基建费用控制
continuous casting cost per tonne of steel吨钢连铸成本
continuous casting cost/tonne of steel吨钢连铸成本
cost accounting system of iron and steel products钢铁产品成本核算系统
cost-competitive sheet成本具有竞争力的薄板
cost-competitive steelmaking process成本具有竞争力的炼钢法
cost factor造价影响因素
cost factor成本因素
cost factor价格因素
cost of cleaning精加工费用
cost of cleaning清洁费用
cost of cleaning精整费用
cost of cleaning清砂费用
cost of coal煤费
cost of cold working冷加工费
cost of construction建设费
cost of depreciation折旧费
cost of dust collection除尘费
cost of fuel燃料费用
cost of fuel oil燃油费
cost of gas煤气费
cost of grinding打磨费
cost of handling labor装卸劳力费用
cost of heat treatment热处理费
cost of heating加热费
cost of heating采暖费用
cost of hot metal铁水成本
cost of installation设备费
cost of labour工资
cost of labour劳力费
cost of maintainance维修费
cost of maintainance维持费
cost of nitriding treatment渗氮处理费
cost of polishing treatment抛光费
cost of pulverization破碎费
cost of pulverization粉化费
cost of remelting重熔费用
cost of remelting再熔炼费用
cost of repairing ladle钢包修理费
cost of repairing mold结晶器修理费
cost of scrap steel废钢费用
cost of smelting冶炼费用
cost of transportation运输费
cost of upkeep维护费
cost of upkeep维持费
cost of water水费
cost of welding焊接费
cost per tonne of steel吨钢成本
cost performance性能价格比
cost price成本
cost sheet价格单
cost sheet成本单
cost/tonne of steel吨钢成本
cut cost降低成本
die cost模具费用
die cost模具成本
direct operating cost直接经营成本
direct operating cost直接生产费用
employee training cost员工培训费
energy cost per tonne of steel吨钢能源费用
energy cost/tonne of steel吨钢能源费用
erected capital cost造价
estimated cost估计价格
estimated cost估算费用
fabricating cost安装费用
fabrication cost安装费用
fabrication cost建筑造价
fabrication cost加工成本
fabrication cost加工费
firing cost烧成费用
first cost投资 (费用)
first cost原价
first cost最初成本
first cost初期费用
freight cost运输费
freight cost运费
fuel cost of blast furnace高炉燃料费用
furnace repair cost修炉费用
gas cleaning cost气体净化费用
grinding cost研磨磨削,磨碎费用
handling cost处理费
handling cost装卸费
hot metal cost铁水成本
housing cost建筑费用
housing cost建筑造价
index of labor cost per unit of output单位产品劳动成本指数
index of labor cost per unit of output单位产量劳动成本指数
initial cost原价
installation cost安装设备费用
labor cost人工成本
labor cost人工费用
labor cost工资
labor cost per unit of output单位产品劳动成本
labor cost per unit of output单位产量劳动成本
ladle refractory cost钢包耐火材料费用 (Changes in steel ladle refractory lining materials at Granite City Steel have dramatically improved ladle lives while reducing steel penetration and ladle refractory costs. 格拉尼特城钢公司钢包耐火衬材质的改变已大幅度提高了钢包寿命,同时减少了钢水穿透事故、降低了耐火材料费用。)
least cost scrap mix program最低成本废钢配料程序
lining cost炉衬费用
liquid steel cost钢水成本
low cost低成本
maintenance cost保养费
major cost主要费用
major cost主要成本
major cost基本费用
manufacture cost造价
manufacturing cost制造成本
manufacturing cost制造费用
manufacturing cost生产费用
minimill production cost小钢厂生产费用
operating cost经营成本
operating cost生产成本
operation cost经营费
operation cost操作成本
operation cost生产费用
operation cost经营成本
operation cost营运费
operational cost经营成本
operational cost操作费用
operational cost生产费用
operational cost accounting经营成本核算
operational cost accounting操作费用核算
overall cost总成本
overall operating cost总经营成本
overall operating cost总营业费
overhead cost经常开支
overhead cost杂项开支
overhead cost间接费用
plant cost工厂成本
power cost动力费用
prime cost成本
processing cost加工成本
processing cost加工费
production cost生产费用
project cost control工程成本控制
projected cost设计成本
projected cost设计费用
refractory cost of hot tundish热态中间罐耐火材料费用
refractory replacement cost耐火材料更换费用
relative cost of hot metal and scrap铁水和废钢的相对费用
remelting cost重熔费用
running cost使用费
running cost经费
scrap steel cost废钢费用
specific cost特别费
specific investment cost单位投资
start-up cost开炉费用
start-up cost试运转费用
start-up cost投产费用
training cost培训费
variable operating cost可变营运费用
wage cost工资费用
working cost加工成本
working cost生产费用