
Terms for subject Finances containing cost | all forms | exact matches only
absolute difference in cost成本绝对差
absolute fixed cost纯粹固定成本
absolute fixed cost绝对固定费用
absorption cost full eost吸收成本全额成本,即包括固定和可变成本
accrued benefit cost method效益成本增值计算法
accumulated depreciation-delivery equipment cost累计折旧-运输设备费用
accumulated experimental development cost in project项目的试验研究费用累计
acquisition cost购买成本
acquisition cost招揽成本
acquisition cost资产购入成本
acquisition cost照原价
acquisition cost取得成本
actuarial cost method保险统计员计算方法
additional cost增长成本
adjusted cost basis调整成本制
adjusted original cost调整原价
adjustment cost理算费用
administration cost管理费用
advanced cost accounting高级成本会计
advanced cost accounting高等成本会计
advertising cost广告费
amortization cost偿还费
amortization cost偿还资金
amortized cost折余成本
amount of cost reduction成本降低额
analysis of cost variances成本差异分析
analysis of production cost生产成本分析
annual cost年度费用
annual cost等额年费用
annual cost年度成本
annual labour cost年度人工费用
anticipated cost早列成本
apportioning cost分配值
arithmetical average cost method算术平均成本法
asset retirement cost资产报废成本
assumed cost interest假定成本利息
available cost可控成本
average cost method平均成本法
average-cost pricing平均成本定价法
average fixed cost平均不变成本
average total cost平均总成本
average unit cost平均单位成本
average variable cost平均变动成本
bankruptcy cost破产成本
base of relationship to the cost of unit以成本与产品间的关系为基础
basic cost基本成本
basic features of a standard cost system标准成本制度之基本特征
basic standard cost index standard cost, yard stick standard cost, static standard cost, constant standard cost, permanent standard cost基本标准成本指数标准成本,尺度标准成本,静态标准成本,固定标准成本
benefit cost ratio效益成本比率
book cost帐面原价
book cost帐面成本
borrowing cost借贷成本
budget cost预算成本
budget cost预算开支
bunched cost混同成本
by factor cost按要素成本计算
calculation schedule of transportation cost运输成本计算表
capacity cost足量成本
capacity cost能力维持费用为维持生产能力、销售能力所发生的费用
capacity cost固定费成本
capitalization of borrowing cost借款费用资本化
carrying cost存储费用
carrying cost持仓成本
carrying cost运输成本
class cost system组别综合成本计算
clerical cost办公费用
combined cost and general ledger联合成本及普通分类帐
commercial cost商业成本
committed capacity cost折旧费
committed cost不可规划成本
committed cost已定成本
committed fixed cost约束性固定成本
common cost联合成本 (joint cost)
common cost共同费用 (joint cost)
common cost共同成本 (joint cost)
common staff cost一般普通人事费用
complete manufacturing cost全部制造成本
compressed air cost压缩空气成本
constant cost saving定额成本节省
constant standard cost固定标准成本
consumed cost耗用成本
consumed cost消失之成本
contingent cost或有成本
controllable cost可取成本
conversion cost制造成本 (processing cost)
conversion cost加工费 (processing cost)
conversion cost转换成本 (processing cost)
conversion cost加工成本 (processing cost)
conversion of cost of sales to cash disbursements销货成本换算为现金支出额
corporation bonds issuing cost公司债券发行成本
costing cost-volume-prof it graph损益平衡图 (chart)
count the cost先盘算盘算
count the cost估计成本
credit cost信贷成本
crush cost赶工成本
current cost市价
current cost流动成本
current cost时价
current cost当期成本
current ideal-standard cost现行理想的标准成本
current replacement cost现行重置成本
current standard cost现行标准成本
current-outlay cost本期支出成本
debt-service cost偿债成本
default cost违约成本
deferred cost递延成本
departmental cost部别成本.
departmental cost accounting部门成本计算
departmental cost summary sheet部门成本汇总表
departmental job order cost accounting部门别分批成本会计
departmental process cost system部门别分步成本制
departmental unit cost分部单位成本
depreciated cost已折旧成本
depreciated cost折条成本
determining cost of layout决定布置的成本
determining ratio of cost to selling price计算成本对售价的比例
difference between cost and book value成本与帐面价值之差异
difference in absolute cost成本绝对差
differential cost差额成本差异成本,差量成本
direct cost method直接成本法
direct cost method直接费用法
direct labor cost直接劳动成本
direct labor cost直接生产工本
direct labor cost method直接人工成本法
direct labor cost variance直接人工成本差异
direct material and labor cost劳务费
direct material and labor cost直接材料
direct material cost直接材料成本
direct material cost method直接材料成本法
discretionary cost择性成本
discretionary cost酌定成本
discretionary cost自行处理成本
discretionary fixed cost选择性固定成本
disposal cost清理成本
disposal of treasury shares-cost basis出售库存股票的记帐-成本法根据成本作价
distribution cost发行成本
distribution cost分销费用
distribution cost推销费用
distribution cost发售成本
distribution cost accounting辩销成本会计
distribution cost allocation推销成本的分摊
distribution cost budget推销成本预算
distribution on manufacturing cost依制造成本分配
distribution statement of service cost厂务费用分配表
earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, amortization and rent cost扣除利息、税项、折旧、摊销及租赁成本前收益
effciency cost效率成本
effect of cost-or-market rule on gross margin成本与市价的法则对毛利的影响
element of cost成本要素
elements of cost成本要素
eliminable cost可免的成本
employee cost index员工成本指数
engineering estimate of cost工程估计成本
entry-age normal cost method适龄正常费用法
equal difference in cost成本同等差
equivalent annual cost等值年金成本
equivalent cost相等成本
estimating cost recoverability估计成本收回的可能性
estimating-cost system估计成本制度
excess of book value over cost of investment in subsidiary子公司投资帐面价值超过成本部分
excess of book-value over investment cost账面价值超过投资成本额
excess of cost of securities over market value证券成本超过市价
excess of cost over book value of investment in subsidiary子公司投资成本超过帐面价值部分
expected cost of additional information补充信息的预期成本
expected-actual standard cost可达到标准成本 (attainable standard cost)
expected-actual standard cost实现标准成本 (attainable standard cost)
expired cost已耗费用
expired cost已过成本
exploration cost勘探成本
factory cost产品成本
factory cost生产成本 (manufacturing cost, production cost, work cost)
factory cost clerk工厂成本会计管理
factory cost report制造成本报告书
factory cost responsibility summary部门制造成本报告
factory departmental cost report部门制造成本报吿
factory supplies cost工厂消费品费
final cost总成本
financing and administrative cost理财及管理成本
flat cost直接费用
flat cost统一成本
forecast cost standards预测成本准则
forecasting of cost成本预测
freight cost货运成本
fringe cost附加成本
function-cost ratio功能-成本比率
functional cost职能别成本
future cost未来成本
gas cost煤气成本
general administration cost一般管理费
general overhead of office on cost一般间接费 (or general burden)
general price-level replacement cost accounting一般物价水平重置成本会计
general price-level-adjusted historical cost accounting一般物价水平调整历史成本会计
generalization on cost-volume -profit analysis成本-数量-利润分析
government cost sharing政府费用分摊
hiring cost租赁成本
historical best cost of the domestic industry国内同行业历史先进成本
historical cost历史最高价
historical past cost历史成本
historical past cost存在成本
historical past cost过去成本即实际成本,上期成本
historical cost accounting system按实际成本核算的制度
historical-cost rules for revenue recognition确定营业收入的实际成本规则
historical-cost statements按实际成本计算的报表
holding cost存储成本
holding cost储存保管成本
hour cost计时成本
ICMA The Institute of Cost and Management Accountants英国成本和工厂会计师协会
identifies cost method定单成本法
idle time cost无效工时成羋
idle time cost停工费用
immediate cost即期成本
inflation of cost push成本推动型通货膨胀
innovation cost技术革新成本
instruction cost教学成本
interest charged to cost计人成本利息
inventoriable cost产品成本 (product cost)
inventoriable cost可列入存货的成本 (product cost)
inventory cost存货成本
inventory cost仓存费用
inventory cost selection存货成本的选择
invoice cost发票所列成本
invoice cost发票原价
irrelevant cost无关成本
job cost令单成本
job cost批次成本
job cost accounting分批成本会计
job cost ledger令单成本分类帐
job cost ledger分批成本分类帐
job cost method分批成本法
job cost system分批成本制 (job order cost system; job lot method)
job cost voucher分批成本凭单
job order cost定单成本
job order cost分批成本
job order cost cycle分批成本周期
job order cost method分批成本法
job order cost system定单成本制
joint cost联产成本 (common cost)
joint cost共同成本 (common cost)
joint cost联合成本 (common cost)
joint cost of material原料的联合成本
joint cost of operation联合共同经营成本
joint cost of production联合生产成本
joint cost principle联合成本原则
labour cost劳动费用
labour cost人工成本
labour cost account劳动费用帐户
labour cost account人工成本帐户
labour cost collecting sheet人工成本收集单
labour cost differential劳力成本差异
labour cost per unit of output单位产品劳动成本
labour cost percentage method人工成本百分法
labour cost sheet人工成本单
last cost最终成本
last invoice cost method最后发票成本法
last invoice cost method最终进货成本法
learning curve improvement curve in cost estimating成本估计中的改进曲线产量成倍,固定费下降原理估计的
lending cost贷款费用
life repair cost全使用期内修理费
lift in cost费用增加
liquidity cost流动资金的费用
local operating cost当地业务费用
local operating cost当地经营成本
lots cost system分批成本计算
main material cost主要材料成本
maintaining the cost accounts进行成本核算
management direct cost直接管理费
managerial cost control管理成本的控制
manual of cost control成本管理手册
manufacturing cost产品成本
manufacturing cost accounting制造成本会计
manufacturing cost of goods sold产品销售的制造成本
manufacturing overhead cost制造费用成本
marketing cost推销及收帐成本
marketing cost a/c营业费帐户
marketing cost budgeting营业费预算
marketing cost control控制销售成本
marketing cost control by division控制部门销售成本
marketing cost control by product控制产品销售成本
marketing cost control by territory控制地区销售成本
marketing cost management营业费管理
market-to-cost method市价成本法
matching cost flow and work flow成本流量与业务流量相配合
matching cost with revenue成本与营业收入配合
materials cost account材料成本帐户
materials cost analysis材料成本分析
materials cost basis直接材料费用
materials cost budget材料成本预算
materials cost collecting sheet材料成本汇集表
measurement of cost expirations成本消耗的衡量
menu cost菜肴成本
menu cost调配成本
method of cost accounting成本计算方法
mimeograph cost复印机成本
minimum cost最低成本
mobilization cost工地设施费用
mobilization cost动员费用
month end average cost method月末平均成本
multiple cost system复式成本法
National Association of Cost Accountants美国全国成本会计师协会
net cost净价
net cost实价
net cost净成本
net cost account净成本帐户
nonoperational cost非业务费用
normal cost定额成本
normal cost accounting正常成本会计
normal cost standards正常成本标准
old cost原始成本
on a cost incurred basis实报实销
on a cost incurred basis以已付费用为准
on cost外加成本 (manufacturing expense, burden)
on cost间接费用 (manufacturing expense, burden)
on cost制造费用 (manufacturing expense, burden)
operating cost经营费用
operating cost systems工作成本制度
operation cost营业成本
operation cost system工作成本制度
organization cost written-off已冲销开办费
original cost原始价值
original cost of value原始成本价值
output cost产品生产成本
over absorbed cost多摊配的成本
over absorbed overheads cost多摊配的工厂间接费成本
overhead cost各项杂费
overhead cost间接制造成本
overhead cost制造费用
overtime cost加班费用
partial cost部分成本
past unit cost以往单位成本
payroll cost工资成本
period of cost recovery成本收回期间
periodic allocation of cost费用按期分摊
pertaining cost其它费用
planned cost of work completed完成工作之计划预算
pool account cost distribution共享帐户费用分配
predetermined cost accounting会计制度
predetermined cost accounting预定成本
predetermined cost system预计成本制度 (estimated cost system)
predetermined job cost system预计分批成本制度
predicted cost standard cost预定成本即标准成本
preparatory cost预备成本
preparatory cost准备成本
prime cost进货价格
prime cost原价
prime cost method主要成本法,制造费用分配方法
prime cost of sales销贷主要成本
prior service cost前期服务成本
probable cost估计的成本
probable cost大约的成本
process cost综合成本
process cost步骤成本
process, cost system分步成本制度 (process method of cost finding)
process method of cost accounting成本会计的分步法
process method of cost-finding分步计算成本法
production cost account产品成本帐户
production cost budget生产成本预算
production cost center生产成本中心
production cost plans of industry工业生产成本计划
production cost sheet生产成本表
production department cost生产部门成本
production order cost sheet生产成本单
production order cost sheet生产成本通吿单
productive capacity cost生产能力成本
productive labor cost method生产人工成本法指制造费用的分配
project support cost项目支持费用
proof of cost成本对证核实
rate of return over cost报酬超过成本率
recommended departure from the cost basis脱离成本记帐基础的建议
reconciliation of financial and cost profit财务利润与成本利润调节表
recorded cost记账成本
recorded cost帐面实际成本
recording treasury stock acquisition-cost basis取得库存股票的记帐-成本基础
recruitment cost招募成本
recurrent cost经常性费用
reserve assets cost资产储备费用
reversal cost method反向成本法
row and column cost行列成本
rule of cost or market成本与市场孰低的原则
rules and regulations of cost accounting成本会计的规章制度
salary cost工资
savings cost储蓄成本
scheduled cost编定成本
scheduled cost预定成本
seasonality and standard cost variances季节性和标准成本差异
securities cost证券成本
securities cost charges购买证券成本费用
selling cost销售成本
selling cost budget销售成本预算
semi-variable cost半可变因素
separable cost可分离的成本
service cost供应成本
service department allocated cost variance辅助部门费用摊配差异
service department cost厂务部成本
service department cost distributions to producing and service departments on reciprocal basis服务部门与生产部门成本的交互分配法
setting up cost准备成本 (preparatory cost)
set-up cost预备成本
set-up cost准备成本
shipments billed above cost发货计价高于成本
shipments billed at cost发货以成本计价
short period Cost accounts短期成本计算
shortage cost缺货成本
short-run average cost短期平均成本
short-run capacity cost短期能力成本
should-be cost应计成本
simple cost account品别成本计算
single plan of standard cost accounting标准成本会计的单一计划
single-period with set up cost单一期间的设置成本
sinking fund depreciation plus interest on first cost approach偿债基金折旧加原始成本利息法
special cost特别费用
special cost analysis专项成本分析
special cost investigation专项成本调查
special cost studies特别成本调查
special order cost system特种定货成本制度
split the cost分担成本
spread between borrowing cost and lending rates借款与放款率的差幅
staff cost variance人事费用变化
standard conversion cost标准转换费用
standard conversion cost标准加工费
standard cost标准成本
standard cost标准费用
standard cost accounting standard cost system标准成本会计标准成本制度
standard cost sheet标准成本单
standard cost system标准成本法
standard cost system标准戒本制度
standard job cost sheet标准分批成本单
standard material cost标准材料成本
standard overhead cost标准制造费用
standby cost休闲成本
standby cost闲置时仍需之成本
standing cost charge or expense固定成本费用
standing cost常备成本 (charge or expense)
start-up cost筹备开办费用
start-up cost起始成本
steam cost蒸汽成本
storable cost可储存成本
substantial cost differentials巨额成本差额
summary of cost and expense classifications成本及费用分类一览表
summary of cost of finished products制成品成本汇总表
summary of cost of goods sold销售成本汇总表
sunk-cost principle沉入成本原则
supplement cost补充成本
supplement cost追加成本
supplemental cost补充成本
supplemental cost辅助成本
supplemental cost追加费用
support cost资助费用
support cost center支援成本中心
support cost reimbursement支持费用报销
survey method of cost allocation成本分配的测定法
synthetic fund cost综合资金成本
tangible equipment cost有形设备成本
target cost目标成本
target of transportation cost运输成本指标
temporary repair cost临时修理费
the cost of capital资金的成本
the standard-cost method标准成本法
third-party cost sharing第三方费用分担
to meet out-of-pocket cost供应现金支付成本
traceable cost可追踪成本
trade cost sytem营业成本制度
trading cost交易成本
transferred-in cost转人成本
transferred-in cost转入成本
ultimate cost最高费用
ultimate cost极限开支
unabsorbed material cost未分配材料成本
unamortized issuance cost of borrowing借款的未摊销发行费用
unaudited replacement cost information未审定重置成本信息
unbudgeted cost未列入预算的费用
unrecovered cost未能收回之成本
useful period of same value point at cost成本同值点使用期
user cost使用者之成本
utilized cost已利用的成本
valuation at cost按成本计价
valuation at cost成本估价法
valuation at cost or market按成本或市价估价
valuation at cost or market按成本或市价估价法
valuation at the lower of cost or market按成本与市价孰低估价
value at cost按成本订值
value-added cost增值成本
variable element of semi variable cost半变动成本的变动部分
variable operating cost可变营运费用如车公里成正比,如汽油、轮胎消耗费用
variable rate of cost成本变动率
variance from planned cost of material材料计划成本差异
variation from norm cost定额成本差异
variation from standard cost标准成本差异
variation on product cost产品成本差异
volume-cost-profit analysis数量-成本-利润分析
weighted -average cost加权平均成本
weighted average cost method加权平均成本计算法
weighted average cost of capital加权平均资本成本 (一种按资本类别的比例计算公司资本成本的方法)
weighted average unit cost加权平均单位成本
whichever is lower cost or market price成本与市价孰低规则
working cost经营费
working cost工作费用
written-down replacement cost折余重置成本
zero-cost collars零成本资金
zero-cost option零成本期权 (又称"无实际交易价格期权",即投资者通过买人一份看涨期权、卖岀一份看跌期权所形成的投资组合方式。对于投资者来说,这种组合方式实质上是一种无成本的投资组合)
zero incremental cost无增支成本
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