
Terms for subject United Nations containing corruption | all forms | exact matches only
Ad Hoc Committee for the Negotiation of a Convention against Corruption反腐败公约谈判特设委员会
Anti-Corruption and Transparency Group反腐败和透明化小组
Anti-Crime and Corruption Unit打击犯罪和腐败股
Anti-Crime and Corruption Unit, formerly known as the Serious Crimes Unit打击犯罪和腐败问题股
Convention on the Prevention and Combating of Corruption防止和打击腐败公约
corruption in office职务腐败
corruption of public officials公职人员腐败
Global Forum on Fighting Corruption: Safeguarding Integrity Among Justice and Security Officials全球反腐败论坛:维护司法和安全官员的廉正
Global Programme against Corruption全球反腐败方案
Group of States against corruption反腐败国家集团
high-level political conference for the purpose of signing the United Nations convention against corruption签署联合国反腐败公约高级别政治会议
International Anti-Corruption Conference国际反贪污大会
International Anti-Corruption Day国际反腐败日
International Conference on Responding to Challenges of Corruption"迎接腐败挑战"国际会议
Manual on Measures Against Corruption反腐措施手册
Measure on Combating Corruption in the Private Sector私营部门反腐措施
special department for organized crime, economic crime and corruption打击有组织犯罪、经济犯罪和腐败行为特别部
Strategy and Plan of Action to Fight Corruption and Build Ethics and Integrity in Public Office政府反腐倡廉战略和行动计划
United Nations Declaration against Corruption and Bribery in International Commercial Transactions联合国反对国际商业交易中的腐败和贿赂宣言