
Terms for subject China containing corruption | all forms | exact matches only
a reporting system on job and anti-corruption performance述职述廉制度
anti-corruption efforts and the promotion of clean government反腐倡廉
combat corruption反腐败斗争
combat corruption and moral degeneration拒腐防变
Commission Against Corruption廉政公署
Commissioner Against Corruption廉政专员
guard against corruption and moral degeneration拒腐防变
intensify efforts to combat corruption and build a clean government加大反腐倡廉力度
people guilty of corruption腐败分子
punish those guilty of corruption坚决惩处腐败分子
system for punishing and preventing corruption that combines education, regulation and oversight教育、制度、监督并重的惩治和预防腐败体系
the system of officials9 reporting on their work and anti-corruption performance述职述廉制度
the system of officials reporting on their work and anti-corruption performance述职述廉制度
the United Nations Convention Against Corruption《联合国反腐败公约》 (NNCAC)