
Terms containing coral | all forms | exact matches only
oilahermatypic coral非造礁珊瑚
oilahermatypic coral非共生型珊瑚
ichtyol.aka coral日本红珊瑚 Corallium japonicum
desert.Arizona coral snake拟珊瑚蛇 (奇瓦瓦沙漠)
tech.Australian-Pacific coral realm澳太珊瑚地理区系
ichtyol.batwing coral crab蝠翼瓢蟹 Carpilius corallinus
ichtyol.black coral角珊瑚目 Antipatharia
tech.black coral黑珊瑚
textileblue coral蓝珊瑚色
tech.boreal coral realm北方珊瑚地理区系
desert.Brazilian coral tree巴西刺桐
tech.bright coral red亮珊瑚红
desert.broad-leaved coral tree宽叶刺桐
ichtyol.broccoli coral多曲杯形珊瑚 Pocillopora meandrina
earth.sc.Caribbean Coral Reef Ecosystems加勒比海珊瑚礁生态系统
ichtyol.cauliflower coral鹿角杯形珊瑚 Pocillopora damicornis
tech.cave coral石珊瑚
tech.cliff in coral珊瑚暗礁
biol.clustered coral葡萄状枝瑚菌 (Ramaria botrytis (Pers) Ricken)
tech.coast coral reef珊瑚礁岸
desert.coast coral tree南非刺桐
textilecochineal coral handkerchief红色丝围巾
textilecochineal coral handkerchief红色丝手帕
desert.cockspur coral tree鸡冠刺桐
ocean.cold water coral冷水珊瑚
tech.colonial coral群体珊瑚
desert.common coral tree黑刺桐 (Erythrina lysistemon)
desert.common coral tree鸡冠刺桐
oilcompound coral复体珊瑚
tech.continental province coral reef大陆区珊瑚礁
tech.coral aggregate珊瑚骨料
tech.coral aggregate珊瑚集料
oilcoral algal facies珊瑚藻相
desert.Coral aloe科洛尔芦荟
desert.coral aphelandra珊瑚单药花
biol.coral ardisia朱砂根 (Ardisia crispa DC.)
biol.coral ardisia朱砂根属 (Ardisia Sw.,紫金牛科)
oilcoral atoll珊瑚环礁
oilcoral beach珊瑚滩
desert.coral beads珊瑚珠
desert.coral bean绿刺桐
desert.coral bean比氏刺桐 (Erythrinabidwillii)
desert.coral bean草刺桐
biol.coral begonia珊瑚秋海棠 (Begonia corallina,秋海棠科)
desert.coral bells珊瑚钟
biol.coral-bells珊瑚钟 (Heuchera sanguinea Engelm.,虎耳草科)
desert.coral berry圆叶雪果
desert.coral berry小花毛核木
ocean.coral bleaching珊瑚礁白化
UN, clim.coral bleaching珊瑚褪色
textilecoral blush珊瑚红
tech.coral blush珊瑚粉红色
tech.coral bottom珊瑚底
anim.husb.coral bristlegrass珊瑚狗尾草 (Setaria macrosperma)
biol.coral bristlegrass珊瑚狗尾草 (Setaria macros perma,禾本科)
desert.coral bush珊瑚花
desert.coral bush裂叶珊瑚
textilecoral button珊瑚扣
oilcoral cap珊瑚岩帽
ichtyol.coral catshark白斑斑鲨 Atelomycterus marmoratus
oilcoral cay珊瑚小礁
textilecoral charm珊瑚项链坠
textilecoral chineseknot珊瑚扣
textilecoral cloud珊瑚云色
tech.coral coast珊瑚海岸
tech.coral coast珊瑚礁海岸
earth.sc.coral colonies珊瑚群体
geol.coral colonies珊瑚群体
tech.coral concrete aggregate珊瑚混凝土骨料
tech.coral concrete aggregate珊瑚混凝土集料
oilcoral coppice珊瑚丛
oilcoral crust珊瑚薄盖层
dermat.coral cuts珊瑚割伤
biol.coral diels cotoneaster小叶木帚子 (Cotoneaster dielsiana var. elegans Rehd. et Wils.,蔷薇科)
biol.coral dropseed珊瑚鼠尾粟 (Sporobolus domingensis,禾本科)
biol.coral evergreen石松 (Lycopodium clavatum L.,石松科)
tech.coral faunal province珊瑚动物地理区
textilecoral fleece珊瑚绒一种用涤纶超细纤维做的新面料
textilecoral fleece bathrobe珊瑚绒浴袍
textilecoral fleece blanket珊瑚绒毯
textilecoral fleece gloves珊瑚绒手套
textilecoral fleece night gown珊瑚绒睡袍
textilecoral fleece pyjamas珊瑚绒睡衣裤
textilecoral fleece warm clothing珊瑚绒保暖服装
biol.coral flower土人参 (Talinum patanx (L.) Willd.)
biol.coral flower土人参属 (Talinum Adans.,马齿觅科)
tech.coral foreshore珊瑚滩
fisherycoral forest珊瑚林
desert.coral fountain炮仗竹
desert.coral fountain爆仗竹
biol.coral fungi珊瑚菌科 (Clavariaceae)
desert.coral gem波氏百脉根
tech.coral graphite珊瑚状细石墨
desert.coral gum珊瑚桉
fisherycoral harvesting珊瑚采收
fisherycoral harvesting珊瑚采集
textilecoral haze橘红
textilecoral haze朦胧珊瑚色
tech.coral head珊瑚岬
tech.coral head珊瑚角
biol.coral-head plant相思子红豆,相思豆,相思藤,Abrus precatorius Linn.
biol.coral-head plant相思子属 (Abrus L.,豆科)
desert.coral hibiscus吊灯扶桑 (非洲沙漠,灌木,约2m高)
desert.coral hibiscus裂瓣朱槿
desert.coral hibiscus吊灯花
ichtyol.coral hind青星九棘鲈 Cephalopholis miniata
desert.coral honeysuckle珊瑚红忍冬
desert.coral honeysuckle红忍冬
desert.coral honeysuckle四季花忍冬
biol.coral honeysuckle贯叶忍冬 (Lonicera sempervirens L.,忍冬科)
oilcoral horse珊瑚马
tech.coral insect珊瑚虫
hydroel.st.coral island珊瑚岛
desert.coral island evergreen forest珊瑚岛常绿林
biol.coral ixora爪哇龙船花 (Ixora javanica L.,茜草科)
oilcoral knoll珊瑚丘
tech.coral knoll珊瑚岬
desert.coral lily细叶百合
desert.coral lily山丹花
biol.coral lily山丹 (Lilium pumilum DC.; Lilium concolor Silisb.,百合科)
oilcoral limestone珊瑚灰岩
life.sc.coral limestone珊瑚灰岩
agric.coral limestone soil珊瑚石灰岩土壤
biol.coral milky cap疝疼乳菇 (Lactarius torminosus (Schaeff. ex Fr.) Gray,伞菌科)
biol.coral milky cap疝痛乳菇 (Lactarius torminosus Fr.,伞菌科)
met.coral mud珊瑚泥
textilecoral necklace珊瑚项链
tech.coral ore晨砂
geol.coral ore珊瑚矿
geol.coral ore辰砂
biol.coral panicum珊瑚稷 (Panicum chapmani,禾本科)
biol.coral paspalum珊瑚雀稗 (Paspalum blodgetti,禾本科)
desert.coral passionflower詹姆森西番莲
oilcoral patch珊瑚块礁
oilcoral pavement礁内珊瑚底
biol.coral peatree海红豆 (Adenanthera pavenina L.,豆科)
anim.husb.coral peatree海红豆
anim.husb.coral peatree孔雀豆 (Adenathera pavonina)
biol.coral peatree海红豆孔雀豆,Adenathera pavonina L.,豆科
desert.coral penstemon苏氏钓钟柳
biol.coral peony珊瑚牡丹 (Paeonia coralline,毛莨科)
textilecoral pink浅珊瑚红
textilecoral pink浅橘红色
tech.coral pink珊瑚粉红色
desert.Coral Pink Dunes科勒尔平克沙丘 (美国莫哈韦沙漠内)
oilcoral pinnacle珊瑚塔
tech.coral pinnacle珊瑚尖峰
biol.coral-plant炮仗竹爆竹花,Russelia equisetiformis Schlecht. et Cham.
desert.coral plant爆仗竹
desert.coral plant炮仗竹
desert.coral plant姬天女 (Neohenricia sibbettii)
biol.coral-plant炮仗竹属 (Russelia Jacq.,玄参科)
biol.coral plant珊瑚花 (Jatropha multifida L.,大戟科)
oilcoral polyp珊瑚虫
tech.coral rag珊瑚石灰岩
tech.coral rag硬珊瑚灰岩
tech.coral red珊瑚红 (色)
dermat.coral red珊瑚红色[的]
agric.coral-red珊瑚红的 (corallinus)
tech.coral red珊瑚色
exhib.coral red glaze珊瑚红釉
environ.coral reef Coral reefs have been built up from the skeletons of reef-building coral a small primitive marine animal, and other marine animals and algae over thousands of years. They occur in clear, shallow and sunlit seas. Coral reefs are one of the most productive and diverse ecosystems and are estimated to yield about 12% of the world's fish catch. They are very vulnerable to any change in their environment, especially pollution, because it makes the water opaque. They must have light in order that photosyntesis by the algae can take place. Like trees, corals reflect the environmental conditions in which they grow, indicating marine pollution, sea-surface temperature and other aquatic conditions珊瑚礁 (珊瑚礁由一种小的原始海生动物礁珊瑚的骨骼和其他海生动物及藻类历经几千年而形成。它们出现在清澈而有阳光照射的浅海里。珊瑚礁是最具生产力和种类最繁富的生态系统之一;据估计,全世界的鱼获量有百分之十二来自珊瑚礁。它们非常容易受到环境中任何变化的伤害,尤其是污染,因为污染会使得水体变成不透明。它们必须有光,藻类的光合作用才能进行。像树木一样,珊瑚反映了它们生长环境的状况,显示了海洋污染、海面温度和其他水体的状况。)
textilecoral reef珊瑚礁色
hydroel.st.coral reef珊瑚礁
tech.coral reef珊瑚
soil.coral reef珊瑚礁土地要素
desert.coral reef araucaria库克松
tech.coral reef coast珊瑚礁海岸
tech.coral reef coastline珊瑚礁海岸线
ecol.coral reef ecosystem珊瑚礁生态系
tech.coral reef lagoon珊瑚礁泻湖
environ.coral reef lagoon A coastal stretch of shallow saltwater virtually cut off from the open sea by a coral reef珊瑚礁泻湖 (被珊瑚礁从开阔的海洋中隔开的、延伸到海岸边的浅海。)
ecol.coral reef lagoon珊瑚礁潟湖
earth.sc.coral reef management and research珊瑚礁的管理与研究小组
tech.coral reef oil pool珊瑚礁油藏
tech.coral reef platform珊瑚礁台地
tech.coral reef sea navigation珊瑚礁海区航法
tech.coral reef shoreline珊瑚礁滨线
tech.coral reef shoreline珊瑚礁海岸线
eng.geol.coral reef soil珊瑚礁土
life.sc.coral reefs珊瑚礁
tech.coral ring珊瑚状环
oilcoral rock珊瑚岩
textilecoral rose珊瑚玫瑰红
tech.coral rose珊瑚玫瑰色
oilcoral sand珊瑚砂
agric.coral sand珊瑚沙
tech.coral sand beach珊瑚砂滩
textilecoral sands珊瑚沙色
tech.coral Sea珊瑚海
mil."Coral Sea""珊瑚海" (号重型航空母舰(美))
tech.coral sediment珊瑚沉积
tech.coral sediment珊瑚沉渣
oilcoral shoal珊瑚洲
oilcoral shoal珊瑚暗礁
ichtyol.coral shrimp角突仿对虾 Parapenaeopsis cornuta
ichtyol.coral snapping shrimp珊瑚鼓虾 Alpheus sublucanus
agric.coral spot癌肿病
agric.coral spot珊瑚斑病
biol.coral spot fungus朱红丛赤壳 (Nectria cinnabarina (Tode ex Fr.) Fr.)
biol.coral spot of mulberry桑癌肿病 (Nectria cinnabarina Tode)
textilecoral stitch珊瑚针迹
textilecoral stitch粗线紧密线迹
oilcoral-stromatoporoid reef珊瑚-层孔虫礁
tech.coral talus珊瑚崖堆
oilcoral thicket珊瑚丛
desert.coral tree鸡冠刺桐
desert.coral tree艾比斯南刺桐 (Erythrina abyssinica)
desert.coral tree埃塞俄比亚刺桐
anim.husb.coral tree龙牙花
anim.husb.coral tree刺桐属 (Erythrina corallodendrum L.)
bot.coral tree珊瑚莿桐 Erythrina corallodendron
tech.coral type draghead珊瑚型耙头
textilecoral velvet珊瑚绒
textilecoral yarn珊瑚纱线
tech.coral zone珊瑚区
biol.crown tipped coral杯冠瑚菌 (Clavicorona pyxidata Doty.)
anim.husb.crushed coral碎珊瑚可作为产蛋鸡钙的良好来源
tech.cup coral凹圆状珊瑚
oilcup coral杯形珊瑚
oilcup coral单体珊瑚
tech.cup coral单个珊瑚
ichtyol.curved mushroom coral弧形圆石芝珊瑚 Cycloseris elegans
textiledeep sea coral深海珊瑚
ichtyol.deep-sea coral深海珊瑚
ichtyol.distorted mushroom coral扭曲石芝珊瑚 Diaseris distorta
oildouble-zoned coral双带型珊瑚
textiledusty coral模糊珊瑚色
tech.East European coral region东欧珊瑚地理大区
biol.East Indian coral tree刺桐 (Erythrina indica Lam.,豆科)
tech.Eurasia-Asian coral realm欧亚珊瑚地理区系
tech.evergreen forest on coral island珊瑚岛常绿林
ichtyol.fine coral moss红色叉珊藻 Jania rubens
ichtyol.fungus coral易变牡丹珊瑚 Pavona varians
ichtyol.garnet coral红珊瑚 Corallium regale
tech.geomorphology of coral reef珊瑚礁地貌
UNGlobal Coral Reef Monitoring Network全球珊瑚礁监测网
tech.Gondwana coral realm冈瓦纳珊瑚地理区系
fisherygorgonian coral柳珊瑚
ichtyol.hard corals石珊瑚目 Scleractinia
fisheryharvesting of coral珊瑚采收
fisheryharvesting of coral珊瑚采集
oilhermatypic coral造礁珊瑚
tech.honeycomb coral蜂窝珊瑚
oilhorn coral牛角状珊瑚
oilhorn coral角状珊瑚
adv.I would like to order some coral fleece blankets我想订购一些珊瑚绒毯
ichtyol.ice-cube tray coral冰晶菌珊瑚 Gardinoseris planulata
desert.Indian coral tree刺桐
UNInternational Coral Reef Action Network国际珊瑚礁行动网
org.name.International Coral Reef Initiative国际珊瑚礁创议
desert.kaffirboom coral tree南非刺桐
ichtyol.lamellose coral-shell纹理珊瑚友螺 Coralliophila alaucoides
ichtyol.leaf coral纸薄层珊瑚 Leptoseris papyracea
desert.leafy coral blow毛炮仗竹
desert.leafy coral blow毛爆仗竹
exhib.light coral浅珊瑚色
textilelight coral浅珊瑚红
tech.living environment of coral reef珊瑚礁生活环境
earth.sc.massive colonial corals块状群体珊瑚
ichtyol.Meyendorff's coral shell粗鳞珊瑚友螺 Coralliophila meyendorffi
fisheryMidway coral巧红珊瑚 Corallium secundum
ichtyol.midway deep-sea coral红珊瑚属新种 Corallium sp. nov.
oilmiliolid-coral-caprinid packstone粟孔虫-珊瑚-羚角蛤泥粒灰岩
ichtyol.misu coral弹丝红珊瑚 Corallium elatius
ichtyol.momo coral瘦长红珊瑚 Corallium elatius
desert.naked coral tree珊瑚刺桐
desert.naked coral tree美洲刺桐
desert.natal coral tree纳塔尔刺桐
tech.non-reef-building coral非造礁珊瑚
tech.north American coral realm北美珊瑚地理区系
tech.North China coral province华北珊瑚地理区
tech.oceanic province coral reef大洋区珊瑚礁
biol.oriental variegated coral-bean刺桐 (Erythrina variegata var. orientalis (L.) Merr.,豆科)
ichtyol.Pacific coral moss宽角叉珊藻 Jania adhaerens
tech.Pacific coral-volcano chain太平洋火山一珊瑚岛链
ichtyol.pillar coral巨型牡丹珊瑚 Pavona gigantea
ichtyol.precious corals红珊瑚属 Corallium (spp.)
tech.protect coral reefs, mangrove and fishing re source保护珊瑚礁、红树林和渔业资源
desert.purple coral pea紫珊瑚豆
desert.purple coral pea紫色珊瑚豆 (Kennedya nigricans)
desert.purple coral pea紫蔓豆
ichtyol.rasp coral钢爪杯形珊瑚 Pocillopora verrucosa
tech.red coral红珊瑚
tech.reef-building coral造礁珊瑚
ichtyol.rough coral moss长珊瑚藻 Corallina elongata
tech.rugose coral extinction四射珊瑚绝灭
oilrugose corals皱壁珊瑚类
dermat.sea anemones and corals sting海葵及珊瑚刺伤
tech.shoal water coral浅水珊瑚
ichtyol.short coral-shell短珊瑚友螺 Coralliophila brevis
ichtyol.Shoulderblade coral棒形牡丹珊瑚 Pavona clavus
oilsimple coral单体珊瑚
ichtyol.small star coral帕楠滨珊瑚 Porites panamensis
ichtyol.smooth star coral裂片滨珊瑚 Porites lobata
tech.solitary coral单体珊瑚
tech.south central asian coral region中南亚珊瑚地理大区
tech.South China coral province华南珊瑚地理区
desert.southwestern coral bean西南珊瑚豆
desert.southwestern coral bean扇形刺桐
ichtyol.stony corals石珊瑚目 Scleractinia
desert.Sykes coral tree塞克斯刺桐
oiltabulate coral床板珊瑚
tech.tabulate coral extinction床板珊瑚绝灭
tech.type of coral reef珊瑚礁类型
biol.variegated coral-tree刺桐 (Erythrina variegata var. orientalis (L.) Merr.; Erythrina indica L.)
biol.variegated coral-tree刺桐属 (Erythrina L.,豆科)
tech.western coral bean西部朿桐
ichtyol.white coral科氏红珊瑚 Corallium konojoi
ichtyol.white coral皮滑红珊瑚 Corallium konojoi
tech.white coral白珊瑚
textilezigzag coral stitch锯齿珊瑚线迹
tech.zonation of coral reef珊瑚礁分带