
Terms for subject Biology containing copper | all forms | exact matches only
copper alternanthera红草 (Alternanthera versicolor Regel.,苋科)
copper beech紫叶山毛榉 (Fagus silvatica var. purpurea Ait.,山毛榉科)
copper blight of tea茶叶枯病茶云纹叶枯病,Glomerella cingulata Spaulding et Schr.
copper blight of tea-tree茶树赤叶枯病 (Guignardia camelliae (Cooke) Butler)
copper iris铜红鸢尾 (Iris fulva,鸢尾科)
copper leaf铁苋菜 (Acalypha australis L.)
copper leaf补草铁苋菜,Acalypha australis L.
copper leaf补草属 (Acalypha Linn.,大戟科)
copper leaf红桑 (Acalypha wilkesiana Muell et Arg.)
copper leaf红桑属铁苋菜属,Acalypha L.,大戟科
copper stonecrop铜景天 (Sedum cupreum,景天科)
copper-tip金黄臭藏红花金黄火星花,Crocosmia aurea Planch.,鸢尾科
painted copper-leaf红桑 (Acalypha -wikesiana Muell. - Arg.; Acalypha tricolor Seem.,大戟科)