
Terms for subject Finances containing control | all forms | exact matches only
abandon exchange controls放弃外汇管制
ability to exercise macro-control宏观调控能力
abolition of foreign exchange controls取消外汇管制
account control账户控制
American Production and Inventory Control Society, Inc.美国生产与库存管理协会 (从2005年1月1日起改名为"APICS 运作管理协会 (APICS The Association for Operations Management)")
balance control check余额控制检查
base of administrative control以管理上可控制与否为基础
be out of control失控
bidding control招标控制
branch control account分支机构统制账户
branch control account支店分店控制帐户
budget control预算控制
budget control预算管理
budget control estimate控制预算估算
budgetary control plan预算控制计划
capital control资本管制
carry out complete oversight and control实施全口径监管
cash control现金管理
cash control procedure现金控制程序
closely monitor and control cross-border capital flows密切监控跨境资本流动
competition of credit control信贷管制竞争
complete budgetary control全面预算制度
completeness control完整性控制
consumer credit control消费者信用控制
control and performance evaluation accounting控制、业绩会计
control boards控制盘操纵台
control boards监察委员会
control boards控制牌
control borrowing and capital flow back into China管控借贷和资金向中国的回流
control concept控制观念
control concept of accounting控制观念之会计
control credit growth控制信贷增速
control domestic liquidity控制国内的流动性
control exchange rate控制汇率
control general监察长
control general总稽核
control general会计核査院长
control inflation控制通胀
control of accounts会计检查
control of assets amortization资产摊销管理
control of capital import and export资本输出人管制
control of cash现金控制
control of cash disbursements现金付款控制
control of cash payment现金管理
control of cash receipts现金收款控制
control of cost成本控制
control of cost成本管理
control of earnings盈余控制
control of earnings盈余管理
control of interest rate利率控制
control of manufacturing expenses制造费用控制
control of money supply货币供应控制
control of short-term capital短期资金控制
control on consumer credit消费信贷控制
control on security finance证券金融控制
control price increases控制价格增长
control report控制报告
control rising housing prices抑制高涨的房价
control the monetary conditions for commodity prices rising too rapidly控制物价过快上涨的货币条件
control the spread of the financial crisis遏制金融危机蔓延
control through budget用预算管制
control type budget控制式预算
control unit控制部电脑的
Coordinating Committee on Export Control巴黎统筹委员会 (简称"巴统组织",1949年11月在美国的提议下秘密成立,是一个西方国家对社会主义国家实行禁运和贸易限制的国际组织。随着国际形势的变化,该组织于1994年4月1日宣告解散)
cost control成本管理
cost control figure成本控制数字
cost for control成本择制
credit Control Act信贷控制法
credit control instrument信贷控制手段
credit control measures信贷控制措施
creditor control债权人控制
cross-border capital control跨境资本管制
current control report本期控制报告
debtor control ratio债务人控制比率
direct control of credit直接信用控制
direct controls直接控制
direct credit control直接信用控制
exchange control authorities外汇管制当局
exchange control regulation外汇管理规定
exchange control regulation外汇管制条例
exchange control regulations外汇管理法令
exchange controls外汇管制
exchange rate control汇率管制
factory ledger reciprocal control account工厂分类帐相互控制帐户
financial control财政控制
financial control金融管制
financial control财务监督
financial control system财务控制制度
financial examination and control财务审核和监督
financial internal control财务性的内部控制
fiscal control财务监督
fiscal control财务控制
focus of macro-control宏观调控的重点
further relax controls over market access for non-governmental investment进一步放宽民间投资市场准人
gradual dismantling of capital controls逐步放开资本管制
gradually relax controls on the use of the renminbi in international transactions逐渐放松对人民币用于国际交易的管制
head office control account总店控制帐户
impose fresh price controls出台新的价格管控措施
improve macro-control改善宏观调控
indirect credit control间接信用控制
inflation-control camp控通胀阵营
inflation under control处于可控制范围之内的通胀
intercompany profit and changes in parents percentage of control结合公司间内部利益与母公司控制权成数之变化
interest-rate control利率管制
interim purchase-control or not originally achieved年度中间购买-已获得或第一次未获得控制权
Interior Accountant Control System内部会计控制制度
internal accounting control内部会计控制为检查会计数据地正确性和可靠性而设置的控制手段或措施
inventory costing and control存货成本与控制
job lot control分批控制管理
keep the fluctuation of commodity prices under control控制大宗商品价格波动
ledger control帐务统驭
ledger control分类统制帐
lift capital controls放开资本管制
lift controls on lending interest rates取消贷款利率管制
lose control of an overheating economy失去对过热经济的控制
lose control over the yen丧失对日元的控制
lose monetary control失去货币控制权
losing control over the renminbi丧失对人民币的控制
macro-control of the economy经济的宏观控制
macroeconomic control mechanism of the central bank中央银行宏观调控机制
making cost control work计算成本控制工作
managerial cost control管理成本的控制
manual of budgetary control预算管理手册
manual of budgetary control预算控制手册
manual of cost control成本管理手册
manufacturing overhead control account间接费用控制帐户
margin control保证金控制
market control市场管制
marketing cost control控制销售成本
marketing cost control by division控制部门销售成本
marketing cost control by product控制产品销售成本
marketing cost control by territory控制地区销售成本
mechanical cost control机械的成本管理
monetary base control货币基数控制
multiple control accounts多种控制帐户
office cash control办公用现金限额
orientation of macro-control宏观调控的方向
overall cost control全面成本管理
partial easing of capital controls局部放松资本管制
payroll control工资管理
payroll control工资控制
piecemeal acquisition control achieved or not achieved on first purchase第一批即已获得或未获得控制权
piecemeal acquisition control achieved or not achieved on first purchase子公司股份之分批购买
pollution control bonds污染控制债券
qualitative credit control信贷质量控制
quality control mechanism质量管理机制
real estate credit control不动产信贷控制
relax controls on Chinese exports high -tech products放松高新技术产品对中国出口的管制
relax more of controls on cross-border renminbi flows进一步放松对跨境人民币流动的控制
relaxation in strict capital controls放松严格的资本管制
remove capital controls取消资本控制
revenue-enhancing and expenditure control measures增收节支措施
run out of control失控
scrap controls on bill discount rates取消票据贴现利率管制
securities market credit control证券市场信用控制
single-rate system of exchange control单一汇率外汇管制制度
source of economic control经济控制来源
statement on internal control内部控制说明
stock control card存货统控制卡
strength of macro-control宏观调控的力度
strengthen one's ability to control the market增强市场调控能力
strict capital controls严格的资本管制
strict controls严格管制
strict controls on capital account transactions对资本账户交易的严格控制
sub-control account局部控制帐户
systems of control监控系统
tight control严格控制
use macro-control tools scientifically科学运用宏观调控手段
utilization and control of foreign capital外资的利用和管制
wage fund control工资基金管理
working control营运控制|有效控制}