
Terms for subject Environment containing control | all forms | exact matches only
Air Control Center大气管理中心
air pollution control空气污染控制
Air Pollution Control Act美国空气污染控制法
Air Pollution Control Association美国空气污染控制协会
Air Pollution Control Office美国空气污染控制局
air pollution control system空气污染控制系统
air quality control The measurement of ambient air-pollution concentrations in order to determine whether there is a problem in a given region空气质量控制 (测量周围空气的污染浓度,以判断特定地区是否有空气污染问题。)
air quality control空气质量控制
air quality control region空气质量控制区
American Association for Contamination Control美国污染控制协会
American Pollution Control, Inc.美国污染控制公司
Australian Services in Pollution and Environmental Control Technology澳大利亚污染与环境控制技术处
avalanche control雪崩控制
Bay Area Air Pollution Control District美国旧金山海湾地区空气污染控制区
Bay Area Pollution Control District美国墨西哥海湾地区污染控制区
best available control technology最佳可用控制技术
best-control technology最佳控制技术
best practical control technology最佳实用控制技术
biological control生物的控制
biological pest control Any living organism applied to or introduced into the environment that is intended to function as a pesticide against another organism declared to be a pest生物虫害控制 (任何适用于或者被引进到环境中作为害虫的杀虫剂的生物体。)
birth control Limitation of the number of children born by preventing or reducing the frequency of impregnation计划生育 (通过防止或减少受精,来限制出生子女的数目。)
British Oil Spill Control Association英国原油泄漏控制协会
chemical pest control Control of plants and animals classified as pests by means of chemical compounds化学防治病虫害, 通过使用化合物对被视为害虫的植物或动物的控制。
Committee on Pollution Abatement and Control美国消除和控制污染委员会
control a fire控制火灾
control measure控制方法
control of aquatic weeds水草控制
control of desertification沙漠化控制
control of desertification荒漠化控制
Control of industrial major accidents and hazards工业重大事故危害控制
Control of Major Accident Hazards重大事故危险控制
control of marine pollution海洋污染控制
Control of Pollution Act英国污染控制法
control technology控制技术
controls for environmental pollution环境污染控制
damage control污染控制
desertification control荒漠化控制
desertification control Remedial and preventive actions adopted against desertification include irrigation, planting of trees and grasses, the erection of fences to secure sand dunes, and a careful management of water resources沙漠化控制 (避免沙漠化所采取的补救和预防行动,包括灌溉、植树、植草、建立栅栏保护沙丘以及水资源的细心管理。)
disaster control service Work done or agency established to analyze, plan, assign and coordinate available resources in order to prepare for, respond to, mitigate and recover from damage caused by an ecological calamity, natural or human in origin灾害控制服务 (为了分析、计划、指派和协调可用资源,以准备、反应、减轻、和恢复因自然或人为因素所引起的生态灾害造成的破坏,所做的工作或成立的机构。)
drought control Measures taken to prevent, mitigate or eliminate damage caused to the ecosystem, especially crops, by a sustained period of dry weather干旱控制 (用于预防、减轻或消除因长期缺水的天气而导致危害生态系统的方法,尤其是指对农作物而言。)
emission control Procedures aiming at reducing or preventing the harm caused by atmospheric emissions排放管制 (旨在降低或防止大气排放而造成危害的程序。)
environment control technology环境控制技术
environmental control Protection of the environment through policies concerning the control of wastes, the improvement of the human-made environment, the protection of heritage values, the institution of national parks and reserves, the protection of fauna and flora, the conservation of forests and landscapes, etc.环境控制 (通过政策对有关废弃物控制、人为环境改善、遗址价值保护、国家公园和保护区、动植物保护区、森林和景观保留设置等方面的环境保护。)
Environmental Control Administration美国环境控制管理局
environmental control monitor环境控制监视器
environmental control system环境控制系统
erosion control Practices used during construction or other land disturbing activities to reduce or prevent soil erosion. Typical practices include planting of trees and quick growing grass on disturbed areas and other means to slow the movement of water across a disturbed site and trap the soil that does get transported by runoff侵蚀控制 (在建筑或其他对土地干扰的活动中减少或防止土壤侵蚀的实践。典型的实践包括在被干扰的区域种植树木和快速生长的草,以及其他阻止水土流失,固定土壤的方法。)
Federal Air and Water Pollution Control Administration美国联邦空气与水污染控制管理局
Federal Water Pollution Control Act美国联邦水污染控制条例
Federal Water Pollution Control Administration美国联邦水污染控制管理局
final control systems最终控制系统
fire control equipment消防设备
flood control Measures taken to prevent or reduce harm caused by an unusual accumulation of water above the ground, often involving the construction of reservoirs and channeling structures洪水控制 (为防止和减少不寻常的高于地面的水积聚而带来的损害而采取的措施。通常需要建设水库和沟渠结构。)
hazard analysis and critical control position危险分析和临界控制部位
hazard evaluation and risk control危险评价与风险控制
immission control Legislative and administrative procedures aimed at reducing the damage caused by emissions. Pollution control programmes are normally based on human-oriented acceptable dose limits. A very important measure concerns the organisation of an emission inventory排入控制、排入管制 (降低污染物排放损害的立法与管理程序。污染控制计划通常是基于人体可接受的剂量限度。是一种涉及到排放清单的非常重要的措施)
immission control law排入管制法
integrated environmental control综合环境控制
integrated pest control A systematic, comprehensive approach to pest control that uses the insect's or rodent's own biology and behaviour to find the least toxic control methods at the lowest cost综合虫害控制 (一个系统的、全面的害虫控制方法,它使用昆虫或啮齿目动物自身的生理和行为以得到最低成本和最低毒性的控制方法。)
integrated pollution control污染综合控制
integrated pollution control A procedure whereby all major emissions to land, air, and water are considered simultaneously and not in isolation to avoid situations in which one control measure for one medium adversely affects another综合污染控制 (一个过程,将所有主要排放到土地、空气和水的主要排放物被认为是同时的非独立的,以避免一项需要特定测量工具的控制会负面的影响另外一项。)
inter-industry emission control工业部门间排放物控制
International Association for Pollution Control国际污染控制协会
International Association of Water Pollution Research and Control国际水污染研究和控制会
Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association加拿大空气污染控制协会杂志
loss control program损失控制方案
marine pollution control unit海洋污染控制装置
marine pollution control universal通用海洋污染控制系统
National Air Pollution Control Administration美国国家大气污染控制管理局
National Center for Air Pollution Control美国国家大气污染控制中心
noise control The process to control the audible sound to an acceptable level噪音控制 (控制发声声音到可接受水平的过程。)
Oil Spill Control Association石油泄漏控制协会
Oil Spill Control Association of America美国石油泄漏和控制协会
pest control Keeping down the number of pests by killing them or preventing them from attacking害虫防治 (通过杀死害虫来降低它们的数量,从而防止它们损害农作物。)
pesticide control standard A norm or measure applicable in legal cases pertaining to the production, dissemination or use of substances designed to mitigate or eliminate insects or small animals that harm vegetation杀虫剂控制标准 (一类产品的生产、普及和使用规范和测量标准,这类产品用于在法定条件下消灭破坏农作物的小型动物。)
plant control植物控制
pollution control Chemical and physical methods to lessen discharges of most pollutants; for carbon dioxide there is, at present, no economic or practical way to reduce the quantities discharged except by reduced fossil fuel usage. Most specific means for removing pollutants from emissions include flue-gas desulphurisation, fluidised combustion, catalytic converters and the redesign of equipment, such as furnace burners and car engines, to lessen the production of pollutants污染控制 (使用化学和物理的方法来减少污染物的排放,主要是二氧化碳的排放;目前还没有经济、实用的方法来减少化学燃料的使用及其造成的污染排放量。大多数对污染物排放的处理包括烟气脱硫、流化床、插入燃烧、催化转换器和重新设计的设备,如炉燃烧器和汽车发动机,以减少污染物的产生。)
pollution control ecology污染控制生态学
pollution control equipment Devices for the reduction and/or removal of those emissions to the environment which have the potential to cause pollution污染控制设备 (一种设备,用来减少和/或清除污染物排放到环境中可能造成污染。)
pollution control index污染控制指数
pollution control investment Securities held for the production of income in the form of interest and dividends with the aim of controlling or reducing pollution or substances in the environment deemed harmful to human health and natural resources污染控制投资 (证券所发行的以利息和红利形式得到收益的债券,以控制或减少污染,以及环境对人体健康的危害。)
pollution control measure Procedure or course of action taken to curb or reduce human-made or human-alteration of the physical, biological, chemical and radiological integrity of air, water and other media污染控制措施 (采取物理、生物、化学和放射学的方法或计划来遏制或减少空气、水和其它媒介中的污染。)
pollution control regulation A body of rules or orders prescribed by government, management or an international organization or treaty in which limits are established for the emission of substances that harm or adversely alter the environment and human health污染控制调节 (由政府颁布的一系列规定或国际组织签订的条约,以管理污染释放的危害,以及对不利于环境和人类健康的污染的控制。)
pollution control technology Methods used to reduce the amount of contaminants discharged from a source污染控制技术 (减少污染物排放源的方法。)
quality control The inspection, analysis, and other relevant actions taken to provide control over what is being done, manufactured, or fabricated, so that a desirable level of quality is achieved and maintained质量控制 (通过检查、分析和其它相关活动对正在生产的或制造的产品进行控制,因此可以获得满意的质量。)
radiation and contamination control放射与污染控制
Regional Water Quality Control Boards地区水质量控制局
regulatory control Government supervision over the obligations and rights of an industry or enterprise for the purpose of providing the public with services that are considered important, vital or necessary to most members of a community or area制度 (政府对一个行业或企业的义务和权利进行监督,为公众提供重要的、关键的或必需的服务。)
Security Control Center安全控制中心
Spill Control Association of America美国原油泄漏控制协会
spill control recovery valve泄漏控制回收阀
Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure防止泄漏监控与对策
state control The power or authority of a government to regulate or command industry, organizations, programs, initiatives and individuals国家控制 (政府为规范行业、组织、方案、倡议和个人而拥有的权利或权威。)
State Pollution Control Authority美国国家污染控制局
Texas Air Control Board美国得克萨斯空气监控局
Toxic Substance Control Act美国毒性物质管理法案
traffic control交通管理〔管制〕
traffic control The organization of a more efficient movement of traffic within a given road network by rearranging the flows, controlling the intersections and regulating the times and places for parking交通管制 (在一个给定的公路网内通过重新安排流量、控制交叉路口和调整停车时间和位置,使交通更有效运作的组织活动。)
traffic control measure Means of controlling the number and speed of motorvehicles using a road交通管制方法 (控制机动车在一条道路中运行数量和速度的方法。)
traffic noise control Traffic noise can be controlled by reduction at source, by fitting motor vehicles with silencers, by installing barriers which interrupt the direct path of sound or by insulating dwellings exposed to high noise levels, such as those related to motorways or airports交通噪声控制 (交通噪声可通过减少噪声源来控制,通过给机动车安装消音器、通过建立障碍物来阻断声音的直接路径,或使处于高噪声水平的区域与外绝缘,例如与高速公路和机场相关的区域。)
Underground Injection Control program美国地下注入控制方案
Water Control Laws美国水控制法案
water pollution control水污染控制
Water Pollution Control Administration美国水污染控制管理局
Water Pollution Control Federation美国水污染控制联合会
weed control杂草防治
weed control Freeing an area of land from weeds by several means, such as herbicides, tillage, burning, mowing, and crop competition杂草控制 (通过若干手段可清除土地区域的杂草,如除草剂、耕作、燃烧、割草,以及作物的竞争。)