
Terms for subject Animal husbandry containing control | all forms | exact matches only
American Association of Feed Control Officials美国官方饲料管制协会
American Association of Poison Control Centres美国毒物控制中心协会
Association of American Feed Control Officials美国饲料监督官协会
Association of American Pesticide Control Officials美国农药控制官员协会
Association of American Seed Control Officials美国种子检验员协会
atmospherical control气调保藏
automatic feed control自动喂料控制器
automatic temperature control自动控制温度
bin level control筒仓储粮高度控制
biological control measures生物防治措施
biotic control生物防除
biotic control生物电控制
British Pest Control Association英国虫害控制协会
British Weed Control Council英国杂草控制委员会
China National Feed Quality Control中国国家饲料质量监督检验中心
communicable disease control传染病防制
control animal对照组家畜
control group对照组与试验组 (treatment group)相对而言
control of fermentation对发酵过程的控制
control of gossypol棉酚的控制
control of non-vertebrate vector无脊椎动物媒介控制
control of plot对照区
control of silkworm diseases蚕病防治
control of weeds杂草防治
control sample对照样本
control tissue对照组织
control trial对照试验
corrosion control防锈
corrosion control防止腐蚀
differential feedback control差别反馈控制
disease control疾病防治
draft control悬挂装置力调节
electronical control system电子控制设备
emission control standard排放污染物控制标准
environmental control环境污染防治控制
estrus control发情控制利用激素或其他方法控制母畜的发情
European chestnut Castanea sativa European Commission for the Control of FMD欧洲口蹄疫防制委员会
European Commission for the Control of Foot and Mouth Disease欧洲口蹄疫防制委员会
factory control工厂管理
feed control饲料检验
feed control centre饲料检验中心
food control食品质量控制
genotypic control遗传型制约
grazing control放牧管理
hazard analysis critical control point system危害分析关键控制点体系
heat control防暑降温
hygienical control卫生管理
Industrial Analysis and Control Council国际工业分析及控制委员会
International Association of Milk Control Agencies国际牛奶管理协会
International Organization for Biological Control of Noxious Animals and Plants国际有害动植物生物防治机构
landed property in control of dead hands永久地产
light and temperature control光和温度调节畜舍
littermate control同窝对照
livestock pest and disease control牲畜虫害和疾病控制
manufacturing control生产调节
manufacturing control生产监督
mass control大规模防治
matched control配对对照
mold control防霉
mould control防霉
odor control additive臭味抑制剂
odor control additive角臭剂
ovulation control排卵控制
parasite control寄生虫控制
pest control chemical杀虫药
pest control chemical农药
pest control chemical虫药品
quality control品质控制为使质量达到要求而采用的各种操作技术和活动
relaxed control松弛调控
selective control重点控制
selective control有选择的调节控制
sex ratio control性别控制
swarm control控制分蜂
technical control技术检验
temperature control chamber恒温室
temperature control vessel恒温器
The Control Institute of Veterinary Bioproducts and Pharmaceuticals兽医药品监察所 (China)
thermostatic control温度调节器
waste control防止原料和产品的损耗
waste control废品率控制