
Terms for subject Finances containing contract | all forms | exact matches only
advising on futures contracts就期货合约提供意见
arbitrage exchange contract套汇合约
assets due from completed contracts完成合同的应得资金
bank investment contract银行投资合约
bare contract无条件合约
basis contract基差合约
buyer 60 contract买方 60 天协议
callable bull-bear contracts牛熊证 (是一种期权类金融衍生工具,可分为"牛证"和"熊证",投资"牛证"的投资者看好后市,看淡后市的投资者则投资"熊证"。2001年面世后,牛熊证在欧洲、澳洲和我国香港等地发展迅速)
cash contract现金合约
cash forward contract现金远期交易合约
cash settlement contract现金结算合约
cash settlement contract现金清算合约
Chinese-only gold contract denominated in the renminbi人民币计价、只面向中国人的黄金合约
client contract客户合约
closing contract平仓合约
closing-out contract平仓合约
closing-out contract结清合约
complete contract method全部完成毛利计算法
completed-contract method全部完工法
completed job method of accounting for longterm contracts长期合同完工会计法
consideration contract对价合同
contingencies formed by reinsurance contracts再保险合同形成的或有事项
contract-add-operate CAO合同-增加-营运 (这是从 BOT 项目融资模式 (build-operate-transfer)衍生出来的一种变通形式。"增加"意指项目发起人租用东道国的基础设施,再增加一些设施)
contract-add-operate CAO项目融资模式
contract amount协议数额 (名义上借贷本金数额)
contract bonds契约保证保险
contract-breaching act违约行为
contract-breaking party违约方
contract certificate立约支款凭证
contract close-out清算合约
contract concerning foreign interests涉外合同
contract conditions合同条件
contract currency协议货币 (协议数额的面值标明的货币)
contract debt契约债务
contract dispute合同争议
contract dispute合同纠纷
contract execution marked合同执行标明
contract fee合同金额
contract for difference差价合约 (泛指不涉及实物商品或证券的交换)
contract for financial leasing融资租赁合同
contract for foreign exchange loans外汇借款合同
contract for international loans国际借款合同
contract for overdraft透支合同
contract for the payment of goods by installment分期付款买卖合同
contract for the rent of commercial housing商品房租赁合同
contract for the sales of commercial estate商品房产买卖合同
contract for the sales of commercial housing商品房购销合同
contract for the use of land用地合同
contract for transfer of real property房地产转让合同
contract forward spread合同远期汇差
contract grades合约等级
contract guarantee insurance合同保证保险
contract month合约月份
contract multiplier合约乘数
contract note成交单
contract of bill票据合同
contract of commercial paper票据契约
contract of commercial paper票据合同
contract of commission信托合同
contract of compromise和解契约
contract of debit and credit借贷契约
contract of debit and credit借贷合同
contract of house mortgage房产抵押合同
contract of indemnity损害赔偿合约
contract of lending for consumption消费借贷合同
contract of loan on security担保借款合同
contract of loan on trust信托贷款合同
contract of loans for special funds专项资金借贷合同
contract of loans in compensation trade补偿贸易借款合同
contract of payment支付契约
contract of pledge质押合同
contract of property insurance财产保险合同
contract of repayment还款契约
contract of settling accounts结算合同
contract period协议期限 (交割日与到期日之间的天数)
contract policy浮动保险车按实际装船价值
contract price发包〔合同〕价格
contract rate协议利率 (远期利率协议中规定的固定利率)
contract rate of interest约定利率 (coupon rate, nominal rate)
contract reserve借债契约规定准备金 (contractual reserve)
contract revenue契约收入
contract sales定约销售销货
contract size合约股数
contract specifications合约细则
contract unit合约单位
contract value合约价值
controversy over a fiduciary contract信托合同纠纷案件
controversy over a loan contract借贷合同纠纷案件
cost contracts成本合同
cost plus contract成本加费用合同
cost plus contract成本加利润合同
cost plus fixed fee contract成本加固定手续费合同
currency futures contract货币期货合约
currency of contract契约货币
dealing in futures contract期货合约交易
default on a contract不履行合同
deferred contract远期合约
deferred-delivery contract延期交割合约
delayed-delivery contract延迟交割合同
deposit administration contract存款保管合同
derivative contract衍生工具合约
derivative contract base衍生工具合约基础
derivatives contract衍生品合约
direct insurance contracts原保险合同
discount on forward exchange contract远期外汇合同折价
discount on installment contracts receivable应收分期偿还票据折价
Economic Contract Law of the People's Republic of China《中华人民共和国经济合同法》
equity contract权益合同
Eurocurrency futures contract欧洲货币期货合约
Eurodollar futures contract欧洲美元期货合约
Euroyen futures contract欧洲日元期货合约
exchange contract兑付契据
exchange forward contract远期外汇合同
exchange rate contract汇率合约
exchange-traded contract在交易所买卖的合约
financial contract财务合约
financial forward contract金融远期合约
financial futures contract金融期货合约
financial option contract金融期权合约
financing lease contract融资租赁合同
firm sale contract确定销售契约不可取消之销售合同
first contract amount第一合同金额
fixed rate forward purchase contract固定汇率预购合同
foreign exchange contracts外汇交易合约
forward buying contract远期买人合同
forward commodity contract远期商品合同
forward contract期货合同〔契约〕
forward contract rate远期合同成交率
forward purchasing contract远期买进合同
forward sale contract远期出售合同
forward-forward contract复远期合约
FTSE/Xinhua China 25 Index futures and options contracts新华富时中国 25指数期货及期权合约
futures contract in inter-bank interest rate银行同业拆息期货合约
futures contract on HSBC stock汇丰银行股票期货合同
futures contract value期货合约价值
futures exchange contract期货外汇合同
futures foreign exchange contract期货外汇合同
guarantee money paid on contract按合同付保证金
guaranteed insurance contract担保的保险合约
hedge contract套头交易合同
hedging contract套头交易合同
hedging with forward contracts远期套期保值
hedging with futures contracts期货套期保值
hedging with option contracts期权套期保值
hedging with swap contracts掉期套期保值
Hong Kong Hang Seng Index option contract香港恒生指数期权合约
HSI futures contract恒生指数期货合约
implied contract默认契约
index futures contract指数期货合约
installment contract分期付款合约
installment contracts分期付价销售契约
instalment savings contracts分期命蓄存单
interest rate option contract利率期权合约
interest-rate contract利率合约
interest-rate futures contract利率期货合约
international gold contract denominated in the renminbi以人民币计价的国际黄金合约
investment advisory contract投资顾问合约
joint venture contract合资合同
Law of the Peopled Republic of China on Economic Contracts involving Foreign Interest《中华人民共和国涉外经济合同法》
lead futures contract主导期货合约
lead month futures contract主导月份期货合约
leveraged foreign exchange contract杠杆式外汇交易合约
long option contract多头期权合约
long-term contract长期合约
long-term oil supply contracts长期石油供应合同
loss contract亏损合同
market contract市场合约
master contract account总统驭帐
master contract account主控制帐
Mini-Hang Seng Index Futures Contract小型恒生指数期货合约
mistraded contract错误交易合约
mortgage contract按揭合同
new futures contract新期货合约
nominal contract price名义约定价格
non-deliverable forward contract无本金交割远期外汇合约
non-deliverable forward contract非交割远期外汇合约
non-spot month Hang Seng Index futures contract非现货月恒生指数期货合约
novated contract债务变更合约
off-exchange traded derivative contracts场外买卖衍生工具合约
oil derivative contract石油衍生品合约
open contract无交割合同
opening contract开仓合约
option contract期权合约
option forward exchange contracts择期外汇合约 (指只确定交易的货币、金额、汇率和期限,不固定交割日期的远期外汇合约)
outright forward foreign exchange contracts直接远期外汇合约 (指远期的期限直接从签约的时候开始,到规定日期进行交割的外汇合约,它实际上仅是双方的一种约定,在签约时任何一方不需要向另一方支付任何款项)
participating contract参与合约
participating forward contract分享式远期合约
period of contract契约有效期
premium on forward exchange contract远期外汇合同溢价
price contract价格合同
primary futures contract基本期货合约
primary month futures contract基本月份期货合约
purchase contract payable a/c进货合同应付款帐户
quality contract质量合约
range forward contract范围远期合约
reinsurance contract再保险合同
related index futures contract关联指数期货合约
relevant contract有关合约
renewal of reinsurance contract再保险合同展期
reserve for reinsurance contract receivable应收分保合同准备金
risk of performance of contract履行合同险
risk sharing contract风险分担合约
sales contract receivable应收销售合同款
second contract amount第二合同金额
short futures contract空头期货合约
short-option contract空头期权合约
short-selling contract卖空合约
specified securities or futures contracts指明证券或期货合约
spot foreign exchange contract即期外汇合约
spot trade contract即期交易合同
stock futures contract股票期货合约
stock options contract股票期权合约
straight cost-plus contract成本加成合同
sub-reinsurance contract转分保合同
subscription contract认购合同
summary contract of a bill票据简约
swap contract掉期合约
system of economic contracts经济合同制
take-or-pay contract必付合约
technical proposal for contracts合同技术提案
tender to contract option投标期间外汇期权
termination of contract契约期满
total contract value总成交额
turnkey contract包揽承建合同
tying contract附条件合同
unconditional contract无条件合同
unconscionable contract违背良心的合同
underlying futures contract基础期货合约 (指期货期权购买者在支付一定数额的权利金后所拥有的、可在一定时间内以一定价格出售或购买一定数量相关期货的合约)
underwriter's contract承销商合同
underwriting contract承销合同
underwriting contract证券包销合同
underwriting contract证券包销合约
Uniform Rules for Contract Guarantees《契约保证统一规则》
Uniform Rules for Foreign Exchange Contract《外汇契约统一规则》
unmatched contract未轧平合约
unmatured forward contracts未到期远期合约
unvalued insurance contract不定值保险合同
Value Line Composite Index futures contract价值线综合指数期货合约
valued insurance contract定值保险合同
voidable contract可撤销合同
when-issued contract提前交易合约