
Terms for subject Technology containing contour | all forms | exact matches only
abandonment contour报废等值线
absolute contour绝对等高线
amplitude contour等幅线
angle between wave crest and contour line波峰线与等深线夹角
angle between wavefront and bed contour波峰与等深线的夹角
anomaly contour距平线
appraisal method with the aid of contour graph轮廓图形评价法
area of contour等高线面积
area of contour等高线包围的面积
area of contour投影面积
area of lower contour下等高线面积
area of upper contour上等高线截面积
automatic contour digitizer自动等深线数字转换器
automatic contour liner等高线自动描绘器
automatic contour liner自动等高线仪
auxiliary contour半距等高线间曲线
auxiliary contour间曲线
auxiliary contour line半距等高线间曲线
auxiliary contour line间曲线
auxiliary contour line辅助等高线
average contour area method平均等高线面积法
balanced-in-plane contour平面封头曲面
basement contour map基底等深线图
basement contours基底轮廓线
basement rock contour map基岩等深线圈
basic contour interval基本等高距
bathymetric contour海底等深线
bathymetric contour等深线
bathymetrical contour等深线
bathymetrical contour海底等深线
bed contour河床等高线
bed contour河底等高线
below-sea level contour负向地貌等高线
bit contour钻头唇部外形
blurred contour模糊轮廓
bottom contour等水深线
bottom contour水底等高线
bottom contour水底地形
bottom contour底部等高线
bottom contour底部地形
bottom contour海底形状
bottom contour湖底等高线
bottom contour河底等高线
bottom contour底部轮廓
bottom contour chart海底地形图
bottom contour map海底地貌图
Bromwich contour布朗维奇围道
cache contour存储等高线
cam contour凸轮廓
carrying contour合成等高线
closeness of contours等高线密集
colour contour彩色等值线图
coloured contour map彩色等量线图
concentration contour浓度等值线
concentration unit contour浓度单位等值线
conic contour锥形
constant current contour等流线
constant density contour等密度线
contour accentuation回路加重
contour accentuation勾边
contour accentuation提高图像中物体轮廓的明显性
contour accentuation加重轮廓
contour account抵消账户
contour acuity轮廓锐度
contour area等高线面积
contour bank踏步式护岸
contour bank等高堤
contour bank等高埂
contour bank踏步式护堤
contour basin等高
contour basin等高洼地
contour bench border-irrigation等高 田埂灌溉
contour bench border-irrigation等高畦灌
contour bender成型弯曲装置
contour blasting光面爆破
contour blasting轮廓爆破
contour broach外形拉削
contour cam导形凸轮
contour chair人体体型椅
contour chair体型椅
contour check沿等高线栽培
contour check等高田
contour check梯田
contour check等高畦
contour check沿等高线种植
contour code等高线电码
contour compilation map等高线地图
contour control轮廓控制
contour control system外形控制系统
contour convergence轮廓重合
contour correction边界影响修正
contour cropping等高栽植
contour cropping等高种植
contour cultivation等高耕种
contour current deposit等深流沉积
contour current facies等深流沉积相
contour curtain可变换轮廓的幕帘
contour cutter grinder成型铣刀磨床
contour cutting外形切削
contour depth等深线
contour diagram等密
contour digitizing等高线数字化
contour dimension外廊尺寸
contour drafting描绘等高线
contour drainage沿等高线修筑的雨水排除系统
contour drawing描绘等高线
contour drawing白描
contour drawing轮廓图
contour edition等高线版
contour effect轮廓效应
contour-etching外形腐蚀 (加工)
contour extrusion异型挤出
contour fabric仿形织物
contour facing仿形端面车削
contour facing靠模端面车削
contour farming等高栽植
contour farming等高耕种
contour farming等高种植
contour finder探视取景器
contour finder轮廓线检视器
contour flooding等高沟淹灌
contour follower仿形随动件
contour follower等高仪
contour follower靠模随动件
contour forming形模成型
contour furrow水平犁沟
contour furrow田边沟
contour gage板规
contour gage仿形规
contour gage叶型规
contour gage轮廓仪
contour gauge叶型规
contour gauge板规
contour gauge仿形规
contour gauge轮廓仪
contour gradient坡线
contour grinder仿形磨床
contour grinding machine仿形磨床
contour hardening表面轮廓热处理
contour hole周边炮孔
contour hole周边炮眼
contour horizon标准层位
contour information等高线信息
contour instrument等高线笔
contour integral method锥面积分法
contour integration围道积分
contour interpolation等高线内插
contour interval相邻等高线的高度差等值线间距
contour interval恒值间距
contour lathe仿形车床
contour-length method等高线延长法
contour level等高层
contour level等高线水准测量
contour line水平线
contour line map等高线地图
contour line map等高线图
contour machining成型加工
contour machining轮廓加工
contour manuscript等高线原图
contour map轮廓图
contour map等场强线图
contour map标高投影
contour map围道线映射
contour map of alpha ray intensity阿尔法强度等值图
contour map of apical bed of confined aquifer承压水顶板等高线图
contour map of apparent absorption of radio wave penetration method无线电波透视法视吸收系数等值线图
contour map of bottom bed of confined aquifer含水层底板等高线图
contour map of bottom surface of coal seam煤层底板等高线图
contour map of bottom surface of orebody矿体底面等高线图
contour map of bursting water coefficient突水系数等值线图
contour map of cross section of gamma伽马断面等值图
contour map of Eman埃玛等值图
contour map of fault surface断层面等高线图
contour map of gamma-ray intensity伽马强度等值图
contour map of heat releasing light热释光等值图
contour map of ore body footwall矿体底板等高线图
contour map of ore body roof矿体顶页板等高线图
contour map of overburden ratio剥釆比等值线图
contour map of polonium content钋含量等值图
contour map of potassium content钾含量等值图
contour map of shear stress剪应力等值线图
contour map of shearing stress剪应力等值线图
contour map of stripping ratio of ore deposit矿床剥离比等值线图
contour map of stripping ratio of orebody矿体剥离比等值线图
contour map of Th/K ratio钾等值图
contour map of thorium content社含量等值图
contour map of top surface of coal bed煤层顶面等高线图
contour map of top surface of coal seam煤层顶面等高线图
contour map of top surface orebody矿体顶面等高线图
contour map of track density径迹密度等值图
contour map of U/K ratio铀钾等值图
contour map of uranium content铀含量等值图
contour map of U/Th ratio铀一钍等值图
contour map of vertical cross-section of radon氡纵断面等值图
contour map program等值线图程序
contour map programme等值线图程序
contour method等值线法
contour microclimate地形小气候
contour milling等高走刀曲面仿形法
contour milling machine靠模铣床
contour mode等高线图形
contour module轮廓模数
contour number等高线标数
contour number等高线海拔注记
contour-number pantograph等高线注记缩放器
contour of anomalies等异常线
contour of constant geometric accuracy精度曲线
contour of constant geometrical accuracy精度曲线
contour of equal perceived noisiness等噪线
contour of noise噪声等值线
contour of water table水面等高线
contour of water table水位等高线
contour outline略图
contour overlay等高线叠置片
contour package等高线程序组
contour painting白功
contour painting白描
contour patch按炉子侵蚀外形修炉
contour pattern等高线图案
contour pattern恒值线图案
contour paver仿形铺料机
contour paver轮廓摊铺机
contour peening喷丸成型
contour pen画等高线用的曲线笔
contour plan等高层
contour plan等高线平面
contour plane等值面
contour plane等高面
contour plate成型吹板
contour plate靠模等值面
contour plate护缘板
contour plate缘周板
contour plots等高线区划图
contour plowing等高耕种
contour projector断面投影仪
contour projector轮廓投影仪
contour quenching外形淬火
contour quenching轮廓淬火
contour race等高水道
contour recording等强录音
contour representation等高线表象
contour ridger等高起垄机
contour ring凸轮环
contour roll forming轮廓滚形
contour sawing machine仿形锯床
contour section of quintic-dip longitudinal sounding五极纵轴测深等断面图
contour segment等高线部分
contour size of the unit设备外形尺寸
contour size of the units设备外形尺寸
contour sketching描绘等高线
contour slices等高线分层
contour specification等高线规格
contour spinning靠模旋压
contour squeeze成型压头
contour stitcher仿形缝合机
contour stripping等高剥离
contour stripping等高开采
contour survey区界调查
contour terrace水平梯田
contour terrace水平阶地
contour terrace等高阶地
contour terrace等高梯田
contour tillage等高线耕作
contour turning仿形车削
contour turning轮廓车削
contour value等高线注记
contour weld特形焊接
contour welding绕焊
contour wheel仿形轮
contours of noise噪声等值线
contours of water table水位等高线
contours of water table水面等高线
contours of water table水平等高线
contours of water table地下水位等高线
coverage contour等场强曲线
dashed contour line虚线等高线
dashed-line contour plot虚线等高线图
daylight factor contours等天然照度系数曲线
daylight factor contours等采光系数曲线
deflection contour路面等弯沉线
deflection contour挠度等值线
deflection contour路面等挠沉线
derivation of contour等高线描绘
dispersal on contour lines在等高线上分散
displacement of inner contour of tunnel隧道内轮廓位移
drawbar contour引砖刻面
echo contour回波等强线
edge contour边缘外形
electronic contour liner电子等高线仪
equal cost contour等成本曲线
equal loudness contours音量等响线
equal probability contour等概率线
equal vibration feeling contour振动等响曲线
equal-loudness contours of Fletcher and Manson弗雷契尔一曼松等响曲线
equal-noisiness contour等噪线
equal-pitch contour等音调线
equal-utility contour效用等高线
equatorial contour赤道轮廓
equi-error contour等误差线
external contour saw外轮廓锯法
extrusion contour展宽轮廓
faint contour不明显等高线
faint contour不清晰等高线
faired contour balance流线型减阻平衡
fallout contour微粒回降等强线
field strength contour map等场强线图
figured contour注记等高线
flooding from contour ditch等高沟淹灌
flowing contours流线型
flux contours流的通量分布
generalized contour综合等高线
generating contour描绘等高线
geostrophic contour current地转平流
glacial contour冰川等高线
grade contour等坡线
groove contour槽形
ground-contour-following device地面仿形装置
groundwater contour地下水等高线
groundwater contour地下水位等值线
half-interval contour中插等高线
height of contour外形凸点
horizontal contour corrector水平轮廓校正器
horizontal contour signal水平轮廓信号
horizontal map with heights or with contour等高线平面图
hypersurface contour map program超曲面等直线图程序
hypersurface contour map programme超曲面等直线图程序
hypsometric contour分层设色等高线
hypsometrical contour分层设色等高线
illuminated contour明暗等高线
impact sound insulation reference contour撞击声隔声参考曲线
index contour指示等高线
index contour指标等高线
index contour基本等高线
index contour示量等高线
index contour标注等高线
index contour首曲线
index contour注有数字等高线
index major contour加粗等高线
inner contour of tunnel lining隧道衬砌内轮廓
inserting contour插绘等高线
inshore bottom contour近海海底地形
inshore bottom contour沿海地形
instrumental contour仪器轮廓
instrumental contour仪器实测等高线
instrumental contour实测等高线
intermediate contour非注字等高线
intermediate contour中间等高线
interpolated contour内插等深线
interpolated point between contours内插高程点
irregular contour不规则外形
isobase contour等基线图
isopiestic contour line of groundwater地下水等水压线图
isotensoid head contour等张力封头曲面
isotensoid head contour平衡型封头曲面
joint contour diagram节理等密图
land contour陆地轮廓线
large contour projector大型轮廓投影仪
light-line contour细等高线
line contour谱线轮廓
line drop contour chart根据断续线勾绘的等高线图
loss contour等损失线
loss contour损失线
loudness contours等响曲线
loudness contours等响线
magnetic contour磁力等值线
magnitude contour等值线
magnitude contour等高线
magnitude contour等幅线
map of heat flow contours热流量等值线图
map of silica contours二氧化硅等值线图
medium contour中间等高线
meridional contour子午线剖面轮廓
method of closed contour闭合等值线法
minimum contour size最小外形尺寸
Moho contour map莫霍面等深线图
mud thickness contour map淤泥厚度等值线图
noise contours噪声等值线
noise-intensity contour噪声强度曲线
non-contact surface contour analyzer不接触式表面轮廓分析仪
normal contour标准等高线
nozzle contour喷管外形
nozzle-contour correction喷口形状修正
nozzle interior contour喷管内壁形状
numerics in contours等高线注记
Nyquist's contour乃奎斯特围线
oblate ellipsoid head contour扁椭球封头曲面
octagonal contour八边形等值线
open contour未封闭等高线
optic contour grinder光学轮廓磨床
optic contour grinder光学曲线磨床
optical contour grinder光学轮廓磨床
optical contour grinder光学曲线磨床
optimum intake contour最佳进气口外形
oscillating contour振荡电路
phase contour等相角线
photo-contour map等高线影像地图
photo-contour process摄影绘制等高线法
piezometric contour等压线
piston crown contours活塞顶轮廓
plan contour figure of induced polarization gradient array激电中梯平面等值线图
plan figure of contour等值线平面图
plan figure of contour of self-potential method自然电位等值线平面图
plan with contour lines有等高线的平面图
plot contour描绘等高线
position of the contours等高线位置
power contour等功率线
pressure contour等压高度线
pressure contour气压等高线
pressure contour等压线
primary contour主等高线
principal contour首曲线
principal contour主等高线
principal contour主要等高线
profile of contour of self-potential method自然电位等值线平面图
prognostic contour chart等压面预报图
radio contour射电轮廓图
radiometric documentary contour map辐射编录等值图
rainfall-depth contour等雨深线
rainfall-depth contour降雨等深线
reconstruction of face contour复原面容
recursive contour coding周线递归编码
regular contour规则轮廓
reliable contour精确等高线
resistivity contour等电阻线
roof contour屋顶轮廓
rotation contour转致轮廓
rounded root contour圆形齿根轮廓
sea-bed contour等深线
sea-bottom contour海底地形
sediments thickness contour map沉积物厚度等值线图
separation of contour line等高线版间距
settle contour沉降等值线
settling contour沉降等值线
site contour现场地形
sketched contour手勾等高线
sketching contour草绘曲线
sketching contour草绘等高线
sky factor contours等天空投射系数曲线
slender contour流线型外形
smooth contour光滑的外形
sorting of contour points等高线点分类
sound insulation reference contour空气声隔声参考曲线
standard contour首曲线
standard contour标准等高线
standard contour基本等高线
standard error of position of the contours等高线位置标准差
streamlined contour流线型外形
streamlined contour流线型轮廓
stress contour等主应力线
strip contour map带状等高线地形图
subdrift contour地形
submarine contour水底等高线
submarine contour海底等高线
substance contour横向厚度剖面
subsurface contour水下等高线
subsurface contour构造等高线
subsurface contour map of the key bed地面下标准层等高线图
subsurface contour map of the key bed地面下分界层等高线图
support contour履带起重机的支承轮廓
surface contour地面等高线
surface contour map地形测量图
thick contour粗等高线
thin contour细等高线
thread contour螺纹轮廓
ticketed contour计曲线
trace contour描绘等高线
tracing of contour lines描绘等高线
tread contour胎面花纹
tread contour plate胎面样模
trip contour map交通等密线图
tunnel contour隧道断面轮廓
two-meters contour interval两米等高距
unclosed contour不闭合等高线
unclosed contour未封闭等高线
underground contour map地下等深线图
underground structure contour map地下构造等高线图
underground structure contour map基准层构造图
unsymmetrical profile contour不对称齿廓
upper-air contour高空等高线
valley contour河谷形态
variable contour interval可变等高距
vehicle contour车辆轮廓
velocity contour section速度等值线剖面
vertical contour of mining area矿区高程控制
volume contour等容线
water contour给水等值线
water-level contour水位等高线
water-level contour map潜水等水位线图
water-table contour地下水等高线
water-table contour潜水等高线
water-table contour地下水等水位线
wave contour波轮廓
wave height contour等波高线
wing contour翼轮廓
zero difference contour line零差轮廓线
zero five contour半距等高线
zero hoop stress head contour零周向应力封头曲面
zigzag contour reflection锯齿状边缘反射
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