
Terms for subject Logistics containing container | all forms | exact matches only
aircraft container飞机集装器
booking container summary〔集装箱〕订舱汇总清单
Carrier's Own Container船公司自有集装箱
cellular container ship箱格式导轨式集装箱船
China Container Freight Index上海航交所制定的中国出口集装箱运价指数
conair container带有冷却系统的保温集装箱
consolidated container混装集装箱
Consolidated Container Service拼箱集运服务
container bolster集装箱支架
container chassis集装箱底盘
container clearance charge清洁箱费用
container damage charge坏箱费用
container depot集装箱堆场
container depot集装箱中转站
container dirtyness charge污箱费
container freight charge集装箱运费
container groupage集装箱拼装
Container Imbalance Charge箱体不平衡附加费
container inland depot集装箱内陆中转站 (inland container depot)
container inspection report集装箱检验报告
container lessee/leasor集装箱承租人/出租人
container lines集装箱班轮船公司
container load适于用集装箱运输
container load cargo集装箱装载货物适箱货
Container Load Plan集装箱配箱单
container loading charge集装箱装箱费
container number集装箱号码
Container on Flat Car集装箱平板车
container on flatcar平底集装箱
container part load不适于用集装箱运输的货物
container prefix〔船公司的四位〕集装箱号
container rehandling list集装箱翻倒,掏箱清单
container release order集装箱发放通知放箱
container repositioning集装箱调运
container service集装箱运输服务
container service tariff集装箱服务价目表
container stack集装箱堆叠
container sublease集装箱转租
container terminal集装箱装卸作业区
Container Transport International国际集装箱运输租赁公司
container type code集装箱类型号
container yard集装箱堆
conventional container ship集装箱杂货两用船
convertible container ship可转换集装箱船
devan strip a container拆集装箱
disposable container仅可使用一次的集装器
dry cargo freight, van container干杂货集装箱
dry-bulk container散装干货集装箱
empty container gate-out advice空箱出场通知
empty container handler空集装箱装运车
exclusive container terminal集装箱专用码头
flat container架集装箱
flat rack container框架集装箱
full cellular container vessel专用分层全集装箱船
Full Container Load〔铁路和公路〕整车货物
Full Container Load〔海〕整箱货
full loaded weight and container满载集装箱
general purpose container多用途通用集装箱
glass-reinforced polywood container玻璃钢集装箱
half height container半高集装箱
hard top container硬顶集装箱
heavy container20 英尺加重集装箱
high cube container高箱
inspection certificate on performance tests of packing container for export dangerous goods出口危险货物包装容器性能检验证书危包证
Inspection of Empty Containers空箱检验费
interior post type container内注式集装箱
less than container load不足整箱货物
Less than Container Load〔海〕拼箱货
lower deck container〔飞机〕下货舱集货舱
lower deck containers低甲板型集装箱
main deck container〔飞机〕主货舱集货舱
modular automated container handling自动调整的集装箱操作系统
Multiple Element Gas Containers多元化气集装箱
non-aircraft container非注册的飞机集装器
non-structural container〔空〕非结构集装棚
nonstructural container非结构集装箱
platform based container框架集装箱
platform flat container平台式集装箱
position containers放置集装箱
rail container yard铁路集装箱站
refurbishment of container集装箱整修
semi container ship半集装箱船
Shipper's Own Container发货人自备集装箱
special container特种箱
strip destuff a container卸集装箱
tank liquid bulk container罐状液体集装箱
thermal container保温集装器
upper deck container〔飞机〕上货舱集货舱