
Terms containing contact angle | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
oiladvancing contact angle前进接触角
bridg.constr.advancing contact steel angle前进接触角钢
el.angle contact角接触
el.angle contact角连接
tech.angle of contact包角
auto.angle of contact接触角如传动带对带轮的包角
auto.angle of contact贴合角如制动蹄对制动鼓的贴合角度
eng.geol.angle of contact湿润角
eng.geol.angle of contact弯液面与垂直侧壁之间接触角
met.angle of contact接触角 (轧件与轧辊的)
tech.angle of contact包围角
met.apparent contact angle视接触角
water.res., ecol.balanced contact angle平衡接触角
oilCassie's equivalent contact angle卡西等值接触角
oilCassie's equivalent contact angle卡西等效接触角
eng.geol.contact angle界面角
met.contact angle咬人角
met.contact angle接触角
earth.sc.contact angle接触〔交会,啮合〕角
oilcontact angle润湿角
tech.contact angle啮合角
expl.contact angle接触角在至少有两个是凝聚相的三相接触线的一点上,与接触线垂直的平面和三相中每个相相交而得到的曲线的切线所形成的角
avia.contact angle交会角
oilcontact angle aging effect接触角老化效应
met.contact angle between alumina and liquid steel氧化铝与钢水的接触角
el.contact angle measurement microscope接触角测量显微镜
tech.contact angle of air-mercury system空气汞系统接触角
tech.contact angle of air-oil system空气油系统接触角
tech.contact angle of air-water system空气水系统接触角
tech.contact angle of oil-water system油水系统接触角
tech.contact angle of saddle support鞍座包角
tech.contact angle of water-gas system水一天然气系统接触角
tech.contact angle of wetting润湿接触角
chem.contact angles and wetting接触角和润湿
expl.contact-angle measurement method接触角测定法
oildynamic contact angle动力接触角
expl.dynamic contact angle动态接触角
oilequilibrium contact angle平衡接触角
oilequivalent contact angle等值接触角
oilequivalent contact angle等效接触角
oilimbibition contact angle吸入接触角
oilimbibition contact angle自吸接触角
oilimbibition contact angle渗吸接触角
oilintrinsic contact angle固有接触角
oillimiting contact angle极限接触角
met.maximum contact angle最大接触角
tech.minimal contact angle最小接触角
met.minimum contact angle最小接触角
oilnon-zero contact angle非零接触角
oiloil-water contact angle油-水接触角
tech.optimum contact angle最佳接触角
oilreceding contact angle后退接触角
oilreference contact angle参考接触角
oilsmooth-surface contact angle光滑面接触角
oilstatic advancing contact angle静止前进接触角
oilstatic contact angle静止接触角
oilstatic receding contact angle静止后退接触角
tech.surface contact angle面接角
oiltrue contact angle真接触角
el.video contact angle视频接触角
tech.water contact angle水接触角
oilwater receding contact angle水后退接触角
oilzero contact angle零接触角
oilzero-velocity advancing contact angle零速前进接触角