
Terms containing consulate | all forms | exact matches only
interntl.trade.Consulate, Economic, Commercial Sections领事馆经济商务部
busin.Consulate Economic Commercial Sections〈美〉领事馆经济商务处
econ.consulate general总领事
textileconsulate general总领事馆
econ.consulate general总领事权限
China, polit.consulate-general总领事馆
interntl.trade.consulate invoice领事发票
interntl.trade.consulate invoice领事签证发票
China, lawembassies or consulates使领馆
China, polit.embassy and consulate personnel working overseas驻外使领馆工作人员
econ.expense of embassies and consulates使领馆费用
interntl.trade.general consulate总领事馆
gen.If my visa application is denied, could it help to have a high ranking official contact the consulate?被拒签后,我是否能找一个高级别官员联系领事馆帮我通过申请?
gen.When you lost your passport, you must go to the police station for a missing certificate and apply again for consulate护照丢失时,应立即到警察局开遗失证明书,再向领事馆申请补发