
Terms for subject China containing construction | all forms | exact matches only
advance economic construction推动经济建设
annual plan for the land to be used for construction年度建设用地计划
area for control of construction建设控制地带
capital construction for school学校基本建设
China Democratic National Construction Association中国民主建国会民建
coal mine construction project煤矿建设项目
concentrate on our own construction and whole-heartedly seek development聚精会神搞建设, 一心一意谋发展
construction administrative department建设行政主管部门
construction cost of the project建筑工程造价
construction engineering enterprise建筑施工企业
construction entity建筑施工单位
construction noise建筑施工噪声
construction of a multi-layer social security system建立多层次的社会保障制度
construction of buildings for military use军用房屋建筑工程
construction of coal mine煤矿建设
construction of highways公路建设
construction of key energy conservation project重点节能工程的实施
construction party施工人
construction project contract建设工程合同
construction sites施工现场
construction supervising unit工程监理单位
construction technical standard施工技术标准
contract construction of foreign projects对外工程承包
contract of construction project in part肢解发包
contract of construction project in part建筑工程肢解发包
course of construction operation施工过程
criteria for construction project inspection and acceptance施工验收规范
defects of construction projects质量缺陷
democracy and legal construction民主和法制建设
designed scheme of the construction project建设工程设计方案
development and construction funds for new vegetable plots新菜地开发建设基金
discontinue construction停止建设
draw up a detailed construction plan编制修建性详细规划
energy conservation in construction建筑节能
engage in construction activity从事建筑活动
environmental noise within the boundary of a construction site建筑施工场界环境噪声
equal stress on construction, improvement and maintenance建设改造与养护并重
focus on economic construction以经济建设为中心
funds for highway construction公路建设资金
highway construction projects公路建设项目
in the course of construction施工中
inferior construction quality建筑工程质量不合格
investment needed for construction建设所需投资
land for construction建设用地
large construction project大型建筑工程
local standards for energy conservation in construction地方建筑节能标准
major construction projects重大建设工程
mine construction矿山建设
mining construction projects矿山建设项目
Ministry of Construction of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国建设部
non-agricultural construction非农业建设
obstruct coal mine construction阻碍煤矿建设
permit for a planned construction project建设工程规划许可证
permit for the planned use of land for construction建设用地规划许可证
potential danger of accident in construction建筑安全事故隐患
principles of planning before construction先规划后建设的原则
project under construction在建的建筑工程
promote the construction of highway促进公路建设
quality of the construction工程质量
quality standards for project construction建筑工程质量标准
regular construction investment from the central government budget中央预算内经常性建设投资
research on construction science and technology建筑科学技术研究
right to the use of land for construction建设用地使用权
Safety and Health in Construction Convention建筑业安全卫生公约
safety at construction site施工现场安全
safety facility of construction project建设项目安全设施
safety in construction operation建筑安全生产
safety standards on construction project建筑工程安全标准
ship under construction建造中的船舶
short-term construction plan近期建设规划
special funds for highway construction公路建设专项资金
standards for energy conservation in construction建筑节能标准
start construction on schedule按期开工
state construction国家建设
strictly prohibit construction of luxurious office buildings and halls严禁建设豪华楼堂馆所
the construction of major projects重大工程建设
the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps新疆生产建设兵团
unqualified construction materials不合格的建筑材料