
Terms for subject Consulting containing construction | all forms | exact matches only
building and construction trade craft建筑行业协会
camp construction临时房屋建设
check and accept the completed capital construction project基建项目竣工验收
China National Chemical Construction Corporation中国化工建设总公司
China Petroleum Engineering Construction Corporation中国石油工程建设公司
China State Construction Engineering Corporation中国建筑工程公司
construction and delivery施工和交付
construction and investment impacts建设和投资的效益
construction delays施工拖期
construction delays建设耽误
construction impact建设效果
construction management建设管理
construction-oriented expertise and experience施工的专门知识和经验
construction project contract建设工程承包合同
design of working drawing of a capital construction project基麄项目施工图设计
engineer construction manager工程设计施工经理
general contractor acting as construction manager总承包作为施工经理
international construction consultants国际建设咨询处
labour intensive construction劳动密集型工程建设
modern construction现代建筑
monthly bulletin construction建设月报
overseas construction association海外建设协会
pre-construction orientation meeting施工前的勘察会议
pre-construction work施工前工作
preliminary plan of a capital construction project基建项目计划任务书
process of construction施工过程
process of construction建设过程
professional construction manager专业施工经理
professional construction manager专门施工经理
specification for construction构造说明书
specifications for construction构造说明书
vehicle for construction工程施工用车辆
vehicles for construction工程施工用车辆
water conservancy construction水利建设
waterfront construction水工工程