
Terms for subject Space containing connection | all forms | exact matches only
accidental connection偶然关联
accordant connection连接
accordant connection匹配
affine connection仿射连接
back connection背面连接
bay section connection device舱段连接装置
booster connection助推器连接
boss connection盒形连接 (一种导管连接方法)
boss connection塞孔连接
built-up connection连接
cable connection box电缆转接箱
coax connection同轴接头 (通信装置上的)
connection admission control连接许可控制
connection admission control连接接纳控制
connection box接线箱
connection cabin连接舱
connection less broadband data service无连接宽带数据服务
connection machine连接机
connection name连接名
connection-oriented transmission面向连接传输 (一种数据通信协议)
connection point for orientation定向连接点
connection release device for stage separation级间分离连接装置
connection/release mechanism连接/释放机构
connection-separation device连接分离装置
connection-separation device of missile body弹体连接分离装置
connection survey联系测量
connection test对接试验
connection test with missile与弹对接试验
connection-unlocked device连接解锁装置
connection vector连接矢量
conventional wrapped connection常规型绕接 (导线绕接的一种方法)
delta-star connection三角形-星形接线法
digital cross connection数字交叉连接 (设备)
double-way connection桥形连接
electrical connection check电器连接检查
fill connection加注接头
flange connection法兰连接
flexible connection挠性连接
four-way connection四通接头
full-wave connection全波连接
function of brain connection pattern大脑连接模式功能
ground connection test地面联试
interbeam connection波束间连接
internetwork connection网络连接
joint elements connection parts连接元件
K-combination connectionK 形综合连接
mechanical connection机械连接
mesh connection网状接线
missile transferring connection导弹转载对接
missile warhead-body connection equipment导弹头体结合设备
modular connection组合式接插件
multiple simultaneous connection多重同时连接
multiple-series connection串并联
open data base connection开放数据库连接
optical fiber connection光纤连接
order of connection连接顺序
orientation connection survey定向连接测量
output connection输出连接
pad connection terminal room发射台终接房
parallel connection并联连接
permanent virtual channel connection永久虚信道连接
permanent virtual path connection永久虚通道连接
primitive connection matrix原始连通矩阵
program module connection diagram程序模块连接图
quick disc onn ect circular connection快速断开环形连接
regeneration connection再生连接
satellite-specific connection-oriented protocol卫星专用面向连接的协议
sections connection导弹舱段连接
separation-connection device分离连接装置
series connection bus system串联母线系统
service specific connection oriented protocol面向特定业务连接协议
shunt connection分流连接
simultaneous connection同时连接
single hop connection单跳连接
solderless connection非焊接连接 (导线连接的一种方法)
solderless connection非焊接接线
solderless wrapped connection绕接 (导线缠线的一种工艺)
splice connection叠接
splice connection搭接
structural connection结构连接
switch connection转换连接
switched virtual connection交换式虚连接
terminal connection point终端连接点
through connection point转接点
through connection station转接站
time connection时间连接
umbilical connection弹体上接头 (火箭电路和发射装置的)
vibration proof wrapped connection防振型绕接 (导线绕接的一种方法)
virtual channel connection虚信道连接
virtual connection虚连接
virtual connection number虚连接号
virtual connection tree虚连接树
virtual path connection虚通道连接
warhead-body connection vehicle头体结合车
wing-body connection弹翼-弹身连接
wing-fuselage connection device翼面连接装置
wire-wrap connection绕线连接
wire-wrapped connection缠线连接
wrapped connection绕线连接
Y-connectionY 形连接