
Terms for subject Oil / petroleum containing connection | all forms | exact matches only
accordant connection整合接触
Atlantic connection大西洋板块接合带
biocoenotic connection生物群落关联
bonding connection discharge排流连接放电
box-box connection双内螺纹接头
brake connection rod刹带连杆
branch connection支线连接
branch connection支管连接
buoyant off bottom connection method浮式离底连接法
buttress thread connection梯形螺纹连接
buttress threaded & coupled connection梯形螺纹接箍连接
choke-flow connection节流连管
collar connection凸缘连接
collar connection接箍连接
connection box接线匣
connection cable连接缆索
connection cable连接电缆
connection design连接设计
connection flange连接法兰
connection number接头号码
connection point接点
connection rod连杆
connection terminal接线端子
connection time接立根时间
connection time接单根时间
cross connection线条交叉
crowbar connection撬杠连接
damage-prone connection易破坏的节点
delta connection三角接线法
delta-star connection三角星形接线法
direct pull-in connection直接拉入联接法
direct vertical connection直接垂直连接
diver-assisted flowline connection潜水员辅助出油管连接
double proofed connection双保险连接
double strength connection counterbore双强钻铤接头锥度镗孔
double strength super connection collar双强烘装钻铤
drill pipe connection接钻杆
dry connection干连接
dummy connection模仿接单根
dummy connection假性联接
earth connection接地工程
false connection & ground错误的连接和接地
feedback connection反馈连接
feedforward connection前馈连接
female connection阴螺纹连接
field connection现场装配
field-replaceable connection drill collar井场可换接头钻铤
filling connection装油接头
flanged connection法兰连接
forked connection插头连接
forked connection分岔连接
forked connection叉状连接
frontier connection边境接合点 (跨国管)
ground connection大地联测
grouting connection水泥浆连接
high-performance connection高性能连接
hose connection水龙带连接
hose connection水龙带接头
hydraulic connection液压连接
inlet connection入口接头
inlet connection进入接管
integral connection整体连接
integral rotary connection整体转接
jack connection插孔连接
key connection键连接
lantern connection滚柱连接
lantern connection灯笼式连接
leak off connection放泄接头
link connection链连接
live connection活动连接
multiple connection复接
multiple connection并联连接
multiple connection manifold多路管汇
parallel connection of pumps并联泵
pin-and-socket connection插头一插座连接
pipe connection接钻杆
pipe connection管子连接
pipeline connection管线接点
plain pile connection光面桩连接
plug and socket connection插塞式连接
point-to-point connection点对点连接
pressure-tight connection耐压密闭连接
rathole connection鼠洞接单根
resilient connection弹性连接
riveted connection铆接
rotary shouldered connection旋转肩台连接
sample connection取样接头
sample connection采样接头
screwed branch connection螺纹连接支线
series connection串联连接
series-multiple connection混联
set-in connection插入式连接
shear key connection剪力键连接
shear lug connection剪力键连接
shore connection岸上连接点
shore connection岸电接头
sledge pin connection插销连接
slip-on connection卡套式连接
solid connection紧密连接
surface connection地面设备管线
sweepolet branch connection加强连接管
swivel connection旋转连接头
swivel connection活接头
take-off connection分支接头
tank hoop connection油罐环箍连接
tee branch connectionT形连接支线
test port connection试验孔连接器
underwater connection水下连接
vaporproof connection防爆接头
vapor-proof connection气密连接
vapour-proof connection气密连接
vapourproof connection汽密连接
vapour-proof connection不漏气接头
yoke connection轭连接
Y-Y connection双星形接线法
zigzag connection交错接法