
Terms containing confirming | all forms | exact matches only
el.admission confirm接纳确认
China, lawbasis on which to confirm the facts认定事实的根据
mil., air.def.Bayesian tracking confirm航迹确定方法
busin.confirm a ballot确认投票有效
textileconfirm a treaty确认条约
busin.confirm an agreement批准契约协议
textileconfirm an order确认订单
textileconfirm an order确认订货
compr.confirm button确认键
textileconfirm delivery确认交货
securit.confirm execution of order复盘
securit.confirm execution of order确认执行了委托单
securit.confirm me out确认指令订单撤销
ITconfirm message确认信息
China, lawconfirm nullified确认无效
tech.confirm order确认订货
China, lawconfirm patents for inventions确认发明专利权
busin.confirm please请预确认
ITconfirm primitive确认原语
securit.confirm slip券商确认单
interntl.trade.confirm the agreement reached确认所达成的协议
China, lawconfirm the ownership确认所有权
busin.confirm the prediction in regard to the trend of the market证实市场趋势的预测
China, lawconfirm the right to land contractual management确认土地承包经营权
busin.confirm the rise of demand证实需求上升
busin.confirm the rise of demand确信需求上升
securit.confirm trustor out确认撤单确认委托人的交易确实撤销
busin.confirm your offer确认你方报盘
tech.confirm your offer确认你方的报盘
logist.confirming agent保付代理
commer.confirming agent保付代理人
busin.confirming bank保兑银行
busin.confirming bank保兑行
busin.confirming bank认付行
interntl.trade.confirming bank确认银行
securit.confirming bank保证银行
proj.manag.Confirming bank means the bank that adds its confirmation to a credit upon the issuing bank保兑行意指应开证行的授权或请求对信用证加具保兑的银行
tech.confirming box核实框
securit.confirming charge保兑费用
tech.confirming charges保兑手续费
interntl.trade.confirming house信托公司 (trust)
interntl.trade.confirming house保付行 (trust)
tech.confirming house出口保兑行
tech.confirming house保兑公司
busin.confirming house保付商行在第三国代办支付货款等业务的代理行
interntl.trade.confirming house保付商行
interntl.trade.confirming house保付公司
busin.confirming house购货代理行
securit.confirming house保付行
busin.confirming inquiry核实征询
tech.confirming margin保兑保证金
gen.confirming marker确认标
cryptogr.confirming operation确认操作
interntl.trade.confirming order保付书
interntl.trade.confirming order确认书
interntl.trade.confirming order保付订单
textileconfirming order保兑书
commer.confirming order确认订单
tech.confirming route marker路线编号标志
textileconfirming sample确认样
busin.confirming telegram确认电报
econ.confirming telephone order采购术语电话确认保付
econ.confirming telephone order电话确认保付采购术语
interntl.trade.confirming the credit standing of companies证实公司信用状况
securit.confirming valuation range确定价值范围
telecom.connection confirm接续确认 (SCCP— 信令连接控制部分)
el.disconnect confirm释放证实
el.disconnect confirm断开确认
gen.Do you have a confirmation letter confirming the reservation?您是否收到过确认订房的信件?
el.give token confirm提供令牌[标记]确认
gen.Hello, sir. I booked my flight on the Internet. How can I confirm the information?先生,您好!我在网上订了机票,要怎么确认信息呢?
dentist.I'll take an X-ray to confirm the condition of your jaw bone我将给您的颌骨拍个 X 线片以了解颌骨内的情况
econ.Latest increase in enquiries confirms the rise of demand for toys最近询盘的增多证实了对玩具需求的增长
gen.May I confirm your departure date?我想确认您的离开时间
busin.non-confirming goods不符合规定的货物
proj.manag.Please choose a memorable word of no more than 15 characters. This may be used to confirm certain transactions or to verify your identity请选择不超过15个字符的您可以记住的单词、此口令会用于确认某些交易或对您进行身份验证
tech.please confirm请确认
securit.requirement to confirm short selling order确认卖空订单的规定
econ.the confirm booking确定订仓
interntl.trade.the confirming house保付商行
commer.The confirming house does not have a general lien entitling it to retain goods or bills of lading for an indebtedness of the customer resulting from earlier transactions保付行没有扣留货物或提单的-般留置权
commer.The confirming house does not have a general lien entitling it to retain goods or bills of lading for an indebtedness of the customer resulting from earlier transactions对客户在以往交易中所欠款项
commer.The confirming house does not undertake any liability for the conformity of the goods with the stipulations in the contract保付商行对货物与合同规定符合与否不负责任
econ.The contract stipulates that the first payment is to be accepted within 3 days on confirming the order合同规定一经确认订单,三天之内收讫第一批付款
econ.The engineer shall consult with the owner to confirm the latter's requirements工程师应与业主商量确认后者的要求
econ.They confirm our telex of current date他们确收到我方今天的电传
econ.Vancouver confirming house's advice was that the relative L/C should have been duly amended温哥华保兑商行通知说,有关信用证本应及时修改好
econ.We are pleased to confirm your order of March first for 2000 yards of printed pure silk我方很高兴确认你方3月1日的订单,该单订购2000码印花真丝绸
gen.We can confirm a room for the 15th and我们可以确认您15日、16日订的一个房间
commer.We confirm our firm offer by cable of the 20th July regarding 1,000 M/T peanuts F.A.Q. 1993 crop兹确认我方七月二十日电报实盘,1,000公吨花生,1993 年产大路货
econ.We confirm telegrams recently exchanged between us and are pleased to say that we have increased our exports to the maximum我方确认近来双方往来电报并欣告我方的岀口已达最大量
econ.We confirm the delivery time on your order我方确认你方订单上注明的交货时间