
Terms containing conducive | all forms | exact matches only
China, polit.be conducive to有利于 (doing)
commer.Close cooperation is conducive to the promotion of business密切合作有助于促进贸易的发展
China, lawconducive to the interests of the people有益于人民
China, lawconducive to the physical and mental health有益身心健康
econ.conducive to the promotion of business有助于发展业务
busin.conducive to the promotion of business有助于促进业务
China, polit.creative endeavours conducive to the interests of the people有益于人民的创造性工作
fin.foster an institutional environment conducive to sound global economic development营造有利于全球经济健康发展的制度环境
econ.It would prove most conducive to your interest to charter a vessel in your port在贵港包租一条船对贵方非常有利
fin.maintain a policy framework conducive to fiscal sustainability保持有助于金融可持续性的发展政策架构
ceram.Porcelain, if maintained improperly, will be severely damaged, which is not conducive to long-term preservation瓷器如果保养不当,会受到严重损伤,不利于长久保存
commer.We believe that this arrangement will be conducive to our mutual benefit我方相信这一安排将对双方有利