
Terms for subject Dentistry containing conditions | all forms | exact matches only
How are your health conditions now?您现在身体状况如何? (Excellent, Average, Poor)
How is your general health condition at present?您现在身体状况如何?
How long have you had this condition?这种情况持续多长时间了?
I'll give you antibiotics, please take them, After getting a good condition, we will pull it out我给您开些抗生素,待炎症消退后,我们再拔牙
I'll take an X-ray to confirm the condition of your jaw bone我将给您的颌骨拍个 X 线片以了解颌骨内的情况
It takes much time to get comfortable condition after implant treatment种植治疗后需要一段时间才能达到舒适效果
Now, your tooth condition is in status of acute inflammation, so I won't pull it out您的牙齿在急性炎症期,所以我们不能拔除它
Probing the pockets is important to evaluate your periodontal condition牙周袋的探诊对评价您的牙周状况很重要
Since when have you had this condition?什么时候发现下颌有问题的?
What is the worst condition now?什么症状最严重?
When did you first notice such conditions?您第一次发现这种情况是什么时候?