
Terms for subject Textile industry containing conditions | all forms | exact matches only
ability to react to market conditions市场反应能力
abnormal condition异常状态
accept one's terms and conditions接受交易条款与条件
acceptability condition承受条件
acceptable terms and conditions可接受的条款与条件
acceptance condition接受承运等条件
acceptance condition验收合格条件
actual economic condition经济现状
actual economic condition实际经济状况
ambient condition大气条件
analysis of financial conditions财务状况分析
business condition商业状况
business condition analysis商情分析
business condition fluctuation商情波动
business condition research商情研究
business condition study商情研究
business condition survey商情调查
compacting drying condition致密干燥条件
condition for employment聘用条件
condition for transportation运输条件
condition of export出口情况
condition of finance财务状况
condition of financing筹资条件
condition of financing资金提供状况
condition of financing融资条件
condition of free entry自由进入条件
condition of import进口情况
condition of investment投资状况
condition of investment投资环境
condition of investment投资条件
condition of loading装货情况
condition of market市场环境
condition of market市场情况
condition of operation营运情况
condition of operation经营状况
condition of operation经营条件
condition of order订单情况
condition of order订货条件
condition of prerequisite事先履行条件
condition of prerequisite先决条件
condition of supply and demand供求情况
condition of trade交易条件
condition of trade贸易状况
conditions of service使用条件
current market condition目前行情
current market condition市场现况
delivered conditions交货状态
difference in condition policy条件差异保单
difference in conditions条件差异
end use condition使用条件
end use condition服用条件
execute contract conditions履行合同条件
favorable condition有利条件
fiscal condition财政状况
general conditions of delivery交货共同条件
general conditions of delivery一般交货条件
general conditions of sale一般销售条件
hygienic condition卫生条件
instep condition同步状态
international financial condition国际财务状况
international financial condition国际金融状况
in-use condition使用条件
knocked-down condition分运条件
knocked-down condition组装条款
lawful condition法定条件
local conditions当地交货条件
local conditions地方条件
long-run break-even conditions长期盈亏持平条件
mortgage condition抵押条件
non-forfeiture condition不能作废条件
non-forfeiture condition不能作废条款
normal operating conditions正常操作条件
owner's difference in conditions所有者根据不同条件补足保险
payment condition支付条件
pecuniary condition财政〔经济〕状况
pecuniary condition财政状况
pecuniary condition财经状况
precedent condition前提条件
precedent condition先决条件
rated conditions额定工况
salable condition畅销的条件
selling condition销售情况
selling condition出售条件
sewing condition缝纫条件
sewing condition缝制条件
socioeconomic condition社会经济状况
supplemental condition补充条件
supplemental condition附加条件
trade terms and conditions贸易条款与条件
wear-service condition服装穿着状况
weather condition气候条件
yield condition生产条件