
Terms for subject Economy containing concept of | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
concept of consumer demand消费者需求的概念
concept of consumer demands消费者需求的概念
concept of investment投秦的概念
concept of non-reciprocity非互惠概念
concept of physical product物资产品的概念
continuing concept of accounting会计的持续观念
cost flow concept of accounting成本流程观念的会计
deferred concept of income tax allocation分摊所得税的延期概念
materialistic concept of history唯物史观
net of tax concept of income tax allocation所得税分配中税后净额概念
tbe concept of compensating differentials补偿差异观念
the concept of present value of currency货币的现值观念
the materialistic concept of history唯物史观
the periodicity concept of accounting会计的时间观念
the periodicity concept of accounting周期观念会计
the veil-of-money concept货币面纱论
veil-of-money concept货币面纱论