
Terms for subject Drilling containing concentration | all forms | exact matches only
clay concentration黏土含量
concentration of stresses应力集中
critical salinity concentration临界盐浓度
critical salt concentration临界盐浓度
diamond concentration金刚石颗粒密集度
gas concentration in the mud钻井液中的含气量
50% lethal concentration半致死浓度
lethal concentration极限浓度
limit of concentration浓度极限
low solid concentration低固相含量
molal concentration重摩浓度
molal concentration重量摩尔浓度
molar concentration容摩浓度
molar concentration体积摩尔浓度/克分子浓度
solid concentration固相含量
stress concentration area in box母接头应力集中区
stress concentration area in pin公接头应力集中区