
Terms containing comptroller | all forms | exact matches only
econ.an assistant comptroller助理主计长
fin.assistant comptroller助理主计长
fin.assistant comptroller of the treasury国库副监督
econ.chief comptroller稽核长
fin.chief comptroller审计主任
fin.chief comptroller审计长
textilechief comptroller总稽核
textilechief comptroller主计长
textilechief comptroller主计主任
econ.chief comptroller会计长
org.name.Comptroller and Auditor General of India主计员和审计长印度
oilcomptroller and auditor general主计审计长
org.name.comptroller and auditor general主计长和审计长
busin.Comptroller and Auditor-General主计审计长
busin.comptroller general总会计师
fin.comptroller general主计长
fin.comptroller general审计长
busin.Comptroller General总稽核
econ.comptroller general首席核数师
busin.Comptroller General总审计长
busin.comptroller general主审计长
busin.comptroller general of economy经济总审计长
fin.comptroller of accounts审计长
manag.comptroller of currency通货监理官
fin., amer.comptroller of the currency美元总会计长
fin.comptroller of the treasury国库监督
fin.comptroller of the treasury会计检查官
busin.comptroller of the treasury国库监督
fin.deputy first comptroller第一副监督美国国库,
IMF.Office of the Comptroller of the Currency货币监理署
IMF.Office of the Comptroller of the Currency货币总监