
Terms for subject Bridge construction containing compression flange | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
area ratio of compression flange to gross section受压翼缘与毛截面的面积比
bending stress in compression flange压力翼缘中的弯曲应力
bottom compression flange箱梁压力翼缘
clear distance from neutral axis to compression flange中性轴至受压翼缘的净距
compression flange压力翼缘
compression flange受压翼缘
compression flange stiffened longitudinally纵向加劲的受压翼缘
compression flange stiffened transversely横向加劲的受压翼缘
compression flange width压翼缘宽度
compression flange width受压翼缘宽度
compression of upper flange上翼缘压力
lateral unsupported length of compression flange受压翼缘侧向自由长度
ratio of half of width of compression flange to thickness受压翼缘半宽与厚度之比
ratio of web area to compression flange area腹板面积与受压翼缘面积之比
stiffened compression flange加劲受压翼缘
transversely stiffened compression flange横向加劲压力翼缘
twice the distance from the neutral axis to the inside face of the compression flange中性轴至受压翼缘内侧的距离的两倍
unstiffened compression flange未加劲的受压翼缘