
Terms for subject Technology containing completed | all forms | exact matches only
acceptance of completed project竣工验收
accurate complete equipment精密成套设备
aggressive volume of completed investment累积完成投资额
amount of work completed完成工作量
as-completed drawing结算竣工 (setting the accounts)
as-completed drawing竣工图 (setting the accounts)
average empty wagon kilometers in one complete turn round of wagon空周转距离
average loaded wagon kilometers in one complete turnaround of wagon重周转距离
average time per complete turn-round of locomotive机车平均全周转时间
average wagon kilometers in one complete turnround of wagon货车全周转距离
bomb complete round完整炸弹
carry complete进位完毕
check and accept the completed capital construction project基本建设项目竣工验收
complete a business transaction交割
complete a contract合同执行完毕
complete a project完工
complete absorption完全吸收
complete acid/base composition完全酸碱成分
complete activated sludge oxidation process活性污泥完全氧化法
complete air changes全室换气次数
complete air exchange全部换气
complete alternation整人循环
complete alternation整周期
complete analysis整体分析
complete appliance整机
complete aquifuge隔水层完整
complete assemblage of element整体单元组分
complete assembly完成装配
complete athodyd冲压式空气喷气发动机
complete attenuation总衰减
complete audit全部审计
complete audit全面审计
complete austenitizing完全奥氏体化
complete automatic device全自动装置
complete automatization全自动化
complete bath设有浴盘,洗脸器,便器等设备的整套浴室
complete Baumbach corona完全鲍姆巴赫日冕
complete beta function完全贝塔函数
complete black body绝对黑体
complete black meal全黑生料
complete block fracture texture完整块裂体结构
complete Bouguer reduction完全布格改正
complete budgetary control全面预算控制
complete built unit整套制成单元
complete built-up整台
complete call完成调用
complete carry全进位
complete catalogue完整星表
complete cemented完全胶结的
complete certificate竣工说明书
complete chassis underframe总成的底盘架
complete chemical analysis完全化学分析
complete chemical analysis化学全分析
complete chill全白口
complete circuit全电路
complete circuit整圈
complete circuit闭〔通〕路
complete circuit整圈〔周〕
complete circuit闭合电路
complete closure全闭合
complete cold end line冷端全套生产线
complete color information彩色全信息
complete colour information彩色全信息
complete combination完全组合
complete combustion烧尽
complete compensatory pause完全代偿间歇
complete compression完全压缩
complete condenser全凝器
complete conductivity全导电性
complete consumption coefficient完全消耗系数
complete consumption coefficient of environment resources环境资源完全消耗系数
complete consumption coefficient of environmental resources环境资源完全消耗系数
complete consumption coefficient of water resources水资源完全消耗系数
complete contraction全约束
complete contraction orifice完全收缩孔 (口)
complete control完全控制
complete coolant equipment全套冷却设备
complete cost全部成本
complete cotton and blend spinning equipment成套棉与混纺纺纱设备
complete crown全冠
complete cutoff完全截水墙
complete cycle time全循环时间
complete date完成日期
complete decomposition完全分解
complete defoliation完全脱叶
complete defoliation全部脱叶
complete demand coefficient完全需要系数
complete detailed audit全部详细审核
complete determinate完全确定
complete diffusion全漫射光
complete directed diagram完全有向图
complete-directed graph完全有向图
complete disability完全丧失劳动力
complete discharge全部卸载
complete dislocation全脱位
complete diversion完全分水
complete double circulation完全双循环
complete drainage spring全排泄型泉
complete drilling crew成建制机台【岩】
complete drilling crew成建制钻机组
complete drilling date完工日期
complete dual monotonic完全对偶单调
complete dull date完钻日期
complete duration series全部延时序列 (洪水频率计算用)
complete eclipse完整食
complete enumeration全面调査
complete equilibrium完合平衡
complete equipment全套设备
complete equipment整套设备
complete equipment成套装置
complete equipment整套装置
complete equipment for cane sugar factory甘蔗糖厂成套设备
complete equipment for making bricks成套制砖设备
complete equipment for making wood screw木螺丝成套设备
complete equipment for manufacturing plywood胶合板成套设备
complete equipment for salt refining精制盐生立成套设备
complete equipment for shellac processing虫胶加工成套设备
complete equipment of chemical plant化工成套工厂
complete examination of water quality水质全分析
complete exchange完全交换
complete expansion完全膨胀
complete expansion cycle完全膨胀循环
complete-expansion diesel cycle布雷顿循环
complete exploration line总景勘探线
complete exponential model完全指数模型
complete failure完全故障
complete feed全料
complete fixture line整套卫生线路
complete flow of cash现金流转全过程
complete flow process整个流程
complete flowchart完整流程图
complete flowchart of soil classification土分类完整流程图
complete freezing完全冰冻
complete freezing冰封
complete Freund's adjuvant完全佐剂
complete function series完备函数序列
complete function series完全函数序列
complete fuse完全熔合
complete fusion完全熔化 (物)
complete fusion完全熔接
complete gas analyzer气体全分析仪
complete gasification完全汽化
complete gasification gas全气化煤气
complete glass fiber paper全玻纤纸
complete graph完备图
complete graph完整图
complete grouping完全编组
complete handling line全套搬运线
complete heat exchange完全热交换
complete hiding完全遮盖
complete hydraulic jump完全水跃
complete ice coverage完全冰封
complete ice coverage冰封
complete ice coverage封冻
complete in place就位定当
complete in place全部竣工
complete inductance全自感
complete induction数学归纳法
complete information完整的资料
complete innage全图
complete innage全像
complete inspection全部检查
complete instantaneous phase measurement瞬时完全相位测量
complete integral完全积分
complete integral完全原函数
complete interaction analysis整体相互作用分析
complete interchangeability完全互换
complete inventory全面盘存
complete isomeric change完全异构变化
complete isomorphism完全类质同象
complete joint penetration整个焊缝熔透
complete jute spinning equipment成套麻纺设备
complete knockdown export全拆散式输出
complete life table完全寿命表
complete lighting equipment全套照明设备
complete line整个流程
complete line整套线路
complete liquefaction完全液化
complete loop闭合导线【测】
complete lubrication完整油膜润滑
complete machine成套计算机
complete massive texture整体块状结构
complete matrix ring全矩阵环
complete miscibility无限溶解
complete miscibility完全溶合性
complete-mix air system完全混合空系统
complete-mix reactor完全混合反应器
complete mixing activated sludge process完全混合活性污泥法
complete mixing process完全混合
complete mixing system完全混合系统
complete modulation全调谐
complete modulation全调幅
complete modulation全调整
complete moment-resisting frame完全抗弯框架
complete motor type配带电机型号
complete nappe完整水舌
complete nitritation完全亚硝化
complete normed linear space巴拿赫空间
complete of order完全无序
complete oil analysis全油分析
complete oil solvent extraction system成套油脂浸出设备
complete operation完全操作
complete operation完整运算
complete operation完整运行
complete operation完全运算
complete orthogonal完全正交
complete orthogonal system完全正交系
complete orthonormal set完全正交规范集
complete overhaul全部拆卸检修
complete overhaul全部仔细检修
complete oxidation process完全氧化法
complete package完整组件
complete penetration全贯入
complete penetration完全焊透
complete penetration全熔透
complete penetration焊透
complete penetration butt weld贯穿对焊
complete penetration well完整井
complete piping system管系统
complete pivot全主元 (法)
complete pivoting全主元 (法)
complete plan全套设计图
complete plan完整的计划
complete plane strain完全平面应变
complete plant成套工厂
complete plants and equipment全套设备
complete plants for cultivation机耕成套设备
complete primitive function完全原函数
complete production coefficient of impurities污染物完全产生系数
complete production unit成套生产设备
complete program package全套程序组件
complete programme package全套程序组件
complete project management统筹规划管理法
complete proof map套印图样
complete purification完全净化
complete quadrangle完全四边形
Complete Quadratic Cube完全二次型方根法
complete quadrilateral完全四边形 (的)
complete radiator完全辐射体
complete randomized design完全随机设计
complete rarefaction wave全膨胀波
complete rationing system包干制
complete rationing system包工制
complete refrigerating equipment成套冷冻设备
complete remission完全缓解
complete resistance完全抗性
complete responsibility for profits利润包干
complete rest全休
complete end restraint完全固定 (的梁端)
complete end restraint完全约束 (的梁端)
complete retraction完全回缩
complete retraction完全退缩
complete revision全面修测
complete revolution周转
complete rotation周转
complete routine完整例行程序
complete running完整运行
complete schematic diagram线路
complete secondary sewage treatment污水完全二级处理
complete section全剖面
complete sectional view全断面图
complete separation完全分离
complete separation完全性断离
complete series完全系列
complete series完整系列
complete set全组
complete set全集完全系
complete set全系
complete set成套
complete set of整套的
complete set of control equipment成套控制设备
complete set of directions完全方向组
complete set of drawings成套图纸
complete set of economic structural reform配套的经济体制改革
complete set of equipment整套设备
complete set of files成套锉刀
complete set of needle file成套锉刀
complete set of rice milling equipment成套碾米设备
complete set of rolling mill成套轧钢设备
complete set of variance方差的完全组
complete set of wrench成套扳手
complete sets of anti-corrosive equipment成套防腐设备
complete sets of direct current equipment直流成套设备
complete sets of farm machine成套农机设备
complete sewage retention污水完全停留
complete shear crack完全切变裂缝
complete shell满充壳层
complete shut-down停机
complete shut-down全关
complete silk reeling equipment成套缫丝设备
complete silk weaving equipment成套丝织设备
complete sludge retention污泥完全停留
complete solid solution完全固溶体
complete solution全解
complete space完备空间
complete spread完整的管道施工队
complete stabilization完全稳定
complete state of stress in rock岩石内全应力状态
complete stop完全停车
complete stop完全停机
complete stop完全停止
complete storage system完备存储系统
complete stowage plan最终集装箱装载图
complete stress relief technique岩石的应力全部释放技术
complete structure model整体结构模型
complete superstructure全通船楼
complete survey全面调查
complete survey完整检验
complete survey全面检验
complete survey of the well钻孔全测
complete synchrone全等时线
complete synchronism完全同步
complete system完整设备
complete system配套系统
complete tempering完全退火
complete test完全试验
complete test全面试验
complete test竣工试验
complete texture整体结构
complete tillage全套耕
complete time of oscillation振荡周期
complete time of vibration振动周期
complete titration curve完全滴定曲线
complete tool equipment全套工具装备
complete towel making equipment成套毛巾设备
complete transduction完全转导
complete treatment全面处理
complete treatment of sewage污水全部处理
complete treatment of sewage污水完全处理 (包括初级和二级处理)
complete treatment of sewage污水深度处理
complete treatment plant完全处理装置
complete treatment system完全处理系统
complete trial完全试验
complete turbulence完全紊动
complete turbulence完全紊流
complete unification algorithm完全一致算法
complete unit全套机组
complete unit全套装置
complete veneer全覆盖
complete verification全部审査
complete water analysis水样全指标分析
complete water analysis完全水分析
complete water analysis全分析
complete water analysis全量水分析
complete water quality analysis水质全分析
complete water reuse水完全回用
complete wood working machinery成套木材加工机械
complete works全集
completed amount完成工作量
completed amount完成工程量
completed circuit整圈
completed circuit通〔闭〕路
completed circuit闭〔通〕路
completed construction完工建筑
completed contract method全部完工毛利计算法
completed contract method of revenue recognition营业收入的履约确定法
completed gasification gas全气化煤气
completed layout整套的工厂布置图
completed length出厂 〔制造〕长度
completed operation insurance完成施工保险
completed operation insurance完满运行保险
completed order完成订货
completed order已完成订单
completed project竣工工程
completed project竣工项目
completed project全部竣工项目
completed project完成项目
completed quantities完成工程量
completed ship完工船
completed transaction已完成会计事项
completed well完成的井
completed work amount已完成工作量
completed work order竣工工作通知
cost of completed works完工工程成本
cylinder complete汽缸全套
cylinder complete unit汽缸全套
date of complete of discharging卸空日期
dually completed well双层完成井
duration of locomotive complete turn-round机车全周转时间
earliest complete freezing最早封冻日
estimated complete date预计完工日期
exchange of complete units成套机组交换
execute, complete and remedy defects施工、完工和修补缺陷
failure to complete required paper work没有完成必要的凭证手续
final account for completed project竣工结算
floor space completed竣工面积
form a complete production network配套生产
form a complete set of配套组合
Freund's complete adjuvant完全弗罗因德佐剂
front-wheel house complete panel前轮罩板总成
full and complete cargo满舱满载货物
full and complete cargo满载货物
game with complete information全信息对策
horizontal shaft complete横轴总成
import of complete machines整机进口
income from completed contract已完工合约的收益
instantaneous complete rejection of load瞬时全部弃荷
latest complete freezing最晚封冻日
logically complete逻辑完全性
manufacture complete sets of equipment locally就地生产
marine complete product船舶成套产品
minimal complete class极小完全类
minimal complete class最小完备类
model complete模型完全性
more complete较完整
new-building completed新完工建筑物
order-complete set有序完备集
orthogonal complete reducibility正交完全可约性
partially completed tree部分完全树
period of complete rotation满转周期
period of complete turnover of locomotive机车全周转时间
planned cost of work completed完成工作计划成本
platform based container open sided with complete super structure带有完整上部结构的尚侧台架式集装箱
projectively complete射影完全的
projects completed已完工程
projects of complete plants成套工程
providing a complete set of services提供成套服务
quasi-complete locally convex space拟完备局部凸空间
quasi-complete space拟完备空间
quiesce-completed indicator静止完成指示器
randomized complete-block design随机化完全区组设计
rate of floor space completed房屋建筑面积竣工率
right-hand complete residue system右方完全剩余系
self-contained complete配套的
sequentially complete space序列完备空间
side delivery complete beet harvester侧卸式甜菜联合收获机
structurally complete positive sample set结构完整的正样本集
subsea completed well海底完井
sup complete上半完备的
super-complete well超完善井
supply range of complete set成套供应范围
survey not complete检验不全
tariff of complete railway vehicle铁路整车运价
the complete sets of equipment成套装置
theoretically complete combustion理论完全燃烧
time of one complete oscillation全波周期
to provide a complete set of services提供成套服务
typical complete equipment定型的整套装置
uppermost complete deck最上全通甲板
very complete极完整
wagon loadings not completed in monthly transport plan落空车数
well of complete penetration完整井
years of schooling completed学习年数